cinder by marissa meyer

Title: Cinder

Author: Marissa Meyer

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Source: library

About: Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl.

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

WHAT IS HAPPENING. I read a book about cyborgs and creatures from the moon and tech-talk-stuff 100,000 years into the future and I enjoyed it. Going in, I knew Cinder was 100% sci-fi and I was pretty wary about it… but I loved it. There are so many thoughts to process right now, so I’ll try to make this review make sense… (but sorry if it doesn’t, but peoples, it’s YOUR FAULT if I’m going crazy! YOU’RE the ones who got me to read it!) 😉


Where to start… okay. Well, I’ll start it with how the book started. Tech talk. I rather hated it. It confused me and I couldn’t past it a few months ago when I first started Cinder but Brooke told me to push through it, so I did and… the rest of it was great. But the tech-talk I could have done without… even though I know it had a purpose, I did not grasp it at all, so I skimmed and focused on the cute (in my mind, obviously) prince and kept going.

The characters? AWESOME. Lovelovedloved Iko and Peony. Although… well… words can’t really describe my feelings enough right now, so.

It was… a lot to take in. I’m not a sci-fi person, so it was pretty much my first real sci-fi book. I wish I could have gotten to know Prince Kai better; I was a little let-down by the romance, but there are three more books so I’m crossing my fingers for more fangirling moments.

The ending…. oooh, the ending.

I spoiled it for myself. I know, I know, how could I?! Well, I was looking at how many pages the book was, and my eyes… slipped. But, to be honest, I feel like I would have seen it coming anyway. It wasn’t the most shocking ending, and I feel like I did have high expectations for that. But again, there are THREE MORE books to be read so I’m crossing my fingers.

That said. I was hooked. I was totally into the book and attached to the characters and I can’t believe myself! Cinder was a unique character (obvs, she’s a cyborg for crying outloud!) and the overall story line was amazing and original.

Four stars! 🙂

emily emily emily emily

so what did you think of cinder?


10 thoughts on “cinder by marissa meyer”

  1. Yayyyyy!!!! I’ve been waiting for your review!!
    I totally get you!! I didn’t love the beginning of cinder but I pushed through and it really paid off!! I’ll be honest, Cinder is my least favorite of the four books but its all a perfect set up to the overall series.
    I just finished Winter an it was the most satisfying ending to a series I’ve ever read. I can’t wait till you read cress and winter, I know you’ll love them!
    All the books are clean which is great, except for some violence. There’s also a book called fairest which is a back story to leavanas life, I really want to read it but there’s some iffy content.
    ANYWAY! I can’t wait till you read scarlet!!

  2. Yay! So glad you liked it.
    Trust me, Cinder is the worst book in the series. They only get better. But Cinder sets everything up perfectly for the rest of the series. Also you will get a lot more romance :). I can get the things you didn’t like, however as a sci-fi nerd/lover I loved all that stuff. The tech talk, the action, the cyborgs, and all that.
    I agree with Izel. Winter is so good. Very good. And I love Scarlet. And Cress. Can’t wait till you pick them up from the library! Lol. I’m not even sure if I’m making sense anymore ;p.
    I’ll text you later :). I have a lot to talk to you about 🙂

    1. By the way have you noticed you’ve been nominated for best YA book blog? (Ahem…. someone I know nominated you a while back…. she just got her hair cut…). I voted for you :). you should announce it ao that you can get some more votes!

  3. I’m so glad you liked this!! Because I just bought it on Saturday after wanting to read this series for a long time. Now I’m even more excited to read it, but I’m making myself wait until I read some things that have been sitting in the stack longer 🙂

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