stacking the shelves #34


I had no clue how to start this blog post, so there you go. I got a lot of books to read this week. I’m kind of overwhelmed — not to mention the fact that I’m reading four books at once, so that’s crazy. (Yeah… ignore my “currently reading” widget for now. I am reading The Maze Runner, but alongside three others, which would be…)


I also have not three or four… but ELEVEN books to talk about this week. I have a serious problem. This is no joking matter. I need help. Or just someone to encourage me. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?? In an attempt at not making this quite so long (because elevengeez, Emily went crazy this week), I won’t go into *too* much detail into each book. Oh, and side note: I didn’t get all of these books this week. If you’re subscribed to my blog, last week you may have gotten a stacking the shelves in your inbox, but I accidentally scheduled it to post – meaning it wasn’t finished and since I got more books after those listed in the STS you may have read, I didn’t mean for it to be sent out. So some of these are last week’s pick-ups, and the others are from this week. I mean, eleven in one week would just be obsessive, pssshh. (it has happened before, but not this week, OK??)

(*EDIT: I am disincluding the following in the picture: Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes – DNF at 60 pages, Breakfast Served Anytime – finished, 2 stars, On the Fence – finished, 3 stars. I forgot about them in the photo and decided not to worry about them.)


All titles will link to their info on Goodreads.

PASSENGER by Alexandra Bracken: Time-traveling. Beautiful cover. I’m sold. I’ve heard very mixed reviews about this, so I’m anxious to read it. It’s also pretty popular lately, so I’m intrigued.

THE MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner: Do I honestly have to explain this? I’m catching up, bookworms. I promise. I’m about a hundred pages in. I have 99 questions, so does the main character, so he’s no help. All I know that there is an unconscious girl and a boy with a death wish, essentially.

STARS ABOVE by Marissa Meyer: This is a companion collection of novellas (short stories) to The Lunar Chronicles. (Which, if you haven’t read, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.) Here is my review for the first in the series. Honestly, I adore being back with these characters, but… none of the stories add anything to the series?? I feel a bit like a traitor because everyone loves this, but I just feel frustrated because it’s simply retelling things that we already know happened. Meh?

INK & BONE by Rachel Caine: The series of this book is called The Great Library, and from what I can gather, books are banned from this world? Plus, total cover love. C’mon.


FOUR by Veronica Roth: a novella featuring the total swoon-worthy love interest of the Divergent series, so it should be a fun one.

THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater: My first Stiefvater! I’m excited. I’ve heard good things. Interesting synopsis.

SHE IS NOT INVISIBLE by Marcus Sedgwick: Brooke said it’s pretty good, so obviously it is. I’ve been warned it gets a bit creepy, but I can do a *tad* creepy. Sister and younger brother go in search of their missing father. Here’s the catch: sister is blind. Interesting concept, and I’m not gonna lie: cover love. (again.)

UGLIES by Scott Westerfield: I’ve heard much of this one for a loooong time. It sounds… okay? Honestly when I saw my library had it I thought “Oh, so-in-so and so-in-so have read it, so I’ll give it a shot.” We’ll see! I surprise myself, right?

CINDERELLA’S DRESS by Shonna Slayton: I’ve been dying to read this for months and months, guys, you have no idea. The funny thing is, it’s not an overly popular book or anything — I’ve just hyped it up SO much in my head for so long that now, being 18% into it (e-book), I feel… let down. I mean, WWII fairy tale retelling mystery?! It has a lot to live up to just based on its genre. Hoping it lives up to my expectations.

THAT WAS A MOUTHFUL. What have you been reading? Which books did you get this week? Have you read any of the books I acquired? Here’s to a successful reading week, wormies!


8 thoughts on “stacking the shelves #34”

  1. Reading four books is not a bad thing, I assure you. ? According to Goodreads I’m currently reading seven…and it was ten last week! ?
    I have read none of these books, but I reeeeallllyy wanna read Cinderella’s Dress now. 🙂 I’d seen it around, but I didn’t realize it was in a WWII setting!!!! ?
    I have acquired ZERO books this week, but I’m about to scamper off to the library now. ?

    Love your blog SO much, Emily! ☺️

    1. Oh my gosh! Faith, I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I ended up reading ten books at once!

      Okay, in that case, you definitely need to read it. I personally love WWII settings in the US, and there are a lot of 40’s-era pop-culture references – hair styles, celebrities, etc., which is really fascinating.

      Have fuuun! And let me know what you get at the library. Library adventures are just the best. Thanks SO much, Faith, it means a ton! I love getting your sweet comments. 🙂

  2. Great post! 🙂 Ooh, Cinderella’s Dress looks like something I may check out. I’m a big fan of any fairytale-related books.
    By the way, I’m having an “interview” on my blog where everyone can answer the questions and be featured in a post later on! It’s for all bloggers and non-bloggers, so be sure to check it out. 😉

  3. I LOVED “She Is Not Invisible” it was really interesting reading through the eyes of someone who can’t see. The author has to rely on all sorts of things to tell the story; feelings, sounds, dialogue and things of the sort. Mmmm…I wouldn’t say “creepy” just intense. It’s kind of a cross between contemporary and mystery so there’s like suspense I guess you can call it. I own it and I’m so sad! I really wanted the UK cover version which is the one of a red silhouette but I couldn’t find one for sale. 🙁

    Brooke got me into UGLIES too. It’s pretty slow but the concept is great. I’m eager to get the next one in the series. It wasn’t until the end that it really started picking up.

    1. I think that’s a really fascinating concept, so now I’m really interested in She is not Invisible. Oh, that’s good. We’ll see! I’ve never really read anything like this, so it will be a first for me.

      Ugh, I feel ya. When I read Ruby Red, I was lucky enough to find a UK cover that I much preferred on Thrift Books, which rocked. I’m personally not a fan of the American cover either.

      Good to know – thanks for the heads-up, Izel. 🙂

  4. Haha! You have an amazing stack! So many good books! I loved Four and getting to learn more about…… well Four obviously. And while I read Uglies a while ago I do remember that I was hooked from the first few chapters. But it does take a few chapters to understand the world, like most dystopians. I have a feeling you’ll like She Is Not Invisible. It is so interesting and kept me interested until the last page. Plus it’s short so you should be able to read it quickly. I really hope you like The Maze Runner. I know it is hard to get into and you probably have a lot of questions, but it does get better! I’m going to try to start Passenger soon so that we will be reading it roughly at the same time.

    1. SO MANY. I’m kind overwhelmed… staring at my bookshelf and all the possibilities… *shivers*

      Yeah, Four should be a nice one. He’s so mysterious, even by the last book, so it should be good to read his novella. Thanks for the heads-up. I’m not sure when or if I’ll read Uglies, because it’s just not appealing to me right now, but hopefully sometime. I’m glad She is not Invisible is a short one – maybe one to read when I get back from the cruise. 🙂 That’s good to hear!

      OMG. Okay, you need Passenger. I’m not sure if you would like allll the detail and stuff but… it’s super good. I’m about 200 pages in now. 😀

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