tips on organizing books // guest post featuring brooke!

Hello, everyone! I have a very special guest visiting today with some tips (and pictures!) on how to organize your books. Miss Brooke is a wonderful commenter on For the Bookish and my pen pal! So without further ado… here’s Brooke!

Hi, everyone! Today I will be talking about different ways to organize your books. We all struggle with this at one point in our bookish lives. There are a ton of different ways to organize books. I prefer to mix it up and do all my shelves different ways. Anyways, here are a few of my favorite ways to organize my books.

a picture of one of my shelves that goes by author & series.

Organizing by series and by author are two of my favorite ways. When you put them by series it looks very organized and it’s easy to find your books. I always feel bad if I take a book away from the rest of its series/family. And when you put them by author the height of the book and publishers symbol usually line up giving it a cool look.

one of my shelves that is organized by color

Another cool way to organize books is by color. When you organize your books by color, it gives your shelves an artistic feel. I’ve always found this way to make your shelf look very pretty. The only downside is that if you organize all your books by color it may be hard to find your books at first.

my last few full shelves. They aren’t really organized a certain way.)

Organizing your books by genre is another great way to shelf your books. It’s an easy way to arrange them. Plus, you could organize each genre a different way (by color, size, favorite, ect!) It could be hard to separate each genre, and it wouldn’t work well if you didn’t have a variety of different genres.

The last step in organizing your books is keeping them organized. It’s surprisingly hard! When I get new books, my bookshelves tend to get disorganized quickly. I like to keep books I haven’t read off my shelves; I put them in a stack on my desk or on the floor next to my desk. This way I can keep track of books I haven’t read and when I finish them I can put them where they belong on my shelves (this is especially helpful if you organize by genre.)

Another thing that helps me is to put my books away as soon as I finish them. That way, the book is fresh in my mind and it’s easier to decide where to put it. I also like to go through my books about once or twice a year, and see if there are any books I didn’t particularly like or that I have grown out of that I can get rid of (this also opens up spots on my shelves for new books!) Then, I either give them to people who I think will enjoy them or donate them to my library.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! How do you organize your shelves? What way is your favorite?

– Brooke

11 thoughts on “tips on organizing books // guest post featuring brooke!”

  1. I ❤’d your post Brooke!! I felt a connection through your words, just like a blogger would write! 😉 I like to organize my books by series. Usually is I have an incomplete series its in the middle of my shelf. I just have one very very LONG sheld., which is nice so it doesn’t take up too much space, but I really want a bookishelf.!
    They current aren’t organized any way. My sister dusted all my books for me when I was gone one night and she put them back all mixed up. I haven’t moved them because she worked a long time to get them up there.
    Thanks for your wonderful post brooke!!

    1. I’m so glad you liked it! Awww, thanks! I was pretty nervous because this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this. But I had fun! I may have a blog someday. Yeah. By series and author is my main way. That’s nice. I always used to want one huge shelf but I don’t think that’d work for all the books I have( a ton aren’t in the photos).
      Yeah. You should organize them again! I bet. I can see why you haven’t.
      Aww, thanks again!

    1. Thanks! Yes. I have almost all of his books. The only one I do not own( physiclly or as an ebook) is the thrown of fire. He is pretty awesome( though he writes some horrible cliffhangers). Thanks! Wow. You remind me of wolfgang ;).

    1. I do have a lot. There are two I didn’t even show in this because they aren’t full! Yes. The small one is bulit into my desk legs. Its pretty awesome. I love my invisible bookshelves too! By author and by series is my favorite way too. Yep. So do I :).

    1. Ooh, I would like to do that with my shelf. I just like having it by genre so it’s easier to find the books I’m looking for. But organizing by color looks really cool!

  2. Ah, it looks like we’re opposites. I like to keep my books organized in one single way always and forever—I alphabetize by author’s last name. That way, I always know where to find the authors I want to read and I always know where to put them back when I’m done! Still, your methods are interesting, though I won’t be trying them myself. Thanks for sharing!

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