two giveaways for two years of for the bookish!


Two years ago today, lonely little ole me decided she had had enough. No one in her school or her family or her extra curriculars read books. NO ONE, I say. Waitwaitwait: let me rephrase. No one read the books she read. And that made her sad.

And somewhere in her brilliant little head (which is, I may add, still brilliant today, bookworms), she thought: “I know! I shall start a blog for fellow BOOKWORMS.” And since little ole me lucked out with a dad with an awesome job, she sat him down on the couch one night with her laptop and said, “I want a website.” So little ole me’s father, who is the internet genius (it says so on his website and license plate, I kid you not), built her a beautiful blog. And the rest is history. (As you know.)

SO, UM, you may have noticed something a little different about my blog theme?? IT HAS BEEN BORN ANEW. I know I get many compliments on my old theme, but I thought it was time for something fresh. I was half-convinced one could never replace my old theme, but look, the internet genius did it again. I’m kind of sort of obsessed with my new blog design.

Unfortunately, when my dad helped me redesign FTB, we also moved my URL (as in, I own not to a new host, and in doing that, I lost all my email subscribers! So it would mean a ton to me if you all could resubscribe to my blog and have your favorite blog posts in your email again. I lost all of you, so tell your mom and your dad and your friends and your friends’ friends that Emily would really really adore you if you entered your email there. (Not to mention that if you do, you can be entered in the giveaways below!)

OHHHH and that reminds me: did you see the title up there?? Hmm? That’s right: I’m bringing you not one but two giveaways for two whole years of For the Bookish. But first *ahem* a word.

As cheesy as this may sound, I wouldn’t be blogging if it weren’t for you! Half the fun is not just writing posts and designing the blog and all the technical stuff… but chatting with YOU, dear bookworms. I have made so many wonderful friends – some of them I even like to think of as best friends – through book blogging. I’m so thankful for this experience and hobby. So here’s a little shout-out to all my “regulars,” the ladies who are sweet enough to subscribe, comment, share, email with me, fangirl with me, and just always be around for a chat. If you’re not following these blogs yet (those that are linked), I don’t know what you’re doing.

Izel ♥ Grace ♥ {The Other} Grace ♥ Ana ♥ Katie Grace ♥ Brooke ♥ Lu ♥ Trisha ♥ Madi ♥ Amanda ♥ Olivia

(I’m sorry if I forgot anybody; you’re all fab, darlings, just fabulous.) (oops – oh look, my wolfgang is showing. MDBC humor for you wormies.)

NOW, enough of the sappiness! Are you ready to WIN SOME FREE STUFF? (because i don’t know about you but i am, which stinks, because it wouldn’t be right to enter my own giveaway.) (even though i’m awesome and always deserve free books, *hint hint*)

… but first. le rules.

Please read the following rules carefully before entering the giveaway(s).

  1. The giveaways are open April 3 – April 24, 2016.
  2. I will email the winners, but if he/she do not respond within 48 hours, I will have to pick a new winner(s).
  3. The Thrift Books gift card giveaway is open internationally. I will send the gift card via email.
  4. The necklace giveaway is open to US residents only. I will have the necklace shipped directly to the winner from Etsy.
  5. I reserve the right to disqualify any entry if I find that anyone is not following the rules accordingly or is cheating the system. (Rafflecopter.)
  6. I am not responsible for stolen or lost packages.

$10 THRIFT BOOKS GIFT CARD: is an online used bookstore, with free shipping on orders of $10 or more to US or Canada residents. I have personally ordered from this store before and love it! ENTER BELOW:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Many of you will probably recognize these mini book necklaces from Cait’s Etsy shop! For those of you who aren’t aware, these mini book necklaces come with whatever book cover you want. When I email the winner, I will need their address and cover preference. Please note that I will be shipping the necklace directly to the winner from Etsy, to avoid double shipping costs. ENTER BELOW:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to everyone who enters the giveaways! I will be announcing the winners on April 25th. In the meantime, look forward to FTB’s regular posting schedule on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays — I’ll be back Wednesday with a March recap! 🙂



37 thoughts on “two giveaways for two years of for the bookish!”

  1. Congrats Em!! Two years is a huge milestone and i couldn’t be happier for you! I lurv the books on the website that take you to different PAGES (eh? see what I did there? *laughs for a million years and dies alone with 32875 dogs because i love puns the end*)

    I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us for FTB’s second year!

  2. Hey! So happy to see a post from you again! I’ve missed the posts and you (even though we text everyday ;p ).
    I hope I win! I would love to win Caits necklace. Cause, you know, I make necklaces similar so I would love to examine to see the diferences between them and maybe try to make one out of paper( plus they are cute).
    My top favorote blogs are your’s (duh) and Izel’s. I’m really good friends with both of you so it would be hard to choose between you.
    I hope your third year of for the bookish goes great!

    1. Haha! Seriously. I think we *always* have a conversation going. I’m glad to know I’ve been missed, Brookeworm.
      Yeah, that would be awesome! I really need to learn how to make the clay necklaces. That was the intention for this giveaway, but unfortunately I didn’t get to it in time.
      Same! Well, you don’t have a blog but you and Izel are my bookish besties. OMG. THIRD YEAR. Me tooo. (That’s kind of crazy, geez.)

  3. Hi Emily! Great post and cool giveaway. 🙂 Thanks so much for linking back to my blog in there!^^
    I LOVE THE NEW THEME! It’s amazing. <3

  4. Hey Emily! I am so proud of My BCF (Best Cousin Forever) and how much you have put into this blog! I love you!

  5. Your blog design is probably one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. THE SIDEBAR IS SO CREATIVE AND LOOKS SO COOL OMG. THE FONTS. THE BOOKISHNESS. And you’re a darn cool person too!
    (I don’t have a favorite blog because SO MANY AWESOME AND FABULOUS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD)

  6. Congrats on your two years of blogging!! I just found your blog today, so I’m a super new follower, and I just have to say that your blog design is simply amazing!


    So I visited your blog, and had a small heart attack at the sidebar. Um, I mean. Books. And it’s just perfect. It’s just AMAZING.
    And then I ran my mouse over “About Emily” and it changed fonts and I just about died.

    I think I’m still dying over the amazingness. *wants the internet genius to design my blog* 😛

    IT’S JUST SO EXCITING. And you’ve come so far in two years at For the Bookish. I’ve enjoyed your posts so much — and have been missing them over the past week in my Bloglovin’ feed.

    So sorry about your email followers. Ughhh, that’s just the absolute worst. *hugs* I can’t imagine that happened to my GFC followers or email. *hugs again*

    1. KATIE YOUR COMMENT MADE ME SMILE SO MUCH. I am obsessed with my sidebar. We’re still working on the last four pages, but hopefully they’ll all change color/sizes or whatever soon! 😀

      Aw. It makes me happy to know that I’ve been missed. I love your posts too!

      *sigh* I know, it’s such a bummer! TWO years of subscribers, all gone. I’m definitely upset about it, but hopefully I can make up for them quickly. *hugs back* Thanks for the sweet comment, Katie Grace!!

  8. Oh my gosh Emily!! This blog design is AMAZING. I saw in my blog views one of the sources was your blog page and I realized I haven’t seen posts from you in a loooong time. I clicked over and I literally was so overjoyed to see such an incredibly perfect design. I loved your old one for sure, but this is definitely fresh and the book sidebar is <33
    Also congratulations not only on that but on your 2 year blogiversary! My first year blogiversary was early March haha. Your blog was the first blog I ever started reading. I love it. Also thank you so much for mentioning my blog! That was so so kind of you, honestly. God bless Emily 🙂
    I was so wondering why I hadn't got an email for this post! Subscribed again 😉 So sorry you lost all of them!!
    I hope you're doing well with school and Latin (hehe) and all of that. Keep up the awesome work and I can't wait to see new posts from you. I could just spend hours looking at this blog <3

    1. Aww, thanks Grace! It definitely is fresh on the eyes – I’m in love. <3
      Happy belated blog birthday! Aren't they fun? Honestly now, it's hard to imagine not having my blog.
      It’s no problem, girl! I adore your blog. Seeing them in my inbox makes me so happy. Thanks so much for subscribing again!
      Hahaha… latin. *internal sobbing* I hope you’re doing well with it, too! (Better than me, at least, ha!)
      awwwww THAT IS SO SWEET. Here’s a secret: I *have* spent hours looking at my theme. haha! I’m so so glad you like it.

  9. Hi Emily! I’m a faithful reader of your beautiful blog and I’ve missed it when the email subscription thingymabob changed but I was SO excited to find it and subscribe again because WOWZERS it looks great!!! Sorry I just kinda randomly popped up, but I just don’t comment very much, even though I fangirl over just about everything historical fiction, The Lunar Chronicles, and The Selection, also. 🙂 So, hello, and I’m so glad to find your blog again!

    1. Aw, Chloe, this is such a sweet comment. xxx. Thank you so much! The Lunar Chronicles and The Selection, AHHH! 😀 Please stop by again to say hello. I loved this comment.

  10. Congratulations on 2 years Emily! And I LOVE your new blog theme! It is GORGEOUS! <3 This is an awesome giveaway! I would love to win either of the prizes! x) It was so awesome to meet you through the blogging community! You were the first one to follow me out of the people in our community! =) xx <3

  11. Congrats, Emily!! Those necklaces are so cute!! And I blogged for about a year before shutting it down, but am currently getting my next blog set up 🙂

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