christmas tag!

Hi, everybody! Today, Daisy over at Estrella’s Trendy Teen tagged me in The Christmas Tag!

Pretty fun stuff.

Of course, I couldn’t say no, now could I? Christmas is the best time of the year! It’s my savior’s birthday! (and the presents don’t hurt, either… hehehe.) So, thanks a million, Daisy!

And now… the rules.

  1. Post the picture on your blog. (Check.)
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Tag up to 12 bloggers.
  4. Make up questions for the bloggers to answer!

Alrighty… these are the questions that Daisy came up with, and I will now answer:

1. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? 

Every year, a few weeks before Christmas, my mom and dad host a “greens party.” My grandma started doing hers several years back with my great-aunt, and it wasn’t long before my mom started doing her own. Basically, my parents begin collecting greenery and stacking them in piles in our yard. On the day of, we set tables and clippers and baskets and such out in our driveway and invite all of our friends and friends of friends over to make wreaths and greenery arrangements! We have soup and yummy treats inside and the kids run around and play. It’s a blast! =)

2. What is the best holiday memory?

I remember one memory that always makes me bust out laughing! About two or three Christmases ago, when my cousin Sawyer was two or three, my whole family was sitting in our living room while we all took turns opening presents. When it was Sawyer’s turn, he tore open the wrapping paper and said… “I got a box!” He was tickled pink! Of course, he was even more excited when we opened the box and he got a train set!

3. If you could give one present to someone less fortunate what would you give or do for them?

Oh, tough one. I guess it depends what sort of situation the person is in. Every Christmas, my family helps a family in need or buys Christmas presents for some kids who live nearby. My old elementary school has a “dolphin tree” (the mascot is dolphins =) ), and my family still gets a dolphin to buy presents for the kids in the school, even though my sister and I don’t go there anymore. If I knew of someone who needed help, I’d try to do whatever was in my power to do for them.

4. What is your Favorite Holiday Song?

I love “Mary, Did You Know” and the Glee version of “Up on the Rooftop.”

5. What was the best present you ever received?

Oh, now this is a tough one! =) I’ve always been so blessed every year with everything I want (and more), but I can think of several big presents I’ve gotten over the years… a cell phone, a tablet, a bike, several American Girl dolls, a “cottage play house” … and so many more.

6. Do you decorate your house for the holidays? How about your room?

Oh, absolutely!! Our living room has a really high ceiling, so my family always puts up a ten-foot-tall tree and deck it out in our ornaments. I always love going through the homemade ornaments! My mom hangs mistletoe, we have stockings, and Christmasy-smelling candles, and snowmen figurines, and Santa pictures everywhere… my sister and I put mini Christmas trees in our room and I hang up pictures from past years in my bedroom.

7. Favorite Christmas Movie?

ELF! Is that even a question?

8. Do you stay at home for Christmas day or does your family go out to parties?

WELL. On the 23rd, my family and I go to my grandparents’ house a few hours away for a family get together at some distant cousins’ house, and cousins and distant, distant cousins and great-aunts and all of my extended family on my dad’s side gets together. My sister and I also get our presents from my grandma and grandpop and aunt. Then on the 25th, my cousins and grandparents on my mom’s side and some close family friends and sometimes my cousin’s grandparents come over in the afternoon. Somehow, we always end up having quite a group. This year will be a little different, though, because my cousins are going to Minnesota for Christmas. So my parents were thinking we could go see a movie in the afternoon or invite some friends to hang out!

9. What was your most embarrassing gift?

Hmmm… I don’t usually get embarrassing gifts. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten underwear! 😛 When I was younger, however, I hated getting clothes! 😉 (It’s definitely different now, haha!)

10. Post your favorite Christmas Gif. or picture! 

Here is a picture of my cousin (and best friend =) ), taken today, actually:

See our matching sweaters? Jealous? 😉 I also worked some of my magic and curled both of our hair…


(My other cousin caught that one!) Just thought I’d share those two with you 😉

Now, are ya’ll ready for the bloggers I’m going to tag? I nominate Ana @ Butterflies of the Imagination, Cait @ Paper Fury (previously at Notebook Sisters!), and Rachel. =)  (Sorry, I couldn’t reach 12! On a side note, any blogs you guys reccommend reading?)

Go check out those lovely ladies’ blogs! You sure won’t regret it!

Here are the questions for the three bloggers I tagged:

  1. What is your favorite Christmas treat?
  2. Are there any special traditions that your family has to celebrate Christmas?
  3. What’s on your Christmas list this year?
  4. Favorite Christmas carol?
  5. How do you normally celebrate Christmas?
  6. Do you enjoy getting presents for your friends and family? Do you buy your gifts or go the homemade route?
  7. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
  8. Do you decorate your house for Christmas?
  9. Is it cold where you live? Have you ever had a white Christmas? =)
  10. What is something nice someone has done for you around Christmas that made you smile?

So those are the questions! I hope that the bloggers I tagged can join in! =)

Merry Christmas!




Oh, and one more thing! I joined Pinterest! Maybe you can check me out! (I’m kind of obsessed…) =)



11 thoughts on “christmas tag!”

  1. Oh I’m so happy you we’re able to join in! And those were awesome questions! a greens party sounds like so much fun! And you and your cousin look like your having fun! My cousin and I are like that to! I miss her so much but she lives in L.A about 2 states away! 🙁

    1. Thanks for tagging me! Oh, the greens party is a blast. I look forward to it all year long.

      Aww 🙁 I’m lucky, because my cousin and I live so close (just about ten minutes away, in fact), and we’re only five months apart. I’ve always had a built-in best friend! 🙂

  2. MY cousin and I should get matching sweaters like that. We are super close. She is a little under a year older than me but we get along greatly. She lives in Wisconsin while I live in an air force base in New Mexico. We keep contact by writing letters and messaging each other. My dads retiring soon so I hope we move up to Wisconsin. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the tag! I really should do this because I’m rather a christmas grinch so I should get into the spirit a bit more, right?!! 😉 Our family doesn’t really do much different for christmas except my sister does lots of concerts with her local music group and we make chrismtas food and have a tree. lol no parties or anything for us.
    I love the Piano Guys christmas songs!!

  4. Okay, funny story time- I was reading your post, then went out to dinner with my family and a little walk and then I realized we took pictures in front of that exact same tree. I’m certain of it. What a coincidence!
    You have a really nice blog, btw! So pretty!

    1. No way! That would be SO cool if it is the same tree… my family and I visit the area the tree is in a lot, there are so many cute shops and restaurants!

      Thank you! I’m really proud of the way it turned out! 😉

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