i was nominated for the liebster award!

A great (very new) blogger friend, Samantha over at Young Writers Cafe nominated me for the Liebster Award! I was so surprised she did so (since we both very recently “discovered” each other’s blogs 😀 (I am currently sort-of obsessed with YWC)) but also soooo happy!! Thank youuu, Samantha!!! My first blog award for For the Bookish! So first, I tell you all 11 facts about me and then answer her 11 questions for me, then nominate 3-5 blogs I follow for this “award.” 😉 Sounds fun, right? Let’s begin…

11 Fun (or not-so-fun!) Facts about me…

1) I love classy things. Classic books, light pink (a very classy shade, I think), classy stationary, classy bookmarks, teacups, etc. After all, there are two things every girl should be – classy and fabulous.

2) I like to clean my room. It never really gets messier than a few dirty clothes on the floor and strewn homework papers. (DON’T go looking in my drawers or chests, though, or you’ll discover my secret hiding places…) But I can’t stand clutter!

3) I sniff books. You may already know this if you read some of my TTT’s, but I do. I flip the pages and inhale that amazing smell…

4) I have freckles! I used to hate them. I used to have more, too, they’ve faded away and I sort of miss them. They come out more in the summer, and I miss em’!

5) I loooveeee cats! I really do. I have an orange cat, Mittens, and one of my best friends keeps calling me a Crazy Cat Lady because I have a whole album of pictures for him on my phone. 😛

6) My school awards ceremony was Friday, and guess what award I got?! “Future Author”! Eeeekkk! 😀

7) I love history, and I especially love WWII. That’s probably one of my favorite time periods.

8) I have 3 stuffed animals I sleep with always – Lamby, Jack, and Purple Bunny. 😉

9) “The Parent Trap” (the one with Lindsay Lohan) and “Ever After” are two of my all-time favorite movies. I can say the lines right along with the actors. I looovee those movies!

10) I practice my signature sometimes. You know, for when I’m an adult and have to sign my name on receipts and checks and stuff. And  you know… maybe for when I’m famous. Maybe.

11) Autumn is my favorite season!

11 Questions From Samantha…

1) What is one book you recommend to everyone? The Book Thief. BEST. BOOK. EVER.

2) f you were to meet your favorite author in person, what would you ask him/ her? Tough one! I always want to say I’d never ask a dumb question like “Where do you get your ideas from?” but I’d love to know how he/she plans out a book. Or what their writing process is like. Something like that.

3) If you had a time-travelling machine, what time period would you visit? WWII. Ahem.

4) Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOLATE. CHOOCCOOLLLAATTTEEE! I could live off of chocolate. Seriously.

5) What are your hobbies aside from reading/writing? Actually, I always feel a little bit embarrassed when people ask me this because there’s not a whole lot I do otherwise. I’m learning how to play the flute (I’ve been playing for about 9 months now) and I like to run. I also love listening to music, and I’m in my school’s chorus. (I’m not a GREAT singer, though!)

6) Who are your 3 singers/musicians? Taylor Swift (I actually attended the Red Concert on April 19, 2013! Go Swifties!!), Brit Nicole (a really great new Christian Pop singer I love), and Michael Buble.

7) Favorite quote or inspirational saying? “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE.” – Audrey Hepburn

8) What are your favorite bookish/writing blogs? The Notebook Sisters, The Loony Teen Writer, and of course, Young Writers Cafe! 🙂

9) What are your 3-5 things on your bucket list? to be in a food fight (lol), publish a novel, visit England, and a get a scholarship to college.

10) Do you have any pets? A very picky orange cat with white paws named Mittens. And my little sister. (Lol! I love her though :))

11) What book do you think best represents yourself? Hmm… probably Interrupted or Chasing Jupiter by Rachel Coker. She’s my favorite author, and both of her books’ main characters are a lot like myself. You should read them! 😉

And now for who I nominate. *Drum roll, please!*……

I nominate Rose over at Searching the Clouds, Topaz at her wonderful blog, and Emily at The Loony Teen Writer.

My Questions for Them…

1) Who is your absolute favorite author?

2) What inspired you to begin reading/writing?

3) What kind of music do you listen to?

4) What is your favorite dessert?

5) Favorite color? Why?

6) What do you do when you’re stressed?

7) What blogs do you follow?

8) Would you rather visit the future or the past?

9) Cats or dogs?

10) Any favorite quote?

11) Favorite place in the world?

Thank you guys! Hope you three who I nominated will participate! And for the rest of you – what are your hobbies, or blogs you follow? Have a great rest of the weekend!


11 thoughts on “i was nominated for the liebster award!”

  1. I love your answers! Yay! I’m so glad you could participate.
    Your school has a Future Author Award? That is too cool for words. I haven’t actually read either of Rachel’s books, but I read (and love) her blog.
    You sniff books too? I AM NOT ALONE! I wish I could bottle that scent and wear it as a perfume. Your cat sounds adorable, by the way.

    1. I’m glad too 🙂 Thank you, again, for nominating me!!! You should read one of them, I love her blog, too! 😉

      YES WE WILL BE BOOK SNIFFERS TOGETHER. 😀 Actually, there’s a perfume called “Paper Passion” – google it! It’s expensive though, lol. He IS adorable, haha. I will have to send you a picture of that fur ball one day. Lol.

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for nominating me for this lovely award, Emily! I’d always thought it was mostly for blogs with under 100 followers, but you know, I could be wrong. 😉 I’m so honoured and delighted, honestly. I’ll be making my post this week. xx

    1. It is? Oops. Oh well. But anyway yeah I have 11 followers. 😛 I’m still glad you’re going to participate. You deserve it 😉 I can’t wait to see your answers! EDIT: Okay, there’s three sets of rules – one doesn’t matter how many followers one has, one says less than 3000 (for which you qualify) and the other less than 200. Since Samantha didn’t include anything about how many followers someone has to have, I guess it goes under the other set of rules. 😛

      1. Haha, well that’s sorted then! 😉 Again, thank you thank you thank you. Really excited about this (plus that other thing we’re planning!).

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