my collection: the value in owning books.

I own a lot of books.

After typing that sentence, I thought it would be interesting to count how many books I do, in fact, own.


I own 259 books.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at my bookshelf.


I’ve spent fourteen years building this collection, and let me tell you, those are my babies; my prized possession! If you asked me what I’d grab if my house was burning down in a fire? (Rest assured my family and pets are safe, of course)…

I’d look like that. ^ While hatching some scheme to save all two hundred and fifty-nine of my best friends.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a firm believer in taking full advantage of the library. My librarians and I are on a first-name basis and they tease me about the exuberant amount of books I am constantly borrowing. “Heading to the library to pick up a *few* books” is not a phrase I use often in my house.

However…  I believe there is value in owning books.

“When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” – Jane Austen

Support authors. I dipped into this in my recent post, Supporting Authors, but it’s something I’m always talking about. Support the authors who put out books you like! If you’re looking for a clean romance YA book and find one (please tell me if ya do ’cause THEY’RE SO HARD TO UNCOVER!) buy it! If you want more fantasy and action, send the authors a note and let ’em know! If you like the sci-fi or fairy tales, go out and buy the books, because that’s your quiet way of saying, “Hey, I like this, and I want more of it!”

Build your own library. Re-reading books is important to me – and so is lending them to my friends! Although I don’t have a ton of friends offline who like reading as much as I do – grrrr – I love the feeling of letting my friends borrow books. (EVEN THOUGH I’m paranoid about never getting them back…) I also love going back to a favorite book any time I want. I especially love owning the first copy of a favorite book I read. (Though if I am unsure of a book, I borrow it from the library instead of buying it first off.) Besides, showing off my growing collection is fun! I can’t imagine what it will look like in fourteen more years.

That said… I’m fourteen. I have small amounts of money. (Especially now, as my sister and I are working off our debt to my mom… because… we broke her computer…) I have a $7 a week allowance (which is enough to buy an MG paperback, so I DO get by!) 😉 Plus limited baby sitting money. I have to limit myself with books! Which is extremely extremely HARD. YOU KNOW THAT, PEOPLES. It’s why I’m always on the internet, because you bookworms get me. At times, I feel like people online I’ve never personally met before are ten times easier to talk to – especially because you’re like ME and you get it! Resisting the urge to buy books is SOOOOO HAAARD.

Which is why used bookstores are my fave. Thriftbooks is my fave (an online used bookstore with $1 shipping!!) I use the library, but I am an official book hoarder, and I like to own them!

On the other hand – if I’m looking to support an author, I strongly recommend buying brand-new. Depends on the situation.

do you like owning books? what does your collection of books look like?



2 thoughts on “my collection: the value in owning books.”

  1. 249!? Wow!! I have a mere 80 books on my beloved shelf. I love the fact that they act as an accessory to my room…I can spend quite awhile arranging my babies to look butieful! 😛
    Rereading IS a HUGE plus to owning books! I’ve actually reread the complete Lunar Chronical series over 10 times in the past two months, not counting the visits I pay to my favorite chapters!! I’m going bonkers without the last book Winter!! (Its 824 pages!!) Btw, havee you read cinder yet?
    I know what you mean, when I’m feeling like a lonely lemon and I feel like the only bookworm in the world I’ll email one of my blogging friends, hop on twitter or start commenting like crazy!!
    Lovely post!

    1. Haha, yep. I am ridiculously proud of it too.
      WOW. You must love that series. I’m itching to read it….. 🙂 Nope, haven’t read it yet. Just ask Brooke. Pretty sure she’s told me to read it every single day for the past month… (if you’re reading this, Brooke, you know I tease ’cause I love it.) XD BUT I WILL READ IT BEFORE THE 18th!
      Yesss, same here. I just love the blogging community. They can sympathize when I’m in a blogging slump too. 🙂

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