the princess spy by melanie dickerson

Whoooaaa, baby, this was good. I can say one thing for sure: I’ve never been disappointed with Melanie Dickerson’s books. They’re action-packed and exciting, and I look forward to every one. The Princess Spy was no different. I found it at my Christian Family Book store for $10, and was so excited because it was the only copy they had! I now have the whole series!


Click here to see what it’s all about! When I first started this book, I thought it was a little bit slow. Princess Margaretha had this mysterious suitor trying to woe her, and I knew next to nothing about him. (Although the descriptions of his silly hats and clothes were very funny to imagine!) Then Colin, an injured foreigner appeared, and suddenly I was flipping every page!

I finished the book late at night (my mom said, “Finish one chapter and then turn out the light.” Needless to say, I was not a pleasure to eat breakfast with in the morning.) But every time I flipped the page, I just had to know what was going to happen! One thing I will say about the book is that it’s a medieval-time fairy tale, and the plot line is an evil, unwanted suitor to the princess, is trying to take over the kingdom. (Killing the king.) There is some violence {mentioned}, such as stepping over bodies, the guard went to “take care of” Claybrook’s men, etc., but other than that, I loved the book!


I really love that although Melanie Dickerson’s books are romantic and sweet, they always portray strong, confident young women finding their own worth and knowing that they don’t need a knight in shining armor or anyone to make them feel confident or beautiful. At the same time, they’re romantic fairy tales and I love to follow the characters as they fall for their prince or princess.

Overall, I truly LOVED this book, and totally see myself reading it again.

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That’s a total of four stars!

Have any of you read The Princess Spy, or any of Melanie Dickerson’s books? What was your impression? =)

xx, Emily

12 thoughts on “the princess spy by melanie dickerson”

  1. All of Melanie Dickerson’s books sound amazing, and especially The Princess Spy. I love books with strong, proactive female characters that can fend for themselves. Also, I don’t really mind if there’s a little violence in a book because that doesn’t bother me too much. The only thing that really bothers me is unclean romantical content.

  2. I really want to read some of melanies books. I have banned myself from buying anymore books though until I finish reading some of the books i either got for christmas or got a while ago. I read the selectioj series and it was pretty good. Did you know that there is going to be another book? Its not about america but its going to be about her daughter. The only thing I didnt really like about the series is that every book they went through the same problems( the love triangle) and some of the romantic content( some of it was a. Little unclean). Other than that I liked the series. I don’t mind some violence just as long as its not very very detailed. If it is detailed it gets gross. Did you ever get that link for a blog a gave you in the comments? If not I can send you it again. I like your new theme. I like poka dots. No news on wether I can have a blog or not, but one of my brothers, his wife, and my neice were visiting so we have been busy. I’ll tell you if I learn anything.

    1. Yes, I did know there was going to be another book! I’m super-duper excited! It comes out in May. I agree – at some points in the book, I skipped over certain parts to get to the good stuff, like Marlee or if the rebels were going to attack again. I never looked! I need to go and see that. Sometimes I just get caught up in answering the comments and in my dashboard (where I can see all the comments together), they get so piled up. I don’t like detailed violence either. I do not do blood, or slaughtering, or anything like that… no, thank you. Thanks! Who knows when I’m going to change it again. I can never make up my mind. πŸ˜› I am the polka dot queen though (half of my clothes are polka dots and the other half is stripes), so I like it. Great! Please keep me updated πŸ™‚

      1. Wait, scratch that! I just looked at the link and realized I had looked at it before I just forgot to tell you! πŸ˜› sorry! I love her website! Her clothes are gorgeous.

  3. I’ve read a couple of her earlier books. I liked them, but I didn’t love them.
    There have been so many good reviews about this book out there, though! I really need to get ahold of it soon. πŸ™‚

  4. That series looks really great! I love romantic books…and princesses…and handsome princes… πŸ˜‰ This is definitely right up my alley!

  5. I looove The Princess Spy and all of Melanie’s books I’ve read so far! πŸ˜€ That’s so awesome you have them all!!! ^_^ I still need to read Healer’s Apprentice (which I have! Yay!) and Merchant’s Daughter (which I do not have. :P). I can’t wait! πŸ˜€

    Awesome review! ^_^

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