spontaneous trips & early stacking the shelves

Hi, everybody!

Well, I’m in an extremely good mood at the moment. Mostly because my parents decided upon a spontaneous trip to Florida this weekend. (!!!!!) AND ’cause I’ve got eight books to take with me. (!!!!)

Since we’ll be leaving late (late) tonight, and I’ve yet to pack my bags, I’ll make this short and sweet. Lucky for us, we have friends in Florida who we’ll be staying with, and since my dad can take his work anywhere (pro’s of being a web designer!), we’re leaving today and will be back Monday. Don’t worry – pictures of my trip will be up as soon as possible, and I’ll be back on Monday like usual. (With either a review or pictures. Which would you like first? The review I was meaning to put up, I’ve just realized hasn’t actually been written!) Anyway…

As I was saying in my June Recap on Wednesday, the lovely Trisha at Forever Trisha and I were planning on doing a 4th-of-July collaboration post today. Since we were both busy with trips and whatnot, we decided this week wasn’t best for a collab, but we hope to do one together soon! (Which I’m still super excited about. On a side note, if any of you are willing to do a guest post sometime soon, that would be fabulous!)

Oh – and did I mention I went to the library today?! I’m telling you, it’s a DANGEROUS place for me!


Eight books! Five of them I’ve wanted to read for quite a while, and the other three look really good. The two books I’m planning on taking with me to Florida are Listening for Luca and The Wish. I’m not sure which I’ll read first… it depends on what mood I’m in after I finish The Phantom Tollbooth. (Which is a school-required book this year, so I’m getting a head-start. It’s a really fun book!) Which one (of the two I just mentioned) do you think I should read first?

The other three books I’ve been wanting to read are Eight Keys, Rapunzel: The One With All the Hair, and Betsy-Tacy. I’m really excited to read the first book in the Betsy-Tacy series. I’ve been meaning to read them ever since I read the last book in the Mother/Daughter Book Club series. 🙂

Oh, but there’s one thing I’m a little bummed out about – Camp Nanowrimo. I mentioned it in my last post (you can see my profile here), and I really wanted to make it this time. I’m not sure if I’m going to try to write this weekend, or power-write to catch up when I get back. We’ll see… wish me luck on that. Between all these books and writing some more posts (including book reviews – which I’m pretty behind on! Aye, aye, aye), I’m not sure which I should put first. In my last post, I said I had tons of ideas for posts… but then I’ve got to write them! 😉

So, which book should I read next? Are any of you willing to do a guest post or two? Can’t wait to hear your thoughts. (And hopefully, I can answer back. I haven’t been answering most of your comments recently, but I do read and love all of them.) 🙂


15 thoughts on “spontaneous trips & early stacking the shelves”

  1. Ooh, how fun! I hope you have a wonderful time in Florida! I always bring books when I’m on vacation, but I usually never end up reading any of them because I’m too busy vacation-ing. And I agree that the library is such a dangerous place for us book lovers. I haven’t read any of those books, but I say read The Wish first just because Gail Carson Levine is an amazing author. As for Camp NaNo, good luck with that and I hope you’re able to finish. I do enjoy binge writing on certain days to get ahead, but do what works for you-even if it means lowering your goal.

    1. Same here, but it depends what kind of trip I’m going on. Right now, in Florida, we’re just kicking back and relaxing, and for me that means reading lots! 🙂 I’m hoping I can get a good bit of my current book done.
      I’m a huge binge-writer, so I’m hoping I can make it work… I did bring my laptop with me, so in my off-time I may try to get even a paragraph or two in. Lucky for me, I can write anywhere without distraction.

  2. Ooh fun! I bet its nice weather in Florida.
    I’ve got a lot to tell you. I’ve been really busy. I can’t wait to get your letter so I can reply! I’ve read three of those books. I’ve read Betst Tacy, Eight Keys, and Rupenzel. I think you’ll really really like the Betsy Tacy series( even more than me)! I think you’ll like Eight Keys and Rapunzel.
    I would be willing to do a guest post for you! 🙂

    1. Yeah, it is. 😉
      I didn’t even realize that three of those books were by the same author – Miss Lafleur. So I guess I’m going to see if I like her books, since they’re all the books she’s written, haha – Eight Keys, Love, Aubrey, and Listening for Lucca. I think I’ll like them, too.
      Okay, great! 😀

    1. Really? I’ve started the Beauty & The Beast one but never finished it, so after Rapunzel, I’m going to do that one. I think I’ll like them. 😉
      Same here. For a few years, actually! I’m glad to finally read them.

  3. HAVE FUN IN FLORIDA! One of my family’s really good friends lives in Florida.
    I bet you’ll have a blast!! Oh! I think you’ll like the Besty Tacy series. At first, I didn’t think I would like them because the book started out when they were five, but the final book ends when Betsy gets married. My favorite one is probably Heaven to Betsy or Besty is a junior. They’re all really lighthearted and cute except for the occasional boy problem, which is really the only kind of light drama there is in the series.
    I don’t typically bring books on vacation, maybe just 1 or 2 and I usually get through only 1 or 2 chapters.
    I would SO LOVE TO DO A GUEST POST WITH YOU!! When you get settled back from your trip, make sure to drop me an e-mail! I would just adore having you a guest post on my blog and vise versa!!

    1. I WILL! I’m so happy to be here!!
      Yeah, that doesn’t bother me so much. Especially because they’re pretty short. I can’t wait to get into the later books. I think I’ll like those the best.
      Same here, but I’ve gotten through three in Listening Lucca so far. I’m mostly hanging out at the pool and beach this weekend, so that leaves plenty of time for books!
      Fantastic! I will definitely send you an email soon. Thanks, Daisy! 😀

  4. I hope you have fun on your trip! I haven’t read any of the books, but I’m sure they’ll be very enjoyable. By the way, I’ve tagged you for the Blogging Community Tag on my blog, if you’re interested!

    1. I’m having such a fun time!
      Me, too. I’m really excited about all of them.
      Okay, great! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it or not, but I’ll try. Thanks, Heather! 😉

  5. It’s just not possible for me to walk out of a library without a gargantuan pile of books. Love, Aubrey and The Green Glass Sea are on my to-read list. Have fun on your trip!

  6. I love reading blogs from fellow book enthusiasts! I’m very new to blogging and have just found your blog, I love it! I hope you have a blast on your trip too! If you ever have the chance and want to check out my blog, you can find it at
    I’ll be talking about books on mine too but as it’s so new, I only have an opening post.

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