a christmas gift guide for the bookworm in your life

CHRISTMAS IS NINE DAYS AWAY. Nine. AHHHH I’m flipping out. Thankfully I’ve just got one more person on my Christmas shopping list to buy for, but they’re not a bookworm. Ugh, as unfortunate as it may be, I have hardly any bookworm friends offline. (But thanks to the glorious invention that is the internet, I have all of YOU!)


The point is, have no bookworm friends, but it’s possible that you do, and as a professional bookworm myself, I think I have an idea or two of what to get your bookworm friend. (Aside from the obvious, and that would be books.)

So if you’re at a total blank about what to get for your bookworm friend last-minute, I’ve got you covered.

Now, bookish paraphernalia is a must. T-shirts, sweatshirts, bookmarks, posters. The whole nine yards. These are my favorites. From cheaper to cheapest, I too work on a small budget so don’t you worry your pretty little mind. (By the way, fam & friends, these are great gifts for the bookworm in YOUR life, hint hint.)

hint hint hint taylor swift dropping hints

Shirts are the best. I mean, they keep you covered, which is a must in the United States. (I mean, I don’t know about your country, but we can’t just walk around minus clothes.) And shirts with entire novels written on them are the best. Only the best for your bookworm, of course. Litographs has a boatload of cool stuff for bookish people. My grandma bought me a shirt – the Pride & Prejudice one, duh –  and I’m in looooove. Plus if your shirt comes with an odd inky pen mark on it like mine did, they send a second one for free, no questions asked. So now I’ve got two perfectly good shirts! Wash one on Tuesday, where the other on Tuesday, and switch on Wednesday.

One whole book! ON A SHIRT.

If your worm is more a mug person and you’re not sure on sizes, this mug is absolutely adorable. I bought one for myself for only eight bucks at Barnes & Noble, and let me tell you, I get great joy from drinking from this mug. If I’m feeling guilty for not reading while drinking from said mug, I can feel better because there are books ON the mug!


Oh, and if that doesn’t work out, but you still like the design… B&N has a whole slew of stuff with this drawing on it. Notebooks, cooler bags (which I don’t own but would love to) so it works. If a bookworm likes to read, she likes to write, right? It’s a given. And if she (oops or he) doesn’t like to write they should. They could write about books. And everybody likes food (and if they don’t it’s time for you to have a serious talk with your friend) so boom. Coolers.


Now, if you are a crafty person and happen to like DIY (kudos to you) I’ve got two ideas: for the easy route, bookmarks. I’ve got a collection of them, and I adore getting new ones. Get creative! Punch a hole in the top & string a ribbon through it. Find a bookish quote, or get it laminated. Perhaps decorate it with themes from a favorite book of your bookworm’s. Construction paper will work. Card stock is always nice, too. Annnd… if you want to get super nifty, check out these tutorials my pen pal Brooke sent me. She made me a book necklace from one of my favorite books because she’s the best bookish friend a bookworm could ask for. (You can find them here & here.)


This is the one Brooke made for me! EEP I’M SO IN LOVE!

Now, I can’t speak for your bookworm, but I for one love my bookshelf. I love adding new books and seeing my collection grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and – you get the picture. But the thing is, I don’t have just books on my bookshelf. Well, sure, YES that is 99% the majority, because it is a BOOK shelf, but… some of the books aren’t actually books. 


I’ve gotten two of these secret thingamabobs recently, and love them! You can stash candy (which I tried to do but then eat it before I can ‘stash’ it) and diaries (if it were small) and money and secret-y things. I don’t know what your bookworm would put in it, GOSH! But I’m sure they’ll find something. Plus, these thingamabobs can be decorative. Look! This one Brooke gave me matches my old books from my great-grandma almost perfectly! (and no, I will not tell you what I put it in it.) (mostly because I haven’t decided yet.)

Now, that’s about all I can brainstorm for today… but, you know, you could go the old-fashioned route and buy books for your bookworm! Or, if you can’t think of any books your bookworm would like to read, buy a gift card! Please. The last thing your bookworm needs is to feel guilty for not wanting to read your book, and besides, we like shopping. For books. The possibilities are ENDLESS. $10 will usually suffice, or you could go crazy and give us 15. Life is easy when you’re shopping for a bookworm. A bookstore gift card will never be turned down.

stay tuned for more life lessons from emily. next week: how to easily care for your bookworm! just add water!

hope i helped! have a merry christmas & a happy bookworm!





P.S. In case you don’t hear from me in a while, it’s because I’ve just finished season three of Gilmore Girls in THREE DAYS. And no I don’t need my heart in case you’re wondering. I CAN’T HANDLE THIS.  emily

2 thoughts on “a christmas gift guide for the bookworm in your life”

  1. Oh my, you flatter me. *hair flip* I am such a prefectionest that I internally cringed when I saw the necklace. Lol. I’ve noticed all the little mistakes in it…….
    I love receiving gifts from fellow bookworms. They know exactly what I want! Wether it be a classic book or giftcard to a bag( aka the one you sent me for my birthday!) I love it all. Even if the gift is not my style I still really appreciate (did i spell that wrong?) the thought.
    If you look at our co posts I actually kind of hinted that I was getting/making something selection themed. haha.
    I really like your Christmas gift themed post . Especially the guest post from audrey last year.

    1. Why yes I do. *hair flip back* Aww, don’t be so hard on yourself. I couldn’t a picture close enough so I took one, then zoomed it in, which may cause fuzziness in the picture. Meaning it’s not the poor necklace’s fault. 🙂 Seriously, Miss Brookeworm, it is AMAZING.
      ME TOO!! Which is why I soooo love getting gifts from you. It’s the best. (AND why I can’t wait to get my Christmas exchange gift.) 😉
      Haha I should look at that. If you did I totally missed that!
      I do too. I really need to do more. 🙂 I feel so bad I didn’t get to do a post for Jane Austen though. Today’s her birthday and I totally missed it. Sigh… there’s always next year, I suppose… :-/

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