the find me tag

Hey, everyone! Recently, I’ve seen this tag floating around on several blogs I read, and it looks so fun! I was so excited when Trisha tagged me. But I’m going to add my own spin to the tag: I’m going to try to find books in each category on my own bookshelf!

1) We are going to list ten categories, and you will have to find one book for each category!
2) You can either list the title of the book, or the picture, really whatever you want to do.
3) You can also tag as many people as you want, but those who are tagged are not obligated to do it.
4) Make sure to link back to Novel Ink!

a book with the word “gone” in the title

Well, this is embarrassing. The first category and I seriously do not have a book on my shelf with the word “gone” in the title. (Or subtitle!) I even cheated a little and looked at my sister’s bookshelf! Help me out here – what books have you read with “gone” in the title?

a book with a weapon on the cover

Hm… this might be another tough one. But I shall look! … oh, ha-ha! A bow and arrow counts, right?


Thanks, Dauntless!

a book with a moon on the cover

Of all the books I own with stars on the cover, none have a moon! But I’m a rebel, so here’s some books with stars instead. Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass and Interrupted by Rachel Coker!


a girl in a white dress

Ugh, I don’t own The One by Kiera Cass! Luckily, I do have Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauk and Keep Smiling Through by Ann Rinaldi. 


Honorable mention goes to Mr. Jellybean, who lives next door – a wonderful model for my pictures when Mittens isn’t cooperative… 😉

a couple on the cover

(originally a couple kissing, but I typically avoid those books.)

Pride & Prejudice counts! At least, my copy (Barnes & Noble Classics – the covers are so pretty!) has a couple on the front. The infamous Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth… *swoons*


a book with a sunset

Well… I’m gonna cheat again, since I own Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson on my Kindle Library. (What?? It counts!)


a book with headphones

Urm. Another one I can’t think of… help me out, everyone!

a book with water

I have a lot of these! Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord, Out of my Mind by Sharon M. Draper, The Other Half of my Heart by Sundee T. Frazier, and When the Butterflies Came by Kimberley Griffiths Little.


a book with a flower

I had a lot to choose from with this one! A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner is sooo pretty; and a stunning story! Also Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr. (Which I’ll be posting a review for soon!)


a book with a heart(s)

Serendipity and Me by Judith L. Roth.  (The cat’s collar.) =) Such a sweet book!



So that’s the find me tag! Thanks again, Trisha, for tagging me! Be sure to check out Trisha’s blog over here. =)

Oh, and as for who I tag… YOU! Feel free to do the tag and have fun with it!

Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What books do you have for ‘headphones’ and ‘gone’?

Until Monday!



17 thoughts on “the find me tag”

  1. This is my upcoming post! The lovely Trisha tagged me as well and I couldn’t wait to get to it! I’ll be using a Morgan Matson book for ‘gone’ 😉 how is a second chance summer anyway? I’ve been eyeing it for a while but I wasn’t sure if it was iffy or not!

    1. I can’t wait to see yours! Also, I’m going to try to do the teenage girl tag tomorrow. 😉 (Finally!)
      You’ve read Since You’ve Been Gone? Actually, I’ve been trying to figure out how iffy it is! I LOVED Second Chance Summer. It’s definitely clean; I remember some kissing scenes but no more than in The Selection. (If you’ve read that one; I can’t remember if you have or not?) Also, it’s a tear-jerker, but the PERFECT summer read. I might read it again this summer! How is Since You’ve Been Gone?

      1. Haha! I can’t wait to see your post!!
        Since you’ve been gone is one of my favorites! It’s not iffy but it’s not completely clean. In between I guess. I think the worst part are the kissing scenes. They’re OK, but one scene in particular is a little to detailed. It’s actually a lot to explain in a comment, if you want I can send you an e-mail of all the iffy parts.(NOT detailed of course!!) But it’s your call… 🙂

  2. Wow this post is so goood. I wish I it…. sigh. Anyways, I noticed above how you said you’ve been wondering about since you’ve been gone and you asked about it in the post card so I’ll tell you the problems I have with It. The book reminded me of a Sarah Dessen book. Good writing but the content is iffy. Okay so none of what I’m going to say are really spoilers I’m just going to telll you everthing I read up to( I only read about half the book). First of all some of the things on the list are awkward and weird. The main character buys a beer at this party thing( she’s underage). the kising a stranger was really weird( and slightly descusting). She attempts to steal something. And I put the book down when she uses a fake ID to get into a bar.
    I’m hoping to get your letter today! But I’m guessing I’ll get it tomorrow.

    1. Ugh. That makes me mad. I might try Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson, but it also looks like a Sarah Dessen book. I don’t know… I wish she would write another one like Second Chance Summer! It was sososo good. A contemporary, summer-y romance that was still appropriate and not too cliche! What I would give for one of those.
      Yeah, you might get it today! I hope you do. I have a little surprise for you in there. 🙂

    2. I’ll agree with you there Brooke!! the kissing the stranger was pretty disturbing I’d say that’s the only part of the book I didn’t like. The fake ID, was ok for me, I wouldn’t do anything like that, and neither would the main character, the only reason she did was because she thought it would lead her back to her best friend. And the beer, I don’t know were the book is set but maybe they have younger age restrictions, she’s 17 and a junior in high school, so i don’t know about that…. but I think the book is in between iffy and clean, it’s a matter of how old you are and how much you can take in a book. but I also thought the book was funny in some parts.
      Anyway, do you have any good summery contemporary suggestions brooke? All the books you’ve mentioned to Emily look really good, so I know you have good taste. 😉

      1. Well, no matter where you are in the US, it’s 21… I don’t know. It does sound funny, and I might end up reading it now and realizing it’s not too bad, or I’ll read it when I’m older.
        Second Chance Summer for sure! I’m really looking for some summery contemporary books, too, so I’d love to hear anything and everything anyone has to recommend. Tomorrow I’m doing a book haul from the library and a lot of them are contemporary. 😉

  3. I love the spin you put in this tag! Very creative 😀 And I also love how the photographs of your books, hehe. 🙂 Anyway, for the first question — “Gone Too Far” by Natalie D. Richards has the word “gone.” (I’m not sure if you know that book, but.) Like you, I avoid books that have couples kissing on the cover because I bet a lot of people would judge me, thinking it’s something. And plus, I really hate deep romance that can go off the edge. Haha.

    Lovely tag! I might want to do this tag real soon, so thanks Emily! Loved this post 🙂

    1. Thanks! I thought it might be fun. Plus sometimes books sit on my bookshelf, untouched after I’ve read them once… a good refresher for remembering what books I own!
      I’ve heard of Gone Too Far. I love the cover. I might give it a try when I’m older… I’ve read some great reviews about it!
      Yep. I totally agree. Especially with “I bet a lot of people would judge me, thinking it’s something.” It’s not a book I really want to be seen with… haha! 😀

  4. For the word “gone” I immediately thought of Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I LOVED that book soooo much. And the cover is super pretty. 😀
    I was reading the comments (XD) and saw that you didn’t think it was very “clean.” I’m 13 and I didn’t have problem reading it, but each to their own of course.
    As for headphones…I don’t know. I think I’ve seen a cover with them before, but I don’t own it. :/

    1. I thought of it, too, but don’t own it and haven’t read it! I really want to though. Just depends, like you said. 😉
      Same here with the headphones – I know I’ve seen covers with them, but don’t know/can’t think of any!

  5. A book with “gone?” there’s a michael grant series of that name. Since You’ve Been Gone? Nearly Gone? Gone Like the Wind? Gone too Far? Gone Girl? Lolol off the top of my head but I only one of these.

    And headphones. The only one I can think of is This Song Will Save Your Life.

    THE CUTE KITTIE OMG! I love this tag so much and it’s cool to see your books. i really enjoyed Sharon’s other books so I hope i like Out of My mind!

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