survey says!

First off: if you heard that title in Steve Harvey’s voice like I did, I am forever proud. Second: I am taking a peek at your survey answers today! I’m excited to see what you have to say about For the Bookish and tell you a little bit about what I’m planning in 2016 for the blog. There’s so much to prep for, I can’t wait to begin this year!

Is there anything about FTB you’d like to change?

“I love it all!” Me too, you’re awesome!

“Just work on commenting back more, but otherwise your blog is perfect as is ;)” Ugh, I hate not commenting back. It’s one of own pet peeves for other bloggers, so I do need to work on that!

“I can’t think of anything… :)” Okie-dokey that’s cool too.

“Any problems I had with it have been fixed :)” Take note bookworms: THIS ANSWER IS PERFECT. There are all sorts of technical difficulties I’m working to fix on FTB everyday, so I aim to get issues fixed before they’re even noticed. Most of the stuff I can tweak on my own, but it’s handy to have a web-designer in the family to get down to the nitty-gritty when I need him. (Thanks dad!)

“Not really, I just want to say, I love your theme” I’ve gotten this a ton and it’s the best to hear. All theme creds go, again, to the nifty internet genius.

It would be cool if you answered all the comments, I know you answer most of them. :)” Definitely something I need to fix!

“just started following your blog, so it’s too soon for me to say if anything needs improving!” YAY welcome newbie! I love new followers, so just keep reading and keep me posted about any complaints!

“It is all AMAZING” Love the caps for AMAZING, ’cause there’s totally a difference between that and amazing and I appreciate it. 😉

“I got nothing: you have a search bar and that’s the only thing I need in life :)” Oh, me too! I use than nifty little thing soooo much it’d drive my bonkers not to have it.

“I don’t like that you have part of the post and then you have to click”read more”. I would prefer just the title or the whole post as one” Thanks so much for the honesty! But personally it would annoy me a tad to have the whole post, just because I usually have a lot of images and GIFs in my posts. So it would take longer to load them and consequently, load the entire page, and I want the first impression of my blog to be simple, clean, and easy to load. So I probably won’t be changing this anytime soon. 🙂

“Not really :)” Good good. 🙂

“I think that you should add more life updates and bring in your inner craftiness!” Aww, me too! I love that you all look forward to my life updates; it surprises me a bit but then I think it’s important for you to know the non-bookish side of me as well as my bookish side! Also, craftiness: I tend to disregard my craftiness more than I should, but I have considered posting DIY bookworm projects. Might have to recruit my crafty friends to help me brainstorm for this!

What do you like BEST about my blog?

“I really like how your comments are italicized when you write in the box. (This sounds stupid. xD) Also: BOOKS!” Haha not stupid at all! I like that you pay attention to the little things. 🙂 BOOKS ALWAYS BOOKS.

“You’re so very sweet and you have a great personality….you’re my go to blogger to get excited with and I love that :)”  You’re my go-to person to get excited with! I love you, Anonymous! (oops sorry… whoever you are! … oh well you follow my blog and comment and that’s all I need to know. So thank you!)

“You have a unique way of reviewing books, and you’re not just copying the super popular book blogs. Keep it up! <3” What a confidence booster, thanks! I’m very conscious about my reviews because I hate rating books. Sometimes I feel they’re too rant-ish, but I’m glad you like them! I do try! 🙂

“YOU!” WE’RE ON THE SAME PAGE! Haha, you are sooo sweet! 🙂

“I love your posts and you’re just a cool person overall :D” EEP. You are all making me smile so big right now.

“You are funny” Because I just can’t be serious.

“I just like reading book reviews, honestly. Knowing whether or not a book is something worth buying is very helpful!” Oh, this is great! I’m glad I help, because I hate wasting my money and time on a book. I love how many safe recommendations I get on my blog that I can trust!

“You like the same books as I do from what I have seen so far so I know I can see the books you like and know they will be good” Again, this is fabulous to hear! Starting my blog almost two years ago, it was the main purpose and I’m so excited to see that carrying out so much later.

“Oh gosh. I love literally everything: your book reviews, your taste in books (which is exactly the same as mine so that’s great), your blog layout… your blog is absolutely amazing and so are you ^-^”  You are so SWEEEEET.

“discussions” Because there are so many important discussions to be had, right?? Us bookworms have to stick together and break it down.

“Idk, everything? Hehe. I like your reviews…and stuff…” Everything! You flatter me.

“Tags/ giveaways/Gifs!” Tags and giveaways and GIFs, oh my. (But really. You just named three of my top favorites. Great minds think alike!)

Is there anything you’d like to see on FTB in 2016?

“Allllll the giveaways! And 2016 reading goals.” YESSS you will most definitely be seeing some giveaways. And reading goals… I’m thinking 100! Do you think I can do it??

“Participating in Blog Hops would be nice :)” I AGREE! I see so many going around, and I need to join one soon! They seem so fun.

“Mmm… review my book, when it comes out? ;)” What is your book? NOW I MUST KNOW! 🙂 If you’re reading this, Anonymous Author, comment and let me know!

“The awesomenes you gave us in 2015” well, gee, you will definitely see some of that. *hair flip* Maybe even MORE awesomeness. (If that’s at all possible, I know.)

“more tags, maybe?” MORE TAGS, YES. I’m pretty sure everyone knows how much I love tags, so this won’t be a problem.

“book recommendations” ALWAYS a priority on my blog.

“Just keep on doing what you’re doing!” I can do that.

“You NEED to read School For Good and Evil” Something about that title rings a bell! Adding it to my TBR on my Goodreads.

“More Christian fiction reviews – I’m Catholic and I love finding out about books I never would have read before since, let’s face it, the realm of Christian fiction is vast and a little intimidating. It was through your blog that I learned about Interrupted and I am forever grateful to you for introducing me to that literary masterpiece.” Aw, I can definitely do this. I’m always caught in between reading books that are more pushing my standards for what’s popular to reading through and trying to uncover hidden gems within the Christian fiction world. It is absolutely intimidating, but I am so glad you’ve found Rachel Coker’s book! I’m not sure why that one isn’t a #1 New York Times Bestseller! It is absolutely amazing. Can I recommend Melanie Dickerson next? (Start with The Fairest Beauty – it’s my favorite.)

“More bookish things, like those awesome bags and t-shirts, and book necklaces. I EAT THOSE UP.” BOOKISH PARAPHERNALIA. I get you! I’ve got to learn how to make the book necklace. Brooke gave it to me, since she’s the Craft Master, but I can promise I will be buying more bookworm gear. Huzzah!

“Craft projects!” HERE’S TO MY NEW 2016 RESOLUTION. I shall add it to the list.

Is there anything you want to tell or ask me? 🙂

“You are awesome and I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Keep it up. <3” Thank you! You’re awesome, too. 🙂

“Hi! You’re an amazing blogger and person and I love reading your blog. 🙂 It’d be nice if you comment more often on others blogs and comment back on your blog just bit more consistently…. Just because I value what you have to say and I look forward to your comment-back. :)” Thank you so much! I do miss visiting other peoples’ blogs and I know I need to do it more often. 🙂 It means so much to me that you look forward to my comments! I do love hearing from you, so I will be getting around more, promise.

“Hi, Emily!!! Keep being your wonderful self and don’t let anyone change YOU. You’re a wonderfully beautiful person, and keep being amazing! <3” Thank you SO so much! That means so much to me. 🙂

“Hope you get that kindle today!” I DID GET IT OMG! Thank you sooo much, mom and dad! (They’re really the best.)

“Hey Emily! 🙂 Its Madi! You’re an awesome book-blogger and I envy your organization! 😀 Good luck in 2016! May your blog be even book-ier :P” Oh heyyy Owly! Here’s to more bookishness!

“Hi 😀 and Merry Christmas!” Hello! Merry belated Christmas to you too!

“Hi! Also, how did you become pen pals with Brooke? I think that’s really cool.” Hi back! Well, we’d been commenting back and forth with each other on my blog for a while before we started talking about a book we both loved – Dear Pen Pal by Heather Vogel Frederick – and how neat it’d be to have pen pals. That’s when our moms contacted each other on Facebook (to make sure we were both genuinely teenage girls looking for pen pals!) and from there I got her address and the rest is history. 🙂

“Thanks for what I’ve sern so far. I’m enjoying it!” I’m certainly glad you like what you’ve sern so far. 🙂 I do try to put out enjoyable content! Thank you! 🙂

“Read School for good and evil, and the Unearthly series” ‘kay, definitely have to read School for Good and Evil now. And Unearthly looks amazing, too! Both sound like something I’ve never read before.

“You are my favourite book blogger. No contest.” You are my favorite commenter for saying that, no contest. 🙂 Seriously, you have no idea how much that makes me smile!

thank you all so much for doing the survey for me! i love love loved reading and looking at your answers. talk to you next year,


16 thoughts on “survey says!”

  1. I actually read the title in an old man voice cause i was thinking Confusious says. (Did i spell his name right?)
    I had a lot of fun taking this survey! You can probably guess which answers are mine ;). Take a guess ;p. Also I think its pretty awesome how I was mentioned. *straightens imaginary tie* the people just love me. Haha.
    Yep, us becoming friends is pretty much sumed up in that Awesome Charlie and the chocolate factory gift. ( actually on totally randome note I actually like that movie. Which do you prefer, the old or the new? I like the newer one but Ive watched the older one more recently.)
    I could totally help you with some ideas ( if I’m the crafty friend you mentioned??). And I’m working on a new kind of book necklace….. it involves resen. Maybe I can hook you up with some more necklaces ;p.

    1. Haha that works too!
      Actually, I can’t… which ones??
      I KNOW that’s so cool. You’re basically famous now on my blog. I talk about you all the time, but it makes sense since you are, after all, my book bestie.
      Actually I hated that movie. They’re both a little… odd, but especially the newer one. Johnny Depp creeps me out in that one, so I like the newer one. 😀
      YES you are. You and Sydney. I need to get some clay to experiment with the necklaces…

      1. Okay…. I don’t remember all of them but I’ll do the ones I do. I was one who voted for I check it everytime I’m on the interenet and that I love your schedule. I also said every problem I had with it was fixed. And I said you were the best thing about your blog. I said id like to see as much awesomeness as you gave us this year. And that I hope you got your kindle for Christmas :).
        Haha. Yeah :). And youre my book bestie!
        Haha. That’s the reasons I like them! They’re weird and Johnny Depp takes such a creepy aprouch to Mr Wonka.
        Haha. I was wondering 🙂 I was sort of hoping i was but I knew you had other friends that may be crafty! Okay :). Ill, have to show you the selection necklace I made. It. Is. Awesome. I’ll help you if you need any help! I should tell you all the supplies you need and the brands I got too…..

        1. OH okay now I totally see it. 🙂 Of course you’d be the one to know about the kindle… I was thinking “wow someone REALLY pays attention!” you do!
          Because you’re a Johnny Depp/Lemony Snicket/Rick Riordan person. It only makes sense. XD
          IT IS awesome. Tell me what supplies you used to make them all.

  2. *raises hand* I am guilty of being said anonymous author.I had no clue you were going to post these… XD It’s Twinepathy, which you’ve already added to your to-read shelf. 😉

    Lots of great comments! I really love the background on your blog. It’s so cute, and it really matches your content and your personality! 😀

    1. OH YAY. Yes yes yes I have to read Twinepathy. It looks amazing, so thanks for confessing Miss Anonymous. 🙂
      Thank you so much! I feel like it couldn’t be better… I actually found the background on a spontaneous Google search and after I realized it wasn’t copyrighted, I HAD to use it! Still can’t believe I found it on Google. It matches so perfectly! 🙂

  3. Am I werid for being excited to read the survey results? I don’t know, that’s just weird me. -But I knew you’d get such positive answers because your such a great blogger! 😉 (take a guess which answers are mine 😉 )
    AND OMG EMILY…THOSE GIFS THO. I insta-saved half of them when I saw them….I LOVEE THEM! 😛
    I’m so excited to see what you have for us in 2016!!
    PS (I’m FINALLY launching my self hosted blog on Saturday!! Eep!)

    1. NO YOU’RE NOT! And before I say anything else: HI IZEL! I’ve missed your blog so much, I can’t wait for your new website! Eep!
      Omg, I can’t. They’re all so sweet and so much alike.. 🙂
      I KNOOOW. All from The Google. So perfect, I really am such a fabulous GIF tracker aren’t I. *hair flip*
      SATURDAY YAY. Marking the calendars. 😀

        1. Huh, I didn’t even think about that! It must feel a little weird, then, because it feels like you’ve been talking to us and everything but you haven’t… I always feel like that when I schedule a ton of posts at one time, then I’ll say something to Brooke about a post and have to remember “Oh wait she hasn’t seen that yet!” 🙂

  4. I definitely thought of Steve Harvey when I saw that title. I AM forever proud of you ;0
    I didn’t get time to answer your survey, and know I feel so bad! I guess I’d say that I love your blog, it’s one of my favorites, and all the best for the year of 2016, I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
    I’m kinda having trouble on my blog, and posts, and keeping track of things, and I’d love it if you’d be able to help me go over my posts and ideas, and maybe be my beta? Just shoot me an email, and we’ll talk about it more.
    Anyways, even though it’s a bit early, happy new years!
    Also, so close to finishing the selection, I think my heart is going to explode. i’m so happy I have the Elite, and the One right nex to me, i’m pretty sure I’m gonna need it. 😉

    1. YAY for you! I am proud T. 🙂
      Aww, that’s okay. You did in heart. Don’t worry, I know how you feel about mah bloggy baby. *winks* Haha.
      Of course! I’ll email you in just a sec. I keep forgetting, and I feel horrible about that, because I love emailing with you.
      Happy early new year! I cannot believe 2016 is right around the corner!
      OMG YASSSS. Although I cannot believe you spoiled The Heir. I am a tad mad at you for that, just so you know. 😉 YES yes you will.

  5. I love survey results so much. First, it shows that you truly care about us viewers and I really appreciate it. I love your posts even though I’m pretty terrible at commenting.

    Writing posts got the least? I love those posts! For me, I’m always seeking more tips and posts from perspectives of fellow writers.

    Hope your 2016 is amazing and OMG I LOVE YOUR TITLE.

    1. Aww, thank you Nova! Haha, I’ve got blogs like too. I just kind of silently stalk them but never actually comment. XD

      I know right! It is definitely one of the important aspects of being a writer. I think no matter how “professional” you are as a writer, we all do things differently and it’s interesting to read how different bloggers write. 🙂

      THANK YOUUUU. I was so proud. 😀

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