things that make me happy

Lately, I’ve really been into making lists, so today I made a list of little things that make me happy. They may not seem like much, but I think it’s fun to sit down and think of things that make me smile!

  1. Being close to my mom and dad
  2. Wonderstruck Enchanted (my favorite perfume! It’s by Taylor Swift.)
  3. Sniffing books
  4. Soft pretzels, apple pie, and pizza
  5. New shoes
  6. Falling asleep quickly
  7. Waking up early
  8. Wearing contacts
  9. My 2nd earring piercing (just above the first one… that’s all the piercings for me, though, haha!)
  10. The smell of my sister’s hair… πŸ˜‰
  11. My bedroom
  12. Petting Mittens and Maisy, my cats
  13. Stretchy jeans and sweatshirts
  14. Twirly skirts
  15. Trying on heels at stores even though a) I’m not allowed to wear them and b) I wouldn’t anyway because I’d feel waaaayyy too tall!)
  16. When someone compliments my hair (because I spent a lot of time trying to make it not so frizzy!)
  17. Drinking milk through a straw
  18. Being barefoot in grass (NOT dirt)
  19. My iPhone (not gonna lie, it brings me happiness.)
  20. Connecting my letters when I write
  21. Swinging really high on swing sets
  22. Going to the fair
  23. Clear skin
  24. Driving down beautiful, picturesque roads
  25. Thinking in 3rd person
  26. Hearing a song I like on the radio or in a store
  27. Writing letters to my favorite authors
  28. Brand new journals
  29. Learning Β Mastering a new hair style
  30. Reading good quotes
  31. Taking pictures of my cats
  32. Staying up late talking with my friends at sleepovers
  33. SOMETIMES, cleaning.
  34. Finding cool stuff in the dollar section at Target
  35. My dad’s whiskers tickling me when he gives me a kiss
  36. The smell of my mom
  37. Looking through baby albums
  38. Anything pink
  39. Proverbs 24
  40. The good feeling I get when I have money in my wallet (it never lasts long.)
  41. Cheesy jokes
  42. Rainy afternoons

That’s all for now, although I’m sure I can think of more! What’s on your happy list? πŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “things that make me happy”

  1. Most of these make me happy too( except for pink, twirly skirts, 2nd ear piercing I don’t have one, and trying on heels). We are pretty similar :). We could be great friends :). A few that are not on your list that make me happy are:
    Playing sports with friends. Especailly soccer
    Finishing a project
    Reading books and getting new ones
    Talking to my cousin( in text or in person)
    Joking around with friends or siblings
    Lol. I love your posts emily. I am going to ask my mom if I can email you soon. I have been busy( reading). Lol.

    1. I just started to look at this website recommended by my cousin Brooke who just recently commented above:)
      I’m more or a dog person so my dogs make me happy but I like pretty much all animals
      Basketball and sports make me happy
      But, anyway I like your blog and you seem like a really nice person:)

      1. Welcome to my blog! πŸ˜‰
        I like dogs, too, but I’m more of a cat prson. My family used to have a dog, but he died about two years ago. πŸ™
        Thank you so much! I hope you stop by again soon.

    2. I know we would! I always love reading your comments! πŸ™‚
      I love your list! Eating, joking around, finishing a project, talking to my cousin, reading… they’re all on my list, too!
      That’s great. I hope you can.
      Lol, me too!! My mom won’t buy me any books because I always finish them in a day. I’m going to post another review on Wednesday, I think.

      1. Lol. It would be so cool if we met in real life. Maybe sometime in the future…..
        Lol. Its basically what I do. Read, eat, talk to my cousin, and joke around!
        Cool. I can’t wait. When ever I get a book and tell my mom I finished it( usually the same day or the day after) she always exclaimes. And says I don’t know why you don’t take your time and enjoy the books, and I respond I did enjoy it!
        I dont know if you noticed but my cousin wrote a.comment above.

          1. It would be pretty neat!
            That’s exactly what my mom says!! Lol!
            I saw your cousin commented. Thanks for telling her about my blog!!
            The Starbucks secret menu is basically a menu made up by people who go to Starbucks. They figure out which flavorings make something taste good, and they make up their own recipe. Some Starbucks employees memorize the recipes and know how to make them, and some don’t. I’ve been to some who will make one if you tell them what you want, but sometimes you have to show them the recipe. It’s all on

  2. Emily, we could be twins. I pretty much have everything on my list, except I don’t have a second ear piercing, two cats, or a sister. I’m also a singer, dancer, and swimmer, so I live doing all of that. Of course, who could forget about reading! I swear, I would probably die if reading and books weren’t invented.

    1. I bet we could! It would be so cool to meet everyone who comments on my blog. We’d be the best of friends.
      OMG, if books didn’t exist… that’s something I do NOT want to imagine. πŸ™‚

  3. Wonderful list, Emily! I love so many of the things on here including, soft pretzels, apple pie, and pizza (but really just food in general), twirly skirts, being barefoot in grass, brand new journals, looking through baby albums and everything pink. I do not like waking up early, though. Nope. School ruined that for me.

    1. Hahaha, YES FOOD. Quite frankly, my dear, I LOVE EATING. πŸ™‚
      Lol. Sometimes I don’t like waking up early, but most of the time I love it. I like having the whole house quiet while my family’s still asleep. but sometimes if I don’t want to do something I have to do, I just want to sink into the mattress, ha! πŸ˜‰

  4. Sweet list!!! We have things in common too! Like numbers, – 1, 4, 6, 11, 22, 23, 36!! Some of the things that make me smile are
    ~ Being barefoot in the grass and sidewalk
    ~ laughing with my sister
    ~ The mall πŸ˜‰
    ~ New clothes
    ~ Talking to people
    ~ wild rides
    ~ Blogging
    ~ Designing (rooms, clothes, websites, ect.)
    ~ MDBC everything!! (Fanfiction, books, ect.)
    ~ writing easily without writers block getting in the way!!
    ~ Family get together’s

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