the name game & social media book tags

Most of you know how much I love doing tags. (And if you didn’t know that, now you do!) I love getting tagged, and they’re my favorite posts to read on other people’s blogs. Recently, I was tagged by Madi to do the name game book tag and Daisy to do the social media book tag, so I thought, “Why not do both at once?” Twice the fun, right?? Thank you so much, Madison and Daisy, for tagging me! I got both in my email at the same time and it made me day! 🙂


the name game book tag

The rules of this tag are simple: for each letter of your name, recommend a favorite book that starts with that letter. It looks pretty cool, but I have no clue what I’m going to do for E or Y… or I!

E: Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass. Well, that just popped into my brain! Not as hard as I thought! I read this in fourth or fifth grade. I was a HUGE Wendy Mass fan back in the day! Her switching perspectives are the bomb, and this one is particularly hilarious.

M: Matched by Allie Condie. Stealing this one from Madison’s tag! She’s the one who got me to read this book, and I can’t wait to see how I like the next two books in the trilogy. I love talking about it with her, though we’ll have to agree to disagree on who Cassia is supposed to be matched with, haha! *swoon*

I: Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words by Rachel Coker. Can we just take a few years to recognize the AWESOMENESS that is this book?! It is by far one of my favorite, favorite books of ever. It’s a WWII love story/Christian fiction/girl-becomes-Christian book… it’s just sooo good, alright?


L: Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. Stargirl and Love, Stargirl are both under appreciated books by Jerry Spinelli, and I loved them both! I have to admit, though, I much preferred Love, Stargirl – even though it’s the sequel, which is rare for me.

Y: I DON’T KNOW I CANNOT find a book for this one!! Any ideas?

Thanks again, Madison! This was a lot of fun. Except for Y. That one is super hard.

the social media book tag

This is a pretty self-explanatory one, so I’m just going to delve right in.

Twitter: Your favorite short book. I’m copying Daisy over here by picking the first book in the Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace. It’s when the main characters are five, so it’s an easy one!

Facebook: A book everyone pressured you into reading. I’m going to go with… Cinder by Marissa Meyer. At the time I’m writing this, I HAVEN’T read it yet, but everyone I talk to who has read it loves it and they’re practically at my feet begging me to read it! So I shall!

Tumblr: A book you read before it was cool. Hm. I’m going to have to think about this one. I read a lot of less popular books, but I can’t really think of one I read before it became popular. Maybe… The Book Thief by Markus Zusak? I read it a good while before the movie was even announced, but I don’t know.

MySpace: A book you can’t remember if you liked or not. This is a tough one. I have an elephant’s memory. Really – even without book reviews, I remember nearly every book I read. I’m going to tweak this one and make it “A book you don’t know why you liked.” Lol! Annnd I’m going to say The Gossip File by Anna Staniszewski. I reviewed it last February and gave it three stars… but still… I don’t remember it even being that good.

Instagram: A book so beautiful you had to Instagram it. A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd! I’m reading it right now and I think I may just marry this cover. I love it so much!

YouTube: A book you wish could be turned into a movie. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein OR The Selection by Kiera Cass OR The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer Nielsen! The last two are currently being considered for movies and you have NO idea how excited I am!

Skype: A book with characters you wish you could talk to, not just read about. Are you kidding me?! Is this even a question?? I would love to this with all the books I read. BUT if I had to choose just one… I would probably go with either The Mother-Daughter Book Club series by Heather Vogel Frederick (because Emma Hawthorne and I are one-in-the-same) or The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen *spoiler alert!* (because I’m secretly dating Jaron and I need to talk to my boyfriend, duh.) *end of spoiler!*

Goodreads: A book you recommend to everyone. The Book Thief. Code Name Verity. The Ascendance Trilogy. The Selection series. All of Ann M. Martin’s books. All of Rachel Coker’s books.

who do i tag?

YOU! You’re it! If you decide to do either one of these tags (or both!) let me know in the comments. I can’t wait to see your posts, everyone!



10 thoughts on “the name game & social media book tags”

  1. Both or these tags look like fun! But then again all tags look fun. You must read Cinder! It is amazing! AMAZING! I do not feel bad about presuring you to read it. Trust me you’ll love it. And if you don’t live it I may have to disown you( just kidding…… maybe…. ;p. ).
    Anyways I better start to get ready I’m trying to get started early today so I can finish early, finish the book I’m rereading, and then start my next book(most likely Matched).

    1. Haha. Yeah. I LOVE doing tags – they’re all great.
      I KNOW I MUST. As soon as I get home, it will be on the top of my to-be-read list; although I may want to already have the others on hold at the library ready to get after Cinder, am I right? 😀
      YAYYY MATCHED. Ugh that reminds me I need to write some reviews. So behind. I have like 5 to do. >_<

  2. The Year of Goodbyes could be for the letter Y. It’s by Debbie Levy and its really short like 90 pages and its written in poem style based on realy events of her mother’s life during WW2

  3. lol Awesome tags Emily! It’s fine…if you think Cassia should have (insert you-know-who) Then I can have You-know-who…..:D Then we’re both happy 😉 Haha!
    And the Ascendance Trilogy needs to be a movie RIGHT NOW. And hey, hands off of Jaron! *Snickers*

    1. Thankkssss, Madi!
      Yep! You-know-who is mine and you-know-who is yours.
      Hahahahahahahaha no. Sorry to you and sorry to Imogen, but um… no. Especially if they make a movie and have a really cute actor as him. Then HANDS OFF MISSY. 🙂

  4. OH. MY. GOSH. I is now my favorite letter. (The grammar Nazi inside of me just cringed starting a sentence with “I is…”) Anyway, Interrupted: A Life Beyond Words sounds AWESOME!! World War Two is my most favorite time of history ever, and I’ve yet to try any Christian fiction! I am off to the library now even though it’s closed.

    1. YAY!! I’m so glad you’re planning on reading it. The end of the book is where WWII really ties in. It’s my favorite era to learn about, too! Haha. Great. Can’t wait to hear what you think! 😀

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