Tag Archives: melanie

the princess spy by melanie dickerson

Whoooaaa, baby, this was good. I can say one thing for sure: I’ve never been disappointed with Melanie Dickerson’s books. They’re action-packed and exciting, and I look forward to every one. The Princess Spy was no different. I found it at my Christian Family Book store for $10, and was so excited because it was the only copy they had! I now have the whole series!


Click here to see what it’s all about! When I first started this book, I thought it was a little bit slow. Princess Margaretha had this mysterious suitor trying to woe her, and I knew next to nothing about him. (Although the descriptions of his silly hats and clothes were very funny to imagine!) Then Colin, an injured foreigner appeared, and suddenly I was flipping every page!

I finished the book late at night (my mom said, “Finish one chapter and then turn out the light.” Needless to say, I was not a pleasure to eat breakfast with in the morning.) But every time I flipped the page, I just had to know what was going to happen! One thing I will say about the book is that it’s a medieval-time fairy tale, and the plot line is an evil, unwanted suitor to the princess, is trying to take over the kingdom. (Killing the king.) There is some violence {mentioned}, such as stepping over bodies, the guard went to “take care of” Claybrook’s men, etc., but other than that, I loved the book!


I really love that although Melanie Dickerson’s books are romantic and sweet, they always portray strong, confident young women finding their own worth and knowing that they don’t need a knight in shining armor or anyone to make them feel confident or beautiful. At the same time, they’re romantic fairy tales and I love to follow the characters as they fall for their prince or princess.

Overall, I truly LOVED this book, and totally see myself reading it again.

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That’s a total of four stars!

Have any of you read The Princess Spy, or any of Melanie Dickerson’s books? What was your impression? =)

xx, Emily