the liebster award III

I love reading posts like these, wherein I get to learn more about the blogger, and though I’ve done a few Liebster Award posts (as you can tell from the title) before… I still enjoy writing them! (Check out my other awards here and here.) It’s been about a year since my last Liebster awards, so it might be interesting to have a peek at those.

Miss Katie Grace at A Writer’s Faith was sweet enough to nominate me, so thank you, Katie!

Alrighty, now, first up are the rules.

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. (Check)
  2. Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
  4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees!

Let’s get into Katie’s questions!

1.) Why do you write?
Why do I write? That’s a question? Well, okay, then. I write so… I won’t go insane. I write because I get bored. Because it’s the only thing I’m 59.89% sure I’m good at. Because it’s fun making up characters. Because- I shouldn’t have to go on. I love it. There. That’s why.

2.) If any fictional character could be your best friend, who would it be?
Ella of Frell (from Gail Carson Levine’s Ella Enchanted), or America Singer (oops wrong last name), (from Kiera Cass’ The Selection series.) They’re both headstrong and determined, and that’s something I could use more of sometimes. Plus their books are awesome, and both fairy-tale/love story/kingdom/type books (which I love live for.)

3.) What’s one really weird dream you’ve had?
Hahaha. ONE?! Really?? Well, I remember two years ago dreaming my great-grandma was wearing star-shaped sunglasses, and so I took the sunglasses off of her and all of a sudden she turned into some sort of a monster with sharp teeth. No, SERIOUSLY! I thought I was going to die. I just about had an accident in my sleep! Anyway, that’s not really a weird dream. That’s just freaky. But it’s the only one I can think of, so.

4.) If you found a portal that could transport you to any fictional world of your choice, where would you go?
Concord, Massachusetts (which ISN’T fictional), where the Mother/Daughter Book Club is (which IS fictional, much to my dismay.) I love Heather Vogel Frederick’s books and can’t wait to read the upcoming seventh book. (Or eighth? I can’t remember.) I’ve grown up on the books the past three or four years, and it’s just… aggh. They’re like my second home. I definitely wouldn’t mind living in that fictional world!

5.) Paperback or Kindle? Why?
Paperback: so I can smell the pages and flip them and feel the book in my hands and really see better how far in I am. And I don’t have to worry about the battery dying. Kindle: because I can read anywhere, even in the dark, it turns off for me, I can highlight and look up words by tapping on them, and if my hands are damp, I don’t have to worry about that weird texture feeling when I flip a page with shriveled-up fingers. (I’m a very tactile person. One reason I don’t eat grapes, or peaches.) I’ve got a post about this coming up. Keep your eyes peeled for that!

6.) What’s one post you’ve written that you’re most proud of?
One post. That’s tough. Probably my bookish pet peeves, part one and two. (And several upcoming posts I’m excited for.)

7.) What’s an interesting quirk that you have?
Well, you already know about my tactile thing, so there’s that. Um… my hair can often times look like I put my finger in an electric socket. Now that I’ve cut it short, it’s a lot curlier than it was long, but you do not need, or want, to see my hair on the weekends when I’m at home with my family. I don’t bother it, and it doesn’t bother me. (Again, scratch that, because it bothers the heck out of me.) It’s a sight for sore eyes.

8.) Can you share a picture of your bookshelf? (More commonly known as: a #shelfie.)
Yes! Here it is! All my BFF’s. I just love doin’ life with my besties. (hahahaha.) I wanted to get the whole thing in there, so you also get a peek into my bedroom. (Oh – and when you spot the American Girl dolls…) (and the Animator’s Collection Anna doll…) 😉


9.) What are three things on your bucketlist? Or do you even have a bucketlist?

Of COURSE I have a bucket list. And the same thing’s on them as it was a year ago: visit Bath, England. (And also Germany, because my ancestors’ castles are still there from the 1500’s), graduate high school a year early (maybe? possibly? we’ll see. I do have high school math credits right now, soooo. Let’s see if I can get through geometry.) But more or less, that one isn’t my biggest priority. (My biggest priority right now is to make it out of algebra alive. Good thing I’m home-schooled, so I can go at my own pace!) I want to open a bookstore one day. Yeah. As much as I want to be an author, if that were to never happen (and I reallyreallyreally hope it does), I’d want to have my own bookstore, and do something concerning books. They’re my life, and I’d like to make them my career, too. 😉

10.) How old were you when you started writing?
Six or seven. It all started with a story about talking cars. I never wrote another story about talking objects (or machines, or vehicles), but it made me realize I was good at writing, and I loved it. After that came fairy-tale stories (including a Sleeping Beauty re-telling about a girl who gets stuck on a piece of gum when she turns ten) and now… mostly contemporary and fairy-tales.

11.) Share the last sentence of your WIP with us!
(By the way, WIP stands for Work-In-Progress.) Here I go…

“I want that.”

Yep. My character’s a go-getter. Okay, I’ll pick another one.

I nodded, trying to lose my own sarcastic tone of voice. “I’ll see you around.”

There’s that. I’m a little private about my writing, but maybe I’ll share some more stories with you sometime!

Thanks so much, Katie, for those awesome questions! Nominees: are you ready for your questions? (Oh, wait, you don’t who the nominees are yet! Oh well. I like keeping you in the dark.)

  1. When did you start your blog?
  2. Do you have a favorite quote?
  3. Think fast: your house is burning down and you can only save one book from you shelf. Which one?
  4. Chocolate or sweet/fruity candy?
  5. Do you have any pets, or do you want any? (Pictures, please!)
  6. What does your handwriting look like? (Pictures again.)
  7. What do you like to do in your free time, aside from reading and blogging?
  8. Do you tell people in real life about your blog? Their reactions? 😉
  9. What is your main source for books? (Library, book store, Kindle?)
  10. Guesstimate – how many books do you own? (Unless answering this question would take hours!)
  11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

And the nominees are… (cue the drum roll…)

Samantha // Bella // Trisha // Daisy // Jillian // Audrey // Christina // Ana // Lindsey // Hayden // Hayden Beth

This was so much fun to write! I hope that all of you nominees can participate, but of course it’s up to you. 🙂

Just to give you all a heads-up, I’ll be going to summer camp Monday, and then straight after, headed to Rachel Coker’s Dream Factory Workshop. (!!!!!) So, that means I won’t be back until the 21st, so no posts until the 22nd. Don’t worry, though – I’ll be back and better than ever, with lots of pictures for you on the 24th!




18 thoughts on “the liebster award III”

  1. This post was pretty awesome.
    Gasp! I don’t know how I’ll survive until the 24th! I’ll go crazy with no posts from you. I’ll probably end up texting, emailing, and writing letters to you like crazy.
    Gosh I love summer. I can do what I want most of the time(there’s still a few things I need to do for school). I work really hard during school year ( I care about grades and the such) so I need the break.

    1. Hahaha! I’m glad to hear you’ll miss my posts. Lucky for you, I’ll be texting you pictures alllll week. Don’t you worry. 😀
      Same here. Autumn in my favorite season, but something about summer… and all things hot…. oh yeah, and NO SCHOOL. That’s nice!

    1. I have Felicity and Molly, Chrissa (girl of the year 2009), and a me doll, Emma (who had braces and glasses along with me!) 😉 Okay! Going to comment now. 😀

    1. YES! YESYESYES. Gotta love that. So does this mean there will be extra posts on Forever Trisha…? (hint hint) 😉
      Can’t wait to see your tag!

  2. Thanks for tagging me! Those are such fun questions!!! Summer is FINALLY here! I think I like winter and fall best but then again, are so many FUN things about summer!!! I’ve gotten to swim in my pool 3 times already and there’s so many more to come!! Have fun at summer camp!! I used to go every day for 2 and a half months every summer for the past 2 years, I made so many great friends, although there was a lot more drama than there needed to be. (boy drama…ick.) But I hope you have a fun time and make LOADS of friends! Bring us back lots of pictures!!

    1. I’ve gotten to swim several times, too! So, so much fun!
      Wow. Two and a half months is a long time. I only go for a week. XD Lol… there’s some at my summer camp, even for just a week. Don’t you hate that stuff?
      I DEFINITELY will have loads of pictures. You have no idea! 😉

  3. Hi Emily! You don’t know me, but I wanted to pop in and say hi because I’ll be going to the DFW with Rachel as well! I will look forward to seeing you there!
    P.S. I think you’ll really love Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson. I’m a little b0ok-obsessed too, and this is one of my favorites!

    1. Hi, Hosanna! Ohmigosh, I can’t wait to meet you! I’ve already stalked some of the other girls… 😉
      Oh, and I’ve read Hattie Big Sky! And the sequel. I read it about two years ago, so I don’t remember much. I just remember loving them. I ought to re-read them! Thanks for commenting. 🙂

      1. I am super excited! And yay, I’m glad you read those! I’m due for a re-read as well. 🙂 Ok, how about The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt?

        1. Man! I really wish I could say I have read that one. I’ve had my eye on it forever. Hm… what about… Counting by 7’s by Holly Goldberg Sloan? Or… Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor?

          1. The Wednesday Wars is a must read! I have read Waiting for Normal, but not Counting by 7s. That’s going on my reading list! How about The Book Thief? Or The Giver?

          2. Okay, adding it to my mental-to-be-read-list. 🙂
            Yes, and yes! Two of my all-time favorites. I’ve been meaning to read the next three books in The Giver quartet. Have you read all of those books?
            By any chance have you read any Ann M. Martin books? I LOVE The Family Tree series. And all of Miss Martin’s books, really.

          3. Yes, have read all of them! Unlike the pattern of many series, they were all wonderful! The Giver remains my favorite though. 🙂 And yes, I read all the Main Street books, The Doll People, and one more I can’t remember the title of. What about The Starplace or Searching for David’s Heart? The latter is another of my favorite-favorites.

  4. I’m like you in that I can’t really describe why I write. I just love it and I always love it, and that is it. I could ramble on and on about why I love writing, but it would turn into a neverending list of disorganized reasons, that, when boiled down, really just come down to the fact that I love everything about writing. You also sound kind of like my friend because she wants to both open a bookstore and be a novelist when she grows up. I’ve basically been forcing her to promise that her bookstore will be really cozy and cute and rustic. 🙂 Have fun at the Dream Factory Workshop!

  5. Aw thanks so much for tagging me Emily! I’ll do this soon if I have the time 🙂 I love paperbacks so much more than Kindle, but Kindles are more convenient especially when I’m on vacation. And like you mentioned, you can read in the dark with them. But I still love smelling paperbacks. Not even a Kindle can beat a paperback’s awesomeness :> Your dream is so funny, but yeah terrifying! Last night I dreamt that I finally received my very first ARC from a publisher, so when I woke up I decided to look for that ARC only to realize that it was just a dream 🙁 Yes that was sad. Because I was so excited, lol.

    Awesome post! I love reading your answers!

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