why i write // friday ramblings #2

Why do I write? It’s something I’ve thought about a lot before. Surprisingly enough, I tend to think up some seriously deep things 90% of the time, so it doesn’t shock me that I know why I write and could tell you right off the top of my head, like I rehearsed it knowing you would ask or something.


You’re probably expecting something really deep and rich with emotion and meaning and all that, but I write simply because I love it. I was born with the God-given ability and ache to write. I need to write, or else I’d probably go insane in the head. (Hehehe. Because I’m so not insane already… ahem.)

Yes, I write to speak the truth, to be able to say what I’m too chicken to say aloud. I write to get my emotions on paper when I can’t get them in words. I write so that one day other people will be able to relate to my experiences and stories, and be touched by what I have to say. I write to do all those things, but through it all, I wouldn’t write if I didn’t love it.

I love the fact that I absolutely know who I am, and who I want to be, and what I want to do. I love the fact that there’s no limit to when or how or how old I am to be able to write. I love the fact when people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I always answer, “I want to be a published author someday.” I’m already living out my fantasy. (Well, if you don’t count the fact that I have to learn Latin. Blech.) I’m already an author. And I don’t have to ‘grow-up,’ or be an adult before I can become a published author.

I love to write. And that’s all there is to it.

xx, Emily


19 thoughts on “why i write // friday ramblings #2”

  1. I agree with you 100%, I love to write for the same reasons. I saw this quote on Pinterest that says “If you don’t see the book you want on a shelf, write it.”
    I pinned it and loved it sooo much 😀
    Ohh you’re learning Latin?? So am I! 🙂 Except I don’t mind it so much. (I guess you could call me Jess Delaney 😉 ) Do you have a teacher? I’m learning Latin, French, and Chinese on my own. I so wish I had someone who new those teaching me! But oh well…

    1. I love that quote! Beverly Cleary said that. <3

      Haha, so I see! Well, if you're Jess, then I'm Emma. Smart, but not smart enough to enjoy school THAT much, lol!! Wow! That's a lot of languages to learn - especially all at once! I go to a home-school group once a week and a tutor there explains the work to me. Then I go home and do the assignments, and if I have any questions, I can email the tutor. 🙂 There's so way I could ever learn Latin without someone guiding me! You sound really talented!!

  2. I enjoy writing but I’m not in love with it( yet 😉 ). I mostly just read in my spare time. And by spare time I mean every moment I can. But I think my erge to write has been coming. I haven’t written much that’s not for school but I think I’m going to write a short story soon. We will see ;). I don’t know how I’m going to make it till Monday. I just love your blog posts. I always go check your blog every morning when i wake up. And on monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I know something is waiting for me. And after I check yours I always check heathers, a bookish flower, and emily jane. Its now part of my routine. ;).

    1. That’s how it is for me, too. And some days I don’t even feel like writing. (As in, writing stories. I’m always typing up future blog posts, essays for school, etc. 🙂 ) If you do, I would love to read it! Maybe we could exchange stories sometime! That’s so, SO nice of you to say!! I’m glad because I’ve already written and planned the blog posts for next week – on Monday I’ll be sharing a recipe I made today. 😉 You should really read Rachel Coker’s blog – it’s rachelcoker.com. She wrote two of my FAVORITE books in the world and I do writing lessons with her. 🙂 I think you would really like her!

      1. Wow. It would be really really cool to exchange stories sometime( though I don’t know how). Maybe we could email sometime. I would have to ask my mom. I was just telling the truth :). Ooh. I like recipes. I was going to make some cookies today but I had to do chores( I love the cookie recipe from the first mother daughter book club book). I was checking out rachel cockers blog and it looks cool. I think I’m going to add it to the list of blogs to read every morning. Her books look really good too. I’m going to have to look into getting one of the books. Which one do you like best? Thanks for showong me this great blog. I’m really going to try to start writting now that I have years of reading done. I really liked her post on buying books.

        1. You can email me with the contact page if you want. (underneath ‘hello there!’) 🙂 I would love to read some of your stories. The story starter you wrote for Heather’s Saturday Story Starter was adorable! Oh my goodness, I never thought about using the recipes in the MDBC books!! I should so totally do that! You totally should! Rachel Coker’s blog is amazing. Mmm… my favorite book of hers is probably Interrupted. It’s a little bit less of a romance and more about the MC, becoming a Christian. (It’s amazing!) Chasing Jupiter is a bit more romantic, but the ending… I sat on the couch and bawled after I finished it! (But that’s not a bad thing. I still LOVED both books!!) 😉

          1. Yeah. I’m going to check my hastings today or tomorrow to see if they have either books. Its so cool that she wrote the one when she was 14!!! Awesome. I’m going to make the MDBC cookie recipe today. It is really really good. You should try it. I would have to ask my mom if I culd email you and she would have to check you out( she’s protective). I’m glad you liked my Saturday story starter. I dont really like dogs so it was hard for me. I don’t really have many stories but I’m going to write one probably over this weekend. I would Love to read yours I bet your great. I have nothing to do this weekend so I’ll obsses over your blog and books of course. Have you written a lot of stories? What are they about?

          2. Great! I know. 🙂 I love reading books by teens! I’ll definitely have to try it! At my home school group, everyone in my class is bringing in a valentine’s day treat, so maybe I’ll make those then! That’s okay. I understand – my parents are pretty protective, to. (I don’t really mind, haha.) I’m actually not much of a dog person, either. I have two cats, and the dog I did have (I got him when I was 3, he died about a year and a half ago… 🙁 ), wasn’t, shall we say, the best dog in the world. LOL! (But I was still sad when he died.) I’m really bad about writing SHORT stories. I tend to add too many adjectives and can never end the story… anyway, I write short stories that are realistic fiction. (Like the MDBC books, about girls like Emma, Jess, Megan, Cassidy, and Becca.) What kind of stories are you going to write about? 🙂

          3. Oh and by the way, I’m sorry there’s not a “respond button” on the comments once we reply so many times! I tried to figure it out what was wrong, and my dad isn’t sure, either… I guess once you respond to one comment so many times, it won’t let you anymore! Lol!

  3. Doing something for the love of it is reason enough. You don’t need some amazing cause like you’re doing it to save your ailing mother or because you’re filled with magic and it comes out of your fingertips [it probably does but anyway…] Doing something for its love is enough! great post 🙂

  4. I noticed I would have to start a new comment after so long. I usually don’t mind my parents protectiveness but I’m still trying to get a blog( my mom thinks I should just send emails but that’s not as fun or as cool). I don’t know what types off stories I would write. I think I’m going to think of multiple plots and in the meantime i think I’m going to continue a story me and my cousin started. It was pretty good. I love rachel coker. I could not find her books at the store though so I’m going to have to order them. I think I’m just going to order both at one time. I like the blog of the girl who did a guest post on here too. I love the idea of giving a book themed basket. I love the idea of filling the basket of things related to the book your giving them too. I think I’m going to have to show my mom that post around my birthday or christmas 😉 ;). They are so so cool. I want one :). I hope you see this comment.

    1. Haha! Well, I really do hope you can get a blog someday. 🙂

      What was the story you and your cousin started about? I love her, too! Have you seen the blog about her Dream Factory Workshop? I’m going!! I’m SO SO SO EXCITED. (Even though I’m 13, she’s making an exception since I do writing mentoring with her and she’s read my writing.) Seriously, I get giddy thinking about it!!!

      That would be Audrey, right? I want a book basket, too!! We’re actually planning to exchange guest posts in a week or two. I’ll guest post on her blog, and she’ll guest post on my blog. =) Hopefully you’ll like that!

    1. Haha! I bet so! This design is actually the original one my dad helped me design. I really like messing with the theme and experimenting with the design, but this one is most like me. 😉 Hopefully this will stay the same for a while. Lol.

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