

How on earth can this month, this YEAR have flown by so incredibly fast? That’s insane. That’s… wow, I’m getting old. In 2016 I CAN DRIVE. 2016 IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. I’m just a ball of excitement & crazies!

Currently Reading: Okay, okay, I’m jumping on the bandwagon. Finally, finally, yes, I am reading Divergent. After basically every single person I know PLUS my grandma (yes, my grandma. She’s so cool and hip. Hi grandma!) has read and told me to read it a hundred times, I’m doing it. I’m joining the club. For once maybe I’ll know what people are talking about! Whooo!

Currently Watching: GILMORE GIRLS. Guys. This is insanity. I finished season three in three stinkin’ days!!! AHHHH WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE. Spending my Christmas break well, I suppose. Because. Well. Jess and Rory.

I mean, it’s kind of getting out of hand. It’s seriously all I doooooo. And yes it is on Netflix if you want to make me a very happy Emily. (in fact, whilst typing this on the couch as my parents search through the guide for what to watch I requested you-know-what and they denied the request. bahumbug.)


Currently wishing for: A bazillion things. But Christmas is seven days away right??!! But mostly a new kindle paper white. Books. Helloooo. Also – it’s as close as you can get to a real book on a tablet! All I want for Christmaaaaas is yoouuu a kindle paper whiiiiite… 

Currently eating: The peppermint milkshake from Chick-Fil-A. Holly-jolly happiness in a cup. And I have to admit… I like it even better than the peppermint mocha or frappuccino at Starbucks. Mm-mm-mmmm.

Currently listening to: Pssshhhh what am I not listening to? I have a very wide and eclectic taste in music. But of course, mostly recently it’s been Christmas songs, especially While You Were Sleeping by Casting Crowns. I’ve heard this song for years, but it really hit me as I listened to it this year. Had me tearing up.

Oh little town of Bethlehem // Looks like another silent night // Oh Bethlehem, what have you missed while you were sleeping // For God became a man // And stepped into your world today

United States of America // Looks like another silent night // As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies // That save the trees and kill the children // America, what will we miss while we are sleeping

(P.S. if you want to listen to my other favorite songs, you can see my playlist here. They’re all wonderful, and I’m always adding songs to it, so go to the very bottom for my most *recent* favorites. Then She Appeared is the newest one and I’m in looooove.) 🙂

Currently Procrastinating: Reading. I have a hundred books to read. And I really want to read four more before 2016 rolls around, so I can meet my goal of 70 books this year. Originally, the goal was 50, but now I’m at 66, so I thought I’d extend the goal. I’m *thinking* I want to go even further next year and shoot for 100, but I’m super nervous!! Can I do it?? As I said, I’m reading Divergent, but honestly it’s not what I want to read right now (chill out, it IS really good and I am NOT disappointed)… it’s just not the genre I’m into at the moment. How can I possibly have a bazillion books on my shelf to read and not want to read ONE?! Sigh. (Anyone know a clean, easy romance to get into??)

Currently Fangirling About: My signed copy of Cinder by Marissa Meyer. EEEEP I LOVE YOU BROOKE.


Currently Cuddling: My cat Maisy. She’s crazy. And bipolar, I think. Also, we’ve established that she has some anxiety issues. After nearly two months of having our dog Beasley, she stills hates him. So she spends 95% of her time in my room, attacking your feet from underneath my bed or getting fur all over my comforter and desk and every single surface she can get her paws on. But at night she really likes to cuddle. At first it was cute, because Maisy is normally very… detached. But now I think it’s because she gets lonely since I can’t ALWAYS be in my room and it’s becoming annoying. Poor Maisy. Last night I kicked her off the bed. (I mean, my HEAD.)


Currently Loving: Christmas movies! I watched It’s A Wonderful Life and White Christmas for the very first time this year! Well, that’s not entirely true because my mom watches both every year, so I’d seen bits and pieces of them, but I sat down and watched all the way through this time. Can’t believe I’ve missed them!

so those are all the ‘currentlies’ (currentlys? currently’s?) i can think of for now, but talk to me in the comments! what have you been currently up to? i want to know your favorite songs we can listen together! and book recommendations! i always want those. merry almost-christmas!!


8 thoughts on “currently…”

  1. Your currently post are the bests! 😉

    CURRENTLY I am FREAKING OUT because I’ve come across a speed bump in my blog design! The theme I bought DOESN’T support GIFS (!!!!) You know me an my gifs, I NEEeeeEEeeeEEeed them! I really really hope it was a mistake on my part, and the designer can help me figure this out. :/

    Currently loving? Everything cozy!! 😛 my family bought this HUGE pile of wood and we’ve been lighting up the fireplace A LOT lately. We’ve also had an unusual amount of hot chocolate stashed away. 😉
    BROOKE IS THE BEST ISN’T SHE?! I LURV my copy of Cinder that she go me! Eeeep! Brooke, I know your reading….your the best. 😉 <3

    Currently wanting? A laptop. I need my own so I can handle blogging a lot better. It's pretty hard sharing a laptop between three people. 😛

    Currently listening to? My favorite holiday song of ALL TIME has to be "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!" by Gayla Peevey. It's so incredibly cute and quirky!! You NEED to listen to it! I've also been loving Ex's and Oh's by Elle King, Control by Halsey and Got It by Marian Hill.

    Loved your post Emily! 😀

    1. Thank you Izel! I’m glad you like them, ’cause they’re some of the most fun to write.
      OH NOOOOO. That cannot be. I could never see your blog without all the awesome GIF’s. That’s incomprehensible. I can’t even imagine it. Hope you get it figured out!
      Ooooh wish it were cold enough here to build a fire! For the first time since Thanksgiving, this morning it was cold outside so we get one today but it’s supposed to be back up in the late 60s/70s, ugh.
      ISN’T SHE THE BEST??? EEP I love it so much!!!
      I love that song! It’s so cute. 🙂 I’ll have to listen to the others, thanks for the recommendations!
      Thanks again!

  2. What a lovely post!
    I’m also so excited for christmas! so many presents, and just a lovely time! friends & family! gosh I love it!
    and Omg can’t believe the year indeed went so fast.
    hope you’ll have a great christmas time!

    x Claire

    1. Aww, thank you Claire!
      Christmas is the absolute best time of year. I really don’t see how it could get any better! Only seven more days!! 🙂
      You too Claire! Merry Christmas!

  3. I love your currently posts. So I am currently reading Eye of the World though I plan to try to finish my alex morgan book in the next day or two. I really hope I meet my goal! I might lower it by a few books. I know I’ve read that many books but I started goodreads in the middle of the year. Ugh! I bet you can make your goal!
    Thanks Emily! And Izel! I was hoping you’d like them :). Though I probably looked weird lugging around 3 copies of cinder plus a copy of every other book. Haha.
    I really hope you like Divergent! Send me a text if you have any questions and I’ll answer what I can.

    1. What’s Eye of the World about? Hang on. Looking it up on the Foodreads. Okay found it! It looks great!
      I hope I meet my (extended) goal too! Well if you read 35 books in five or six months then I’m sure you’ve read just as many, if not more, before then. We’ve probably read about the same amount. I think we read about as much as the other.
      Haha I bet! When you kept talking about how many copies you had I got suspicious… but it was so worth it right? You’re SO SWEET!
      K I will! I like it. it’s… interesting, so far. I’m about 140 pages in? Pretty good! I’m not disappointed thus far. 🙂 Kind of ready for it to get going and into the plot and everything but I’m only 140 pages in, so. I shall be patient.

  4. White Christmas was my school musical last year! I wasn’t in it, but I saw it. It’s really good. And I currently have Divergent sitting on my stack to read.

    P.S. I nominated you for the Infinity Dreams Award. Check out my blog post for details.

    1. Aww, how much fun! The movie was great. 🙂
      Ooh yay! We can be newbies together. Let me know when you start it.
      Thanks for nominating me! I’ll do it soon, I love awards and tags like that. Thank you Grace!

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