june 2015 monthly recap

I always forget to do a monthly recap, but they’re so much fun and I always mean to! Finally, this month I got to it! And lucky for you – since there are so many posts I’m trying to squeeze into the month (more on that later in July – I’ve got the entire month planned out already!), you get an extra post tomorrow – The Ultimate Book Tag.


books read this month

Well, this is sad. I’ve only read three books this month! πŸ™ Not even half the books I usually read… BUT I definitely plan on catching up in July! Sadly, I was also in a major book slump this month, but I think I’ve finally snapped out of it. After not finishing a book for two weeks, I beganΒ Between the LinesΒ by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer (a mother-daughter duo! How sweet!) and ate it up! Seriously, I loved it! Read it in two days. πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to read the new sequel.


what happened on the blog

I took one week off of blogging while I was at summer camp, but the rest of the month was so much fun! (If I do say so myself. πŸ˜‰ ) The highlights for me were:

You loved:

awesome things i did in june

  • Went to summer camp for a week.
  • Went to White Water and Six Flags (several times!)
  • Went to the zoo.
  • Went swimming several times.
  • And a few others things I’m forgetting!

So it’s been an amazingly fun summer so far! (And hopefully you can forgive me for only reading three books??) πŸ˜€ I’m looking forward to everything I get to do in July, including reading more books. πŸ˜‰

on the blog in july

I’m coming out of my ears with blog post ideas, I’ve got the entire month worked out! … And I’m still moving things around, trying to fit in things and figure out when to post what. πŸ™‚ Here are just a few of the ideas I’m definitely doing:

  • Talking about book slumps
  • Bringing back a Friday Ramblings (a test trial! I shall try!)
  • MG vs. YA
  • A 4th-of-July collab with Trisha at Forever Trisha
  • Tags and 3-day-challenges! (That means, for the 3-day-quote challenge, I’ll be posting three days in a row!)

So what are you looking forward to in July? Vacation? Any blog posts you’re excited about (on mine and yours)? πŸ™‚




P.S. I forgot to mention that today marks the first day of July NaNoWriMo! I was wondering if anyone else is participating. I’m really excited about it… my word count goal is 30,000 words. (Whether or not that completes my novel, or I’ll still keep going after July, I want at least 30k written THIS month.) I have absolutely no clue if I can do this, but I’m *trying* to give it my best shot this time! My profile for Camp NaNo is here. If you’ve not joined yet, I’d love it if you were in my cabin or maybe we could still talk about our stories in the comments. Let me know! πŸ˜‰

10 thoughts on “june 2015 monthly recap”

  1. It seems like you had such a great month, Emily! Don’t be too hard on yourself for only reading three books because hey, life gets weird sometimes. Yay! I am so excited for Camp NaNo-especially because I have a fabulous cabin. My wordcount goal is 50k and I’m working on a hodge podge of projects, so we’ll see how it goes. I haven’t started writing yet, but I shall once I finish doing a quick blog commenting round. For some reason I can’t click on the link to your camp profile. Anyways, good luck!

    1. I did! Thanks, Ana. Life can get pretty crazy. πŸ˜‰
      I think the cabins are a fantastic way to find support… but I always end up in a cabin that isn’t exactly the best to keep me going. The last couple of times, the people in my cabin don’t finish their word count or don’t get on altogether. πŸ™ I opted out for a cabin this time around, but I’m still going to be in the Nanowrimo forums and things.
      Fun! I tried 50k once, but I’ve found I need a solid 1k-a-day going, haha. So far I’m at almost 2,000 words, so it feels good to be ahead. If I go past 30,000, that’s great!
      Haha, same here. I always do my commenting in the mornings. πŸ™‚ Okay, fixed the link!

  2. I can’t wait for our collab!! I know its going to super awesome πŸ™‚
    I might do nanowrimo, but we’re also going to India and I plan on taking a hiatus for the month.
    You will love the Phantom Tollbooth. I read it one sitting (my brother forced me to) and I surprisingly liked it. Though, some parts were a little slow. Oh, by the way, you have to read All Fall Down!!!

  3. The collab sounds fun!! I can’t wait to read that! MG vs YA sounds like my favorite up coming post though!! Yeah, that’s about how many books I read last month too. Those look really good and I can’t wait to see the review for them!! When does Camp NaNoWriMo start? I’ve been thinking about joining but haven’t really looked into it. Oh and I’ve been meaning to tell you that a book that I think you’d like is the SWIPE series. It’s written by a christian author so it’s clean but it’s FULL of adventure and the plot twists are AMAZING. I hope you’ll look into it!!

  4. Looks like you had an awesome month! I’ve been in a bit of a summer book slump too, but that’s okay with me. I think my favorite post this month was getting a peek into your notebookβ€”I love seeing how other authors use theirs!

  5. It sounds like you had a very full month!! And I get what you mean about going through a reading slump… It happens! πŸ˜‰

    By the way, I finally used the gift-card I won from your giveaway!! I bought & read The Book Thief, and thought it was fantastic. Thank you for a new favorite! <3

  6. Oh, I totally know what you mean by reading slump! I hardly read in June, but I totally blasted through a few books this past weekend. πŸ˜€ Here’s to more reading in July!

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