stacking the shelves #28

OH. MY GOOOOSH. I have such a FABULOUS stack you guys I am ridiculously excited. Wait. No. No, that’s not even the word for it. I am downright GIDDY because ohhhh mah lordy at the hype. It’s a great stack, really.


ILLUMINAE by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff: You have no idea how many times this one’s popped up in my Goodreads feed. Seriously, I’ve seen nothing but good reviews and squeals for it! (Which exciting but also makes me a *teensie* bit worried because what if I don’t like it???) I haven’t read any books by these two authors – even though I want to! SOON! – this book looks so interesting. REAL cover love too. And the way the book is written in files and such, it looks so cool! Excited is an understatement.

MAGONIA by Maria Dahvana Headley: Another one I’ve heard so much about! I’m also *teensie* bit worried for this one but that doesn’t lessen my excitement! This cover is also absolutely gorgeous and intriguing… even the title is pretty-sounding. And the main character’s name! “Aza Ray.” All of it looks so good.

FINDING AUDREY by Sophie Kinsella: Another one I’m anxious for. I’ve heard a mixture of things about this one, so I’m excited to see what I think! Plus the main character, Audrey, is 14, which is exciting because like I said in my review for The Hired Girl, there aren’t a ton of 14-year-olds in YA. Though I’m interested to see how the romance pans out as the MC is so young. Eep!

AUSTENLAND by Shannon Hale: I have a confession to make: I have seen the movie for this but not read the book! IT’S NOT MY FAULT THOUGH I PROMISE. I watched the movie two years ago (I need to re-watch it ’cause it was hilarious, by the way) and didn’t even realize it was a book. When I did figure this out, I was stoked! It wasn’t until later that I realized this book is by Shannon Hale, author of The Princess Academy series! So I will be thoroughly enjoying this one, I’m sure. It’s pretty short, and if the movie is any indication, it should be a fun romance. 🙂 Plus: c’mon, it’s called Austenland. The MC is obsessive over Jane Austen. I’m into it already.

“I memorized the first three chapters of Pride & Prejudice when I was 13.” XD 

THE WINNER’S CRIME by Marie Rutkoski: ‘kay, picked this one up from the library, excited to start it because I recognize the cover… only to realize it is the SECOND in The Winner’s Trilogy, not the first. Oops. (Epic Read’s book nerd problems, anyone?) So I won’t be reading this one until the first book is on hold at the library for me, but hopefully soon? (I put it on hold Wednesday.) Thank goodness I didn’t start reading it!

SWIPE by Evan Angler: Brooke has raved about this book for so long and evidently whilst looking at the book on Goodreads, several of you have read it as well! Since so many of you that I trust loved it so much, I’m expecting good things from this one!

tell me about the books YOU got this week! and have you read any of the books in my stack?? i want to hear from you!





P.S. I’ve had some technical difficulties with my contact page – I know several of you have used it and I never got your emails – but my genius dad fixed the issue and you can contact me there now! (And this time, I WILL get your emails and I promise to answer them.) 🙂

10 thoughts on “stacking the shelves #28”

    OK OK SWIPE is reallly good your going to love that oh and I just finished Magonia and IT’s BASICALLY LOVELY and I love Aza! Aza was fabulous her love interest was fabulous basically everything was fabulous. (I wasn’t to fond of a couple of the characters though.)
    BUT OMG You should have gotten the next book for SWIPE (SNEAK) because SWIPE ends in a horrible cliffhanger…just sayin’
    BE WARNED: I DNF’d Illuminae. WHICH MADE ME SO SAD. It was SO SO SO SO FUNNY and I loved LOOKING at everything. First of all lot’s of gross boy jokes in the IM’s and secondly a creepy-ish zombie-ish disease. And there was an abundance of swearing which I didn’t mind but it’s like on every. single. page. So I’m just letting you know so you don’t go in blindly. 🙂 I might pick it up in a year or so….I hope you have better luck with it than I did. 🙂

    1. YES YES YESSSSSS. Omg I didn’t even think about that, thanks for the reminder. Which is the next book after Swipe? I’ll have to look it up on Goodreads.
      YAY. So glad you liked that one. Magonia’s cover is so prettyyyy!
      Oh no. This is the first time I’ve heard anything about that… shoot. Okay well I’ll still try it. I hope it’s okay. D: Thank you so much for the warning Izel! I haven’t seen a review from any reviewers who talk about the content and stuff so I’m glad you told me!
      oh oh oh and brooke is torturing me with this ‘ha-ha i know izel’s new website and you don’t’ thing (well she’s not that mean but still!) and I cannot WAIT to see what it’s all about. I know it’s gonna be awesome! 😀

  2. Oh my! this stack is even better than I realized! I did even know you had Swipe! You must read it ASAP. It is simply fabulous. ( I read it so fast….. I’m even sure on some of the plots ;p. But I remember the basics.) But the ending is a pretty big shocker. So put the next one on hold! Its like Cinder In a this way, At first your skeptical but then once you end the first chapter you are completly hooked.
    So many of the books you got I’ve been interested in, but i havent picked up. So I’m glad your reading them first ;p.
    ^Emilys comment to Izel. Hey! Not my fault I’m sworn to secretsy ;p. And I was being a nice person and found all those hints for you from her old blog.

    1. Oh, you didn’t?! I thought you did! I did wonder why you hadn’t mentioned it. Yay! Okay will do. Maybe I should wait to have the entire series before I start it. If it’s as good as you say, I definitely want the next one ready!
      Well what else is a bookworm bestie for?? 😉
      Haha. OKAY, I get it. Lol. Yes thanks for that. I’m completely stumped. Can’t wait!

  3. Hey , great stack! I love it when I have books lined up for me since whenever I finish a book, I feel sort of lost.

    Anyway, I’ve read Finding Aubrey. It’s definetly interesting and the romance is mild. Let us know what you think!

    I might read Magoia- is it really action filled or not? I’m like more of a realistic but emotional book.

  4. I haven’t read any of these, but I picked up The Winner’s Curse from the library and am about to start it! I’m also SUPER excited for Illuminae–so many raving reviews! This looks like a great stack!

    1. I’m so excited for both of those as well! I got the first book in the Winner’s trilogy today and I’m excited to read it. 🙂 Thanks Ally!

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