stacking the shelves #4

Stacking the Shelves in a book meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It’s all about sharing the books you’ve read/gotten this week, virtual or physical. This week, I read some pretty fabulous books, albeit not a lot.

Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I’ve read (reading) two books this week. (Meh!) But Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson is going to be a pretty hard standard to beat for the next book I’m reading. (The Selection by Keira Cass.) I cried like a baby throughout the last two or three chapters of the book, as if I was the one going through a life changing experience. (Gah! It bugs me to the worst extent that I can’t tell you the ending – but it’s AWESOME! Awesomely sad, but still. It made me laugh, all the same. I’m going to shut my mouth now.)

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the first time around I tried reading this a month or two ago, it ended up a DNF. (Did Not Finish.) I guess I was anxious to read other books (Stargirl!) and the beginning was too slow for me. But seriously, guys, I loved this book. I think I’m going to tear up just talking about it. I laid on my couch while my parents had Jeopardy on the TV, and I just cried. I ended up sitting with my mom and dad so I could cry on their shoulders while I finished the book. I LOVED this book. I could read it a thousand times. Seriously. I can’t wait to write the review for it. (So I can actually go into detail over WHY I loved it, ha-ha!)

Now, for this one, I picked it up (or rather, bought it on sale on my Kindle for three bucks!), because I’ve heard so much about this series through blogs. (Especially the newest in the Selection series, The One.) So it better not disappoint! I’m in chapter three now (I just stopped so I could write this blog post), but so far I’m really liking it. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

That’s all I’ve read this week, but I just got a B&N gift card from my grandparents in the mail yesterday (they know my heart!) so I’m probably going to see what I can find in Barnes & Noble today. So YAY! 😀

What books have you read/are reading this week? Have you read any of the two above?


(Oh, and by the way, I have a really exciting new segment on my blog, featuring the wonderful Topaz Winters that will be posted tomorrow! Go check her out, okay?)


4 thoughts on “stacking the shelves #4”

  1. I loved The Selection! And I really wanted to read Second Chance Summer, but my library doesn’t have it D: I’ll have to see if I can pick it up once I get to a bookstore…

    1. I know! I really love it right now, American and Maxson’s relationship is so relaxed, I just adore everything about the book! Aww, well I hope you can read it soon! It was amazing!! 🙂

  2. When I was listening to The Last Song, Aunt Corrie told me to be sure and not be driving when I got to the end…….. she knew that I would be crying. She was right! Another time I was listening to a book and just crying away, when a friend walked in and started asking me if I was okay. I always cry at sad movies too! I guess you are alot like me!!!!!

    1. Aww! Yeah, I cried soo bad. Only it was a book! 😀 The Last Song is reallly sad. I’ve only seen the movie but I know how it ends 😉 Actually, I saw the movie the first time at your house! I probably got our couch cushions wet, I cried so much on this book 🙁

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