the book lover’s tag (wherein emily runs out of blogging ideas and turns to tags. again.)


I shall turn to tags. I scoured the internet until I found one that was appealing enough, and I thought this one would be fun because it tackles a lot of serious bookworm issues that we really must discuss. I mean, eating and reading? Shameful or a must? Breaking the spine? Definitely shameful. Let us dive into the tag (and answer some of the questions below, because I want to hear what you think!) 🙂

(pssst. and even though I’m tagging myself, I’ve decided to still tag a few of you because it looks like so much fun.)

1. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC PLACE FOR READING? My bed, 99% of the time. Sometimes, in nice weather, I’ll opt to go outside, because I don’t last for long. (Bugs and smells and neighbors wanting to chat and being uncomfortable and wind, all that.) Sometimes, in nice Emily moods, I’ll read in the living room, but it depends if I’m okay with my family making noises and/or trying to talk to me (I love you guys, I really do) so my bedroom it is.

2. BOOKMARKS OR A RANDOM PIECE OF PAPER? Fun story! Ten-year-old Emily dog-eared (and spine-bent, but we’ll get to that later) all of her books. At the time during the horrid phase of braces, she had to have four teeth removed. After three or four visits to the dentist, each time bringing a book along, and each time being caught dog-earing pages by a nice lady dentist, said lady dentist would hand her a post-it note. After that Emily realized her eighth deadly sin and began collecting every bookmark she found in a tin by her bed. And now I have dozens. So bookmark. No one runs out of bookmarks in my house anymore.


3. CAN YOU JUST STOP ANYWHERE OR DO YOU NEED TO FINISH A CHAPTER? I prefer to stop at the end of a chapter; or at the very least a break in the chapter. But I’m not totally picky, so I can pick up a book wherever I left off if need be.

4. DO YOU EAT OR DRINK WHILE READING? … yes. In fact, sometimes I can specifically remember the snack I was particularly fond of at the time of the book, because, as C.S. Lewis once said, “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” (The man was a genius, I tell you.) When I read The Selection Trilogy in three days straight, I probably went through four boxes of lime popsicles. It’s really very convenient to read on one’s Kindle while snacking (read: NO LIQUIDS) because there’s no pesky pages to be flipped.

5. MUSIC OR TV WHILE READING? As we’ve established before on the blog, I am super woman and I can block out any distracting noise. I read in the car when the radio is inevitably on. I read in the living room while my dad has his nightly routine of watching the news. I can make do anywhere. It’s a trait I believe all bookworms need. It really comes in handy, you know. (Of course I prefer silence, but non-bookworms are loud creatures. We must make do.)

6. ONE BOOK AT A TIME OR SEVERAL? Every now and again, I try reading several… and then it drives me up a wall. I feel so unfocused and overwhelmed. That said, I have several exceptions: 1) I often read a book and listen to an audio book at the same time. (Like now, I’m listening to The Maze Runner while reading Cinderella’s Dress. And you can’t get any two more different books, let me tell you.) 2) I’m also reading Stars Above, because it is a collection of novellas. So I can skip around and read one short story and not read a whole novel straight through.

7. DO YOU PREFER TO READ AT HOME OR ELSEWHERE? There’s no place like home. I do enjoy sitting in a Starbucks or wherever with a book, but I’ve come to the realization that I don’t like strangers watching me read. My family and our two balls of fluff don’t count. Watching Emily read is a regular hobby of theirs.

8. READ OUT LOUD OR SILENTLY? I love reading out loud! Fun fact: when I was younger, I would read out loud while walking the perimeter of my room when I got uncomfortable in my bed. When I was even younger, I would apologize to my stuffed animals when I decided to read in my head because they’re enjoying the book too. Nowadays, it’s silent all the way.

9. DO YOU READ AHEAD OR SKIP PAGES? I … have skipped pages in the past. But I promise you it hasn’t been done in quite a while! I am a devout no-spoiler person. (Even though Pinterest has ruined like FOUR deaths for me and I’m not even sure which book-to-movie adaptations the people come from, ack.)

10. BREAKING THE SPINE OR KEEPING IT NEW? Why is this even a question??? I broke my spine-bending addiction three years ago, and I am a changed bookworm. Keep it like new, hello. 

11. DO YOU WRITE IN YOUR BOOKS? I do write my name and the year on the title page, but other than that, it’s a no-no. (What if one day when I’ve written a Great American Novel and everything and someone finds an old MG book in a used bookstore with a penciled in name “Emily 2011” and WOW you’ve got like a million bucks because it’s ten year old Emily (insert last name here)’s book omg– I mean, right???)

I’m not sure how many people I’m supposed to tag, but I’m going with five because that’s a nice number. 

TAG, YOU’RE IT: Izel // Katie Grace // Madi // Olivia // Grace

I hope those tagged can join in! And feel free to do this if I didn’t tag you; after all I just decided to randomly do it without being tagged, so go for it. 😉 

Tell me, bookworms, have you ever bent a spine before? Do you eat while reading? And how many bookmarks do you own? Can’t wait to chat with you all! 



13 thoughts on “the book lover’s tag (wherein emily runs out of blogging ideas and turns to tags. again.)”

  1. Awesome Tag Emily! Thanks for tagging me! I’ll be sure to do this tag soon =D I don’t bend book spines but my brother ALWAYS does and it drives me crazy. I do eat while reading and I have too many bookmarks to count XD

    1. Thanks, Madi! And it’s no problem. I can’t wait to see your answers. I’ve missed your blog posts, girl!

      Haha! It is such a horrible habit. If I could, I’d hit eleven-year-old me over the head with a hardback. Same! I actually started counting my bookmarks for the sake of the post and then gave up. 😉

  2. Thank you for the tag, Emily! This tag was awesomeeee I can’t wait to do it, and to be quite honest we share a lot in common with our bookish experiences xD I’ve never broken a spine though (unless that means giving it a crease in paperbacks?) but I used to puppy dog ear and now it drives me nuts. If i don’t have a bookmark, I’ll use just about anything to mark my place, even copy paper (which is not a convenient size hahah). And I really can’t read in public–that’s why library time at my school was the worst because I could never focus. It’s kind of weird, but I don’t like people looking at me reading either xD
    I too eat while reading (gotta be careful though >.>). I loved your answers!

    1. No problem, Grace! I’m so glad you’re excited to do it. That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see your tag. I love discovering things I have in common with fellow bookworms.

      Yessss, exactly! Nope, copy paper isn’t a preferable size, but far better than dog-earing, for sure! 😉

      Haha! I know what you mean. Same for me. Thanks again, Grace! I love your comments.

  3. *shivers* Spine bending, the horror! No spine bending ever. *shakes head* Dog earing, that’s fiiiiiiinnneee I guess. 😛

    As far as bookmarks go… I have like one. Currently it’s trapped in a book I’ve been reading for a few months, so I’ve been without a bookmark. 🙁
    But NEVER FEAR I do read more than one book at once, so the fact that my bookmark is trapped in that one book DOESN’T MEAN I HAVEN’T BEEN READING. (perish the thought!)

    1. Ooh, I know. How could I??! No worries, it’s all in the past now. Dog-earing isn’t so bad… but I use a bookmark if I can help it.

      I couldn’t live without my bookmarks — they’re actually fun to collect! Never. How could I think such a thing?! Sometimes I read a book for months and forget where my bookmark is! 😉

  4. I recognize one of your bookmarks!!!! *happy dance* Felicity, American Girl, right? I have the Julie, Kit, and Josefina ones but they’re…in pretty bad condition. 😉
    Bending spines – I’ve probably did it before, but now it sounds like a crime!
    I eat while I’m reading a TON. Usually candy. XD
    I have oodles and oodles of bookmarks. Mostly of my favorite book series, AG ones, and some special ones. 🙂

    1. Yessss American Girl is awesome. I’ve adored them for so long. 🙂 My dolls – Chrissa (2009), Emma (me doll), Felicity, and Molly usually sit atop my bookshelf until I have a strange urge to re-do their hair or outfits, haha. But I think every girl should read those books!

      Ugh, I KNOW. How could I?? I love eating candy while reading – particularly chocolate. There is no greater happiness, haha!

      Me too! I love having bookmarks that have to do with my favorite books. 🙂

      1. Aww!! <3 My AG dolls and stuff are in boxes in the basement. ? Hopefully I can have them back in my room soon. 🙂
        All those books are just so good. ?

  5. Thanks for the tag! I actually think I’ve already done this tag before, but I’ll check and then do if I haven’t. 🙂 Looks fun!

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