short update

Hi, everybody. Emily here. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve talked to you guys one-on-one, or at least in general. I’ve been scheduling all the posts that have gone up recently, so I haven’t written any content that’s new, and I’ve been lacking in my comment-answering-skills. Sorry about that, by the way. Life’s been crazy!

On Sunday, my family and I left to stay in South Carolina for a few days. In a nutshell… a post on my mom’s facebook asking for a few donations (enough to fill our minivan) for a day trip to Columbia (which is near my mom’s hometown in S.C.) turned into two churches and our home-school group filling an entire U-Haul truck to take to the flood victims! We know an organization in our area who was able to get the U-Haul for free for us (as a charitable donation), so all we had to do was drive it on over and find a few churches to donate the clothes, food/water, & toys to! My mom’s girlfriend and her family were just outside of the flooding, so we stayed with them until Tuesday.

Other than that, school’s been keeping me busy – along with sewing, writing, piano lessons, and a bible study group I’m apart of! Whew! It’s all starting to catch up to me. Can I just take a looooong nap, please?? With all that’s been going on, you know the drill – life gets in the way, ugh – and that leaves 0 time for reading.

*sigh* Plus there’s that gruesome school-required reading… (just kidding, I don’t hate it as much as I pretend to.) The last two books required to read this year are The Hiding Place and The Witch of Blackbird Pond; both of which I’ve been wanting to read forever, so now I’ll finally get to them.

Aside from that, I’ve got A BAJILLION STACKS of books I need, absolutely must read. Among them are: Divergent (YES I shall finally see what this is all about; I know I’m late), Cinder (a few of you have become infatuated with this book, so here goes) and the other two books in the Matched trilogy. Those are the most popular books in my stack, among manymanymany others.

Oh and one more thing before I forget on my superduperlong mental list: I’m participating in NaNoWriMo! YAAAY! It will be my fourth year; and I’ve only won once so perhaps this year I’ll be lucky! (I have not given up yet!) If you want to see what I’m up to in November, I’ve rebooted my old Wattpad account just for that. Since I have no plans to publish this story, it’s going up there! *Cheers for me finally sharing my writing* And if, maybe-possibly-some-day, I do get this published – you get a sneak peek! You can follow that here. (My username is emily_ellerby; I use the pseudonym Ellerby for my stories there. If you want to look at my old works from two years ago you can… but I wouldn’t recommend it because I wasn’t the best writer back then.) 😉

So THANKS for keeping up with me… with all going on, I’m not sure where blogging fits in the mix, so forgive me if I miss some posts. I’ve just got to get my routine organized, and I’ll try to post whenever I can. 🙂


12 thoughts on “short update”

  1. OH good! You got Cinder! I actually just reviewed it on Wednesday. Brooke and Madi got me to read it and I ended up LOVING it, so I hope you will too! I know Brooke really likes Divergant but I haven’t read it yet. (I admit! I’m nervous!) can’t wait to read your review for that one!

    You have had a busy week! (month?) I would love to take stuff and donate things to natural disaster victims. It would be a great experience and it sounds like fun! I recently told my little sister that kids in Africa don’t have lots of water to drink and she saw a video of how much water an average town has. She got so sad! She told me she wanted to take buckets of water and all her toys to those places. 😛 Im guessing giving up your toys is rather big for a 10 year old. 😛

    ANYWAY (I got sidetracked) im glad you’ll be winding down and have more time to read. 🙂 Thanks for the post!!

    1. YES I’VE GOT IT! Huzzah! I saw that. I should read your review for it, but I’ll wait for the others in the series for fear of spoilers. 🙂

      I’m nervous, too! I’ve heard great things about the first book, but not-so-great things about the second one. We shall see what I think!

      Aww, so sweet. My sister is the same way. She recently gave ten or fifteen stuffed animals to the kids in South Carolina – and she is usually verrrry reluctant to part with her stuffed animals. 🙂 It is an amazing experience and such a blessing!

  2. Hey! I read your story! I really like it, it reminds me a little of Rachel Coker’s Interrupted. I just read it recently! I published my story so far so check it out, my username is LucyTreble.

  3. I got to meet and hear Corrie Ten Boom speak when I was a teenager. We had traveled to Germany and had seen the concentration camps before I heard her speak so I had a good picture of the places and events she talked about. It was truly a humbling experience. You will like the book.

    You will also like Divergent. I can’t believe that I read it before you!! I haven’t read the Witch of Blackbird Pond… I will have to look for it.

    Since you don’t have time to actually read…. that is the time to listen to books!

    1. OMG! You met Corrie Ten Boom? Wow. I would love to go to Germany someday. Also, on Meme’s side of the family, Funderburk (also pronounced Vonderburgh in German, I think) there are still castles you can see from the 1500’s when that side of the family came to America. Those are two things I’d love to see in Germany – Corrie Ten Boom’s house and those castles.

      I know, me too! 🙂 I told my friends my Grandma had read it before me, they thought that was funny. (And also pretty cool, LOL.)

      I know! I should! I actually listened to the first chapter in The Hiding Place. The Witch of Blackbird Pond is good, too. (I’ve read about half of it. :P) It’s about the Salem Witch Trials.

  4. Ohhhh, trust me I totally understand not having time to read! That is the story of my life…
    Hurray for NaNoWriMo! I’m officially crazy because I’ve decided to do it WHILE working on another project for a contest with a December deadline AND keeping up with school AND a blog AND dance and chorus and everything else I do. So I understand. And we can be crazy writers together. 🙂

    1. Lol! ME TOO!

      Yesssss yay for National Novel Writing Month. Oh, wow. I could never do that! Kudos to you! The things we do for writing. 🙂

  5. I can not wait for the future author you will be someday! Maybe I will read your book….. Just kidding of course I will! I do not have a big passion for reading but, only because you are my (BCF)! LOL!

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