a corner of the universe by ann m. martin

Well. This is not a book to read if you would like to keep your eyes dry. Somehow I always pick out books that make me bawl like a baby. I wish you could see me right now. I just finished this book and picked up my laptop to write the review, and I’m bawling all over again.


Ann M. Martin’s books always do that to me, especially. She writes from a child’s perspective, and the book is labeled “Children’s book,” but… the content is very deep. The stories are so real. They could be anyone’s story. They’re raw. A Corner of the Universe is written from 12-year-old Hattie Owen’s perspective, and we’re so very much alike I felt like I could step into the book and switch places with her and react and do that same things she did in the book.

You can click here to read the synopsis of the book, but I’ll give you the gist of the the book myself: Hattie finds out she has an uncle nobody has ever told her about. He’s been in a mental institution for twelve years (Hattie’s whole life.) It’s 1960. No one understands Uncle Adam. Except, maybe, Hattie herself.

Goodness me, this book is deep. I can’t even express to you how amazing it was. I was thinking throughout the book “This is a sweet story… probably four stars?” But this is no ordinary sweet story. Good gracious, no it was not. It was… written in a way that there’s no hiding the fact that Hattie’s Uncle is different. Despite Hattie’s family’s ways of acting as though Uncle Adam is perfectly normal, and never talking about these things, it is quite clear. But not in a bad way, if you understand what I mean.

Trips to the carnival and birthday parties and flowers to a pretty girl. As Hattie puts it at the end of the book, the summer of Adam was both awful and wonderful. So was the book, for that matter – I wanted to throw it across the room a number of times, but I really loved this book.



5 stars, without a doubt!

xx, Emily

19 thoughts on “a corner of the universe by ann m. martin”

  1. Wow, this book sounds good. I have a book by ann m matin that I’m going to start today, rain reign. It looks good but I haven’t started it yet.the apothecary was really really good. I want the sequel so badly. I might pick up the sequel tonight but I might not because I am trying to restrict how many books I buy. I have so many books and not enough places to put them. Hopefully I’ll have a desk this weekend, my dads making me one.

    1. Oh, yeah, you told me about Rain Reign! That does sound like a super good book. Ann M. Martin’s one of my favorite authors. The Apothecary sounds good, too. THERE’S JUST SO MANY GOOD BOOKS TO READ! Your dad’s making you a desk? That’s so cool! I got my desk in fifth grade, two years ago, when I got my own room. (My sister and I used to share a room.) I love it! I’m sitting at it right now, haha. Believe me, finding space for my books is an ongoing problem for me, too. 😉

      1. Argh!!! I forgot to put my name in and I lost the whole comment! I have the cool shelves that are very small so it looks like stacks of books are floating on the wall( its hard to explane. My dad made them). I use to have a vanity but my older sister took it for her house. There are so many books I want to read. I think I’m going to set up a book fund so I can have some money set aside for books ;). Rain reign is good so far( I’m about half way). Its a little different but still pretty good. You would probably like it. My sister and I use to share a room too. When we moved to new mexico though we got our own rooms( I’m glad. My sister is pretty messy and I’m neat. Plus I like to be alone).

        1. Ohmygosh. I just finished rain reign. You HAVE to read it. Only one book has ever made me cry( a summer to die by lois lowry( a very very good book)) but this book made my eyes water( it was allergies ;p). Judging by the books you eead you will LOVE this book. It was so good. Different but good. Surprise ending too. I did not see it coming.

        2. ARGH. I do that all the time. Makes me so mad! Those shelves cool, although I don’t really know what you’re talking about. 😛
          That would be really smart. I’m saving all of my money right now to go to Rachel Coker’s dream factory workshop, but as soon as I save up, whatever money I have left, I’m going to buy some more. For now, it looks like the library and me are going to be buddies, haha. That sounds like me and my sister! We both like our space, and she’s messy and my room it neat. (No joke, it’s a group effort to clean her room. My mom gets our trash bags because we find paper scraps and banana peels in her room. It’s insane.) 😉 Are you the older or younger sister?

          1. That’s to bad :(. Maybe you can go to the library and put it on hold there. Or could you call them?
            Sorry I’m.not very good at explaing things ;). I need to start saving up for the trip me and my sister got for christmas so I’m going to put some money in savings for the trip and future birthday/christmas presents and the rest I can use to buy whetever I want. You can’t see my sisters floor or her desk. They are covered in things. I only have a few books on the floor. I’m the older sister.

          2. I’ll probably call them sometime today. 🙂
            That’s okay! Maybe I’ll look it up or something. I’m going to D.C. in May after the workshop with Rachel Coker, so I’d like some money left over to spend. Lol! Your sister and my sister would be the best of friends. 😉 Older sisters unite! 😀

  2. I’ve read the Runaway Doll Series by Ann M. Martin, but I’ve never read A Corner of the Universe. It seems like a wonderful book, though. Heart shredding, MG and historical fiction? It’s the perfect combination. And it also has a beautiful cover, which is always a plus. Thanks for the recommendation; I just added it to my tbr on Goodreads.

    1. I read the first book in the Runaway Doll series to my sister, and then she read the rest! 😉 Yesss! Those are my favorite genres. There’s seriously no better combination. I’m not going to lie, the cover was definitely a factor in picking that book out, haha. If you read it, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

  3. Lol. They are close in age too. I’m sure they would get along. Older sisters, saving the world from little sisters one sister at Ooh. I have never been to D. C. I would love to go to D. C. and see all the historical sites. Wow it sounds like your going to have a fun may! Wrting workshop with a published author And going to D. C.!

    1. Opps I didnt get to finish that comment. I was writing older sisters, saving the world from little sisters one sister at a time! Lol. I guess I can’t talk. I’m a little sister too!

  4. Wow, this books sounds AMAZING! I’m adding it to my TBR right now, so I should be able to get to it as soon as I’m done with The Infernal Devices 🙂

    Lovely review, Emily! <3

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