50-follower barnes & noble giftcard giveaway!

So, a few weeks ago this happened.


My bloglovin‘ account hit fifty of you peoples (actually we are now at 52!) and while that’s a small milestone it still deserves to be recognized because I’M EXCITED, you all are so so sweet and I like giveaways and you like giveaways so we’re doing a giveaway. My allowance is small and I’m pinching pennies to buy Christmas presents (seriously, friends/family reading this, if you get a gift from me consider yourselves special because I am BROKE) so it’s only a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card, but hey, ten bucks buys a book and when we hit a hundred… you can bet that giveaway will be big. πŸ™‚


Oh and good news UN-Americans! This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL because I’ll be emailing the giftcard, so whether you live in the U.S. or Timbuktoo you can enter! It’s a party for all!

Please read the rules and then you can get going. πŸ™‚

  1. This giveawayΒ IS open internationally. (Like I just said, obviously, but in case ya missed that. Just so you know.)
  2. I will announce the winner on November 28th on For the Bookish, but I will also be emailing the winner.
  3. If said winner of the giveaway does not respond to the email within 48 hours, I will be picking another person to get the gift card.
  4. Once the winner replies, I will send the gift card via email!
  5. Please; no cheating the system. If I find that you are you will be immediately disqualified.

Now go ENTER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

what do you plan to get with the giftcard if you win??


13 thoughts on “50-follower barnes & noble giftcard giveaway!”

  1. Hey Emily! Ooh another giveaway! Maybe I’ll win this time πŸ˜‰ Anyway, what would I do with the giftcard? Oh, probably just stand in B&N staring at all their books having no clue what to buy and give up, probably (but fear not, I shall make use! I’ve been needing to buy Lord of the Rings, after finishing the best series ever: Chronicles of Narnia). I’m always that way in book stores, I never know what to buy or where to even start.
    But thank you for doing this giveaway with a small allowance! My sister and I have a dog walking business that has grown significantly, and we’ve made quite a lot of money (like this week alone we made $95). Best of luck to increasing your piggy bank money!
    Also, did you watch GMW this week? What did you think of it? I was surprised at its content–still poorly executed of course :p–but for a Disney show, I don’t know…It was a bit contradictory, like “you don’t have to believe in God, but why aren’t you gosh darn it?” Doesn’t beat Shawn’s coming to God when Mr. Turner almost dies, but still, as a Christian I appreciated this episode a little bit more.

  2. This question is so hard!!
    I’d either buy the Selection series, or get a cute notebook. I don’t know why, but I’ve been in the mood to just WRITE on paper, which is really rare. I may even just combine it with other money and just try to buy the whole store πŸ™‚
    I have this thing where when people don’t respect someone’s work, I get kinda mad and to be honest, I feel like who ever says that GMW is bad, poorly executed, whatever, doesn’t understand really. GMW is aimed for a totally different level. THAT’S WHY IT’S ON DISNEY. It’s about kids coming to age with this world, not Cory and Topanga’s, and the 21st century society; the fact that people don’t understand that makes me see red. And I don’t mean this as a shade or anything, but I was reading the comments on an earlier post of yours, and I thought of that, and I really feel that I should just point this out. Again, I don’t want to offend you or anyone, thisz is just somehting that I really wish to get off my chest. πŸ™‚ What do you think?

    1. I am so sorry if my past comments on GMW were offensive in any way! You have a right to your opinion, for sure. I know what you’re saying about the aim, however, I still believe the writing is bad. To me, I don’t mind what age group it’s directed towards, if the writing is bad to me, it will be. BMW was also on Disney, and was at one point directed at the age of kids GMW is directed at now (and I’ll be real here and say the majority of my opinion of GMW is not based on comparing the two shows, but what I watch in front of me). But I totally understand where you’re coming from, and you have every right to like the show! I am sorry if it made you mad πŸ™

  3. Congrats on 50!! Working towards that mark myself! πŸ™‚ If I win I would probably by the Ascendance Trilogy! You know its my favorite and sadly I don’t own it yet….. πŸ™‚ Hope I win!!! <3

  4. Congrats on 50 followers!
    If I won, I’d definitely get The Selection, or one of the books in the series… or a notebook, since I have an obsession with pretty journals. XD

  5. I’d probably get Illuminae Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, it looks AH-MAZING, It’s a eleven dollars though, so I’d either put in the difference myself or get Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza, it looks SO GOOD and it’s about a girl with superhuman powers and has a similar character to Cinder…I read Marissa Meyer’s praise for it and she loved it!

  6. Yay! 50 followers! I would either spend it on someones gift or buy something for myself. If I bought something for myself id probably either get a pretty notebook, pens/markers/colored pencils, a book, a prompt book, or something else along those lines. whew. That’s a lot of things!
    I really hope I win!
    I got dragged to my aunts house toda . All I wanted to do was stay home but my mom forced me to go. It was all right. There was cake. And whipped cream. Lol.

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