november 2015 recap & giveaway winner announcement!

Where is this month going?! LISTEN. There is a mere thirty-three days left in the year! What? When did that happen? Which means Christmas is coming (can’t believe Thanksgiving went that fast) and hopefully that means more BOOKS! (Because that’s obviously the one thing I need more of.)



the books.


I read five books this month, which isn’t my best, but it’s definitely a lot better than last month’s. I read The Witch Of Blackbird Pond for school (and it was amazing!) plus it’s my last school-required book for the year so yay for blog-required books! And then, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, those other four up there. That would be The Lunar Chronicles. The series you convinced me to read and I fell madly in love with. You can read my reviews for Cinder and Scarlet (the titles link to the review) if you want, ’cause then we can talk about them and gibber on and on and on! Be on the lookout for Cress and Winter’s reviews in the next two weeks, or follow me on Goodreads here to always get a sneak peek of what I’m reading. (Seriously. I’m on Goodreads allll the time.) Oh and I’ve just started Going Rogue by Robin Benway yesterday, so maybe I’ll finish it before December. Hopefully I can make it to six this month!


the posts you liked best.

  • Stacking the Shelves #25 got a bunch of hits, and I can only assume this is because of the adorable picture of my books and bunny slippers.
  • And in second place, Fictional Characters Who Rule The World – which I thought was a pretty awesome post, too, so thank you very much for that.
  • And in third, my review for Cinder by Marissa Meyer, which is to be expected because you’ve been waiting for me to read this series for months and months now amirite??

on your blogs.

what to look for on the blog.

  • CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAYS! Okay, well… maybe one Christmas giveaway. (Because I am broke trying to buy presents for people, grr!) The amazing Melanie Dickerson has agreed to sponsor a giveaway for any one of her books this December. Which one do you want to win?? (Tell me below and the book that gets the most requests will be the one I tell her to giveaway!) You can read my reviews for her books: The Captive Maiden, The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest, and The Princess Spy. Though those are definitely not all of the books she’s written – you can look at them here before telling me which one you want to win! Her newest book, The Golden Braid, just hit shelves November 17th!
  • A birthday bash! Miss Jane Austen is turning 239 on December 16, and this calls for a PARTY! I’ll be doing… something special, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • 2016 reads! 2016 is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, peoples. I’ve already got December’s reviews scheduled which means I’ll be making a page for the reviews I post in 2016 soon… and this is scaring the heck out of me ’cause 2015 is the fastest year I’ve ever lived through, geez. And – AND – this means For the Bookish’s second birthday is right around the corner… (omg my baby is growing up so fast!)
  • OTHER FUN STUFF. I honestly have no idea what’s going to happen on the blog in December because I’ve recently hit a bout of blogger’s block (thus the influx of tags) soooooo. Who knows?!

NOW! Are you ready to see who won the $10 Barnes & Noble gift card giveaway?? ARE YOU? Hmmm?

And the winner is… *drum roll please* …. BROOKE! Congratulations, Brooke! I’ll be emailing you soon to get your gift card sent off. 🙂

what fun stuff did you do in november? what books did you read? and what are you looking forward to in december? (it’s beginning to look a lot like christmaaaaasssss….!!!)


14 thoughts on “november 2015 recap & giveaway winner announcement!”

  1. Yay! I won! ( I already knew this though cause you texted me ;p ). I know. This month flew by. But overall it was a great month. I got to meet Marissa Meyer and all that excitement. And while there where some bumpy moments overall it was an all right month.

    1. Yes you did! I was so excited when I saw your name! Your first For the Bookish giveaway you’ve won. 🙂
      I bet meeting Marissa Meyer was the highlight of your month, haha. (It would be mine.) Same here. It was a hectic month no doubt but a good one.

  2. So I’m not the only one that thought this year just winked by like that? OH GOOD. I seriously do not know what it was with 2015, but it just raced past me and I’m not even sure what happened. Crazy! Hopefully 2016 goes a little slower. I’m glad that you’re enjoying the Lunar Chronicles. I got Winter from the library but stuff happened and I had to hold off on reading it for a little bit. I’ll get back to it soon!

    1. Haha you’re definitely not! It went crazy fast. I blinked and there goes 2015!
      I enjoyed it SOOO much. I’m so glad I’ve read it. I can’t wait for you to read Winter and hear your thoughts, it’s amazing. 🙂

  3. I’m looking forward to all of the great stuff you’ve previewed for December!! (and I agree, how did this year go by so fast?)
    I just finished Cinder and am now desperately waiting to get my hands on the next one because I am traveling right now…and I also have the next Selection book on hold at the library right now so I’m waiting anxiously to get it!!
    P.S. Thanks for mentioning me!!

    1. Aw, thanks Grace! I am too. December is one of my favorite months of the year. (September first because that’s when we usually get fall weather and it’s my birthday month!)
      Haha ALL great books that I can’t wait for you to read. The Lunar Chronicles and The Selection series are the best, I could go on about them forever!! Let me know when you get them!
      You’re welcome. Love your blog. 🙂

  4. Aww, thanks for the shoutout. 😉
    THIS MONTH HAS BEEN CRAZY. I blame it all on NaNo. *sticks out tongue at stupid writing* I have never been so tired and brain dead in my life and I’m just ready for the month to be over. THREE MORE DAYS! *collapses*

    In December I’m looking forward to READING. I plan on taking a whole week JUST for reading and doing nothing else. It will be glorious. Also, I am starting edits in December but I like to pretend that it’s not happening because edits and I are kind of arch enemies.

    1. No problem Katie, your blog’s my fave. (well ONE of my faves, I can’t lie.) (But I do love it girl.)
      OMG I BET. I read all of your NaNo updates (even though I forget to comment on them because I’m a bad blogger like that) and I can’t believe you. You’re super human I swear! I bet by the end of the month you’ll collapse from exhaustion and have to ice your fingers from all that writing you’ve been up to.
      Ah, blissful reading. There’s nothing better than that. I get 3 weeks off for Christmas break and I am doing absolutely nothing but reading reading reading… (plus I’m hoping for a Kindle paper white for Christmas and of course that would come in handy for my reading plans…) 😉
      Ugh, editing. I HATE IT. And you just reminded me that I should be editing my first novella (omgeeee speaking of I’m so excited about that) to send my critique partner tomorrow… *hides under the sofa* sigh… Good luck with your edits!

      1. (Dawww, well the same goes for you. Seriously. I never comment as much as I’d like on your blog but it’s FANASTICALLY bookish and awesome. xD)

        Good luck with the edits. o.o And critique partners. Both are equally scary and terrifying. 😛

  5. I’m so happy you finally read The Lunar Chronicles!! I LOVED reading your updates for Winter!! I’m just sitting there like “Mwuahaha” and I’m just watching you slowly crumbling into the TLC fandom (by the way, did you get my invitation for the lunar Chronicles Pinterest board?)

    1. OMG ME TOO! Thanks for bugging me about it for so long, Izel, ’cause gosh you were right about it. It’s AMAZING and I was missing out on a ton! 🙂
      Lol I know you were! Your comments and sneaky little remarks made me want to hurl my book at you! XD (And Brooke, you little stinkers.) But I love ya both for it because it was sheer perfection. (seriously, it was just… unbelievable! EEEP! *the feels omg*)
      Yes I did thanks for adding me! Prepare for a ton of pins added to that board haha!

  6. Where has time gone? I swear, school just started a couple months ago!
    LUNAR CHRONICLES IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I need moral support. Is Winter going to be very traumatic and I don’t know! Also, you will looovvveee Going Rouge. It’s very action packed, which is a GREAT bonus.
    I totally understand what you mean. Goodreads is my life, and my number one essential for books. (Beside books of course 😉
    Thank you for the shoutout! I miss blogging too… look out for a post tomorrow!
    I’m sooo excited for the giveaways and Christmas!!! Especially break. How was your thanksgiving?

    1. I know right?! Crazy!
      OMG. I’m here for ya, Trish. Haha yes Winter is going to be EMOTIONAL… but not traumatic, you’ll come out of alive, trust me. 😉
      Okay so I’ve just finished Going Rogue… and you’re so right, it’s adorable! SO many Maggie and Jesse moments, I just need a minute to recover from their cuteness.
      RIGHT. Goodreads is awesome.
      Ooh yay! Can’t for your new posts. They’re the bomb-diggity. XD
      My Thanksgiving was great! Lots of food, even though I dropped our pie, dang it. How was yours?

  7. Oh, Emily, it sounds like you had a wonderful month! I’m so glad you have discovered the wonderfulness that is The Lunar Chronicles. I have yet to read Winter – I’ve heard it’s amazing – but I hope to receive it for Christmas. And Going Rogue is all sorts of cute – I love Robin Benway’s books.

    I’m excited to see what other posts you have in store! Jane Austen’s birthday, Christmas giveaways, AND new book reviews all sound so fun. Have a happy holiday season, friend! 🙂

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