the book life tag!

Hello blog readers! I didn’t have a post scheduled for today, so I’m throwing this together at 9AM before the mother calls me to school in half an hour and so begins my procrastinating Latin. Again. Sigh… SO as a result I googled up some fun book tags and found the book life tag, which I’ve never seen before and it looks supah cool so Imma do it. (Oh and I was tagged by the ever-beautiful-wonderful-lovely-coolest-girl-ever emily @ for the bookish. If you were wondering.)


I’m not 100% sure how the tag works, but you can answer the questions as “my best friend is LIKE this book character” or “my best friend I would like TO BE is this book character” so I’m going to do both.

who would your parents be?

My dad would definitely be Liesel Meminger’s Papa from The Book Thief. He made her a dictionary on the basement wall so she could learn to read. He’s sarcastic and always cracking jokes and I can definitely see my dad as him.

My mom? … hmmmmm. I’d say she either reminds me of America Singer’s mother, Magda, from The Selection series, because she’s always trying to get me to do stuff outside my box, things I would never normally do – but turn out good for me anyway. OR Mrs. Hawthorne from The Mother/Daughter Book Club series, because she and Emma are so close and my mom’s pretty much my best friend. 🙂

who would be your sister?

Ramona Quimby from Beverly Cleary’s books. It’s almost uncanny, you really have no idea.

who would be your brother?

Whale. I don’t have a brother but I do love Klaus Baudelaire from The Series of Unfortunate Events. I can only imagine what a brother in my family would be like, so I’m kind of imagining a younger version of my dad. Besides, I think Klaus would make an adorable little brother.

Klaus Baudelaire, the middle child, and the only boy, liked to examine creatures in tide pools. Klaus was a little older than twelve and wore glasses, which made him look intelligent. He was intelligent. – The Series of Unfortunate Events, Book #1: The Bad Beginning

who would be your pet?

I’m totally cheating here because he isn’t a BOOK character, but Maximus from Tangled. Mittens is the cat-version of Max.

where would you live?

In the quaint little town of Pumpkin Falls in Absolutely Truly by Heather Vogel Frederick. Even the name sounds adorable. Pumpkin Falls. Yes please. (Not to mention they have a beautiful little bookstore!)

who would be your best friend?

Charlie from Rachel Coker’s Interrupted. She’s sweet, bubbly, outgoing… flirty, and hilarious! I feel like we’d get along great – she’s just what I need sometimes. 🙂

who would be your significant other?

Are you kidding me?! How about significant others? Because the truth is, I’m in love with waaaayyy too many fictional boys. Here, I’ll name a few. Maxon, Aspen, Jaron, Kai, Ky (the other Ky),  Zander, Mr. Darcy, Darcy (the one from the Mother/Daughter Book Club), Sam, Frank, Gilbert, Jesse… I’ve lost track. I WANT THEM ALL! But if I guess, I suppose, if I had to choose…. Maxon Schreave would be it. He’s so cute and awkward and incredibly dorky, but gosh darn it, America, STEP ASIDE. *swoon* okay I’ll stop ranting now.

So that was the book life tag. What characters would be in your life??! Oh, and before I forget: I tag everyone reading this! If you want to do it, go ahead! Can’t wait to see your answers. 😉



4 thoughts on “the book life tag!”

  1. I’ve never seen this tag around before, but I have to say that I just love it!
    Is it okay to do this tag as well? (although I’m not tagged by anyone yet xD )
    I love it so much.
    great post you have!
    and totally right, the only good men always are fictional 😉


    1. I haven’t seen it before I was tagged either. I’m glad I found it though because it was a lot of fun!
      Oh, definitely go ahead and do it. Anyone’s free to grab the questions and go, I didn’t tag anyone and I wasn’t tagged by anybody in the first place so anybody who reads it is free to do it!
      Thanks Claire!
      Haha yessss. Seriously, can I just pull one out of a book for myself?? Sigh… it’s nice to dream, haha.

  2. Hey! Fun tag! I have no idea who my dad would be since I’ve never read anything with a dad very similar to my dad… and for mom id have to say a mix of Mrs. Wong ( she loves healthy stuff) and….. Sally from Percy Jackson. As for sister Ramona Quimbey all the way. And as for best friend Hermione from HP, Annabeth from PJ, and Cassidy from MDBC. It would be so awesome if you had a brother about your age who was like Klaus because I always kind of…. had a secret fictional crush on him. When I saw Kai on your crush list I just started silently evil laughing… I have created a lunartic…..

    1. Thanks Brooke.
      My mom loves healthy stuff, too, lol. Though other than that, she’s not really a Mrs. Wong. More like Mrs. Hawthorne. 🙂
      Haha I can see that. Especially after seeing the way your sister is over FaceTime.. I can’t imagine knowing her in real life. XD Claire and Anna seem so much alike.
      Haha me too. He’s so cute isn’t he?
      OMS yes. Although I like Wolf and Thorne much much better. (And I’ve not yet really known Jacin that long but I like him too.) Kai just seems the most… shallow of all of them, even though he’s not next to the others… I don’t know. He’s just my least favorite.
      You HAVE created a Lunartic!!! 😀

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