take a peek inside my notebooks

Over the past year or so, I’ve used two notebooks for all sorts of inspiring things – quotes, pictures, lists. Anything that sparks my mind. (Including doodles of Despicable Me minions. So not always writing-inspired, but hey, it’s got my mind going.) 😉 Upon finishing my second one today, I’ve realized that I never want to be without one as long as I live. In fact, I don’t even know why I never had a randomness-inspiring-thoughts-no-nonsense-journal before then.

I keep two notebooks that I’m always writing in: one that I write things going on in my life. (Aka my diary, which isn’t as secretive as the stereo-typical teenage girl would keep hers, under lock and key. So… I don’t like to call it my “diary,” since it’s sort of a “stereo-typical” word, but that’s basically what is.) I’ve been writing in that one for two and a half years. I was in fifth grade when I started it, and that was a tough year, so I’m glad that I did write down what I was feeling. It’s definitely something to look at my past entries. But I won’t be sharing those today. Maybe in a few more years… or ten…!

an entry on Oct. 4, 2012…

I definitely recommend keeping a journal like that, even if you write a few sentences like “Went to the movies today with my friends” or “Rainy summer day… ahhh.” I will admit I turn to my journal more when I’m going through something really emotional. In fact, some of my entries are just scribbles on the page from when I was angry. (Getting grounded, my sister being annoying, friendship issues. You get the picture.) But it’s still okay, because it’s a safe place to reflect and writing has always been an outlet for me to do just that.

The other notebook that I keep is my “writer’s notebook.” Now, I first decided to start a writer’s notebook when I read the book A Writer’s Notebook by Ralph Fletcher, meant for kids, and it tells you and gives you all sorts of ideas of what to write in your notebook. It talks about what a writer’s notebook is, and has some fantastic ideas. Some of the chapter titles are “Memories” or “Writing Small,” “Lists,” and “Writing about Writing.” It’s a really great book! I had no clue where to start, and it got me going.

a list of things I'm grateful for.
a list of things I’m grateful for.

Now, I like to call my writer’s notebook my “Offline Pinterest,” because even when I can’t think of anything to jot down in it, looking at old entries inspire me.

I’ve written quotes…

Audrey Hepburn, Markus Zusak, and Taylor Swift quotes I wrote down on Feb. 8, 2014

and pictures…


and pictures of my characters! (You’ll recognize some from my Pinterest boards.)

one of my main characters, “Rowan Markley.” I’m in love with her name!

and, like I said, I’ve drawn minions. (Hawaiian minions, to be exact.)

I drew this in April. Isn’t he cute?! My next goal is to draw a one-eyed minion. I just need to nail the overalls… hula skirts are easier. 😉


do you keep journals? writer’s notebook? “diary?” what do you keep in them? i’d love to hear your thoughts!


P.S. I apologize for not answering questions the past few days, and in advance, since the next two weeks are going to be pretty busy! I’ll keep you posted! 🙂

17 thoughts on “take a peek inside my notebooks”

  1. Oh my gosh Emily, we’re exactly alike somehow! I have tons of notebooks that I write on as well. I like to collect notebooks and I have 2 drawers filled with them 🙂 Anyway, I fill them with quotes and stuff, and I have a writing notebook where I document all my stories and novels. I also have a journal, but partially filled with caps lock because every time I had to vent out, I would turn to my journal to get the feelings out. Haha. Keeping these things are very useful, right? 🙂 Love, love, love keeping notebooks as much as you do!

    1. I’m glad to know I’m not alone. 😉 Seriously, they’re starting to take over my room… if I’m getting writer’s block, I have about a bajillion ideas in my notebooks!
      Lol. Yep. Capslock. And sometimes just scribbles! Completely agree – very useful!

  2. I once tried writing a diary, when I was in 5th grade, but I could never figure out what to write, so it barely had anything written in it. Now I’m a bit sad about it, because it would be fun to have these little memories.
    Then when I got older, I started keeping a planner, and at some point started writing there about my thoughts, and feeling, and what happened during the day. I don’t reread it though, because it’s too embarrassing. Maybe in another ten or twenty years. xD
    Now I have a fancy notebook for a diary, a few plain flower-patterned ones for writing articles, and too many to keep track of for planning and writing lists (I do love to write lists). <3
    Oh, and I once had separate notebooks for quotes, ideas, and song lyrics.

    1. I started several others before really getting into it, so I know what you mean. It is funny/embarrassing, isn’t it?! XD
      That’s smart. Planners are cool in and of themselves to look back at. Sort of like your own physical Time Hop (an app to see your posts in year(s) past on that day.)
      Haha! Yesss lists. I write a lot of them too. So many journals. 😉

  3. I have a big box filled with all the notebooks I’ve filled, and I can’t help but agree with you about never not having a notebook! There’s always one or five lurking around my bedroom somewhere! 😀 I love your Hawaiian minion! He looks so realistic (or, I mean… as realistic as minions are, you know? I’m well aware that there aren’t little banana shaped people following evil people around—probably).

    1. Lol! Me, too! (On the notebooks and the minion.) I copied him off of my friend’s water bottle, ha.
      That would be quite the novel… 😀

  4. That’s really cool. I’ve always tried to keep up a notebook of sorts, but I just can’t get to it every day.

    Anyway, school’s almost over, but we have finals and they are HARD so wish me luck! I have to take regents (big important tests from NY) and they are even harder, and I’m really worried.
    In the midst of it all, my birthay is Saturday the 13th so I’m really excited about that too. 🙂

    1. I don’t get to it everyday, either. Sometimes I’ll go a month or two in between journaling! I’ve been doing it more often, though.

      Aww, good luck! I’m sure you won’t need it though. Just get through it, and do your best.
      Happy early birthday, Lu!! Funfunfun. Let me know if you get any books. 😉

  5. I have like ten journals that are written in randomly, but for some reason there’s not one I specifically write in. 🙂 By the way, please check out my blog tomorrow! It’s Writer’s Digest’s 1st birthday and I’m seeing how many comments I can get (on my post tomorrow). It would be awesome if you could check it out!!! 😀

    1. That’s okay. I can’t even tell you how many notebooks I randomly start and not finish. In fact – I just organized them and ripped two or three written pages out so I can start them again once I FINISH one. 😀
      OOOOHH BLOGAVERSARIES! I’ll be there. I’ll even bring some cake. Definitely be checking it out. Happy blog birthday in advance!

  6. I have a whole lot of different notebooks, all with different purposes. I even have a notebook that I share with one of my friends, and we write stories and ideas and quotes in it. I also have a journal and a short stories and poetry’s noetbook and a comeback notebook with comebacks if you’re being insulted. I don’t really use pintrest, but the pictures of your characters are fun! Funnily enough, october 4th is my birthday.

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