a message to our generation

Molly Kate Kestner is a really cool youtuber I first discovered through her song “His Daughter.” (It was actually on the news one night, and so I subscribed to her channel!) She posted this video about five months ago now, but I just now checked up on her channel and watched this video. I was blown away by how true it is and how well Molly said it. =)

Check it out here, or below:

My parents don’t allow me to be on social media yet, but I’m still very guilty of being consumed with hopping online or scrolling through Pinterest rather than taking a few minutes each day to even read one bible verse. I really loved this video, and I think you should really take a minute to watch it, too. =)

Until Monday!

xx, Emily

10 thoughts on “a message to our generation”

  1. Wow. She’s very cool. I’m not alowed to have social media yet either. Why was she on The news? Her message is very inspiring. She’s going to make the history books. Her message is so true. We are to much about our selves and if we tried we could make a difference.

  2. How come you unsubscribed to her again? I get what she’s saying and I never had that urgency to post a selfie every 30 seconds, I never cared how many retweets I got. And there are so many people hurting themselves cause they think they’re not good enough, 🙁 I’ve always imagined myself making history like this girl through videos, but I’ll be making a difference by producing movies. Producing age appropriate movies if you know what I mean. That’s just how I plan on making a difference, how would you like to do that Emily?

    1. How come I unsubscribed to her? You mean why I haven’t watched her videos lately? I guess I just forgot about it. I haven’t been watching YouTube videos for very long. I certainly don’t need to take a selfie every 30 seconds, either, haha! That’s amazing. I would love to do something like that – I wish there were more Christian teen books out there, like you said ‘age appropriate’ movies, but instead I’d like to write books. So many ‘teen’ books are just trash these days.

  3. One of my drawings is on Heathers blog!!! Im so excited. The other drawings I sent were better but I sent them later.

      1. The other two I sent her were better. But I sent those after that so she might not have gotten to them yet. The ones I sent her later is of the moms and of the girls in their ballgowns in england( I tried to follow the descriptions). They were so much better and in color.

  4. I love this video. I don’t really have social media yet, either, unless Goodreads counts, but I think this video can apply to any type of online activity, including blogging. It’s so easy to get so caught up in the online world that you forget about the real world.

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