Stacking The Shelves #37

So, this whole “reading” thing isn’t going well for me. I read two books in June. Both re-reads. *shields eyes in shame* For the past month, everything has just looked so unappealing. But! There is hope. I put three books on hold at the library and I’m very much looking forward to getting them. Fingers crossed they don’t disappoint. In the meantime, despite my lack of reading lately, acquiring books is a whole different story.


The majority of the stack are school-required books for my ninth grade year. (Next month! The summer flew by!) The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, Billy Bud, Sailor & Other Stories by Herman Melville, Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes, The Call of the Wild by Jack London, Born Again by Charles Colson. These are just a few, and I’m really excited to have so many classics to read this year. (Though I’m sure halfway through I’ll have a meltdown and get all stressed about finishing them in time. Yay, school… heh heh.)

The rest are free-time fun reads that I will *hopefully* finish in a timely manner and enjoy. I’m still waiting for my reading slump break-through…

MINIATURES AND MORALS: THE CHRISTIAN NOVELS OF JANE AUSTEN by Peter J. Leithart: I’m not too far in, but I am so enjoying this! Peter Leithart dissects Jane Austen’s writing in a truly fascinating and thoughtful way. This is from the synopsis: “From theological and literary angles, Leithart analyzes character and theme while summarizing each of Austen’s major works.” Jane is one of my favorite classic authors and this book really highlights the talent of her genius literature – beyond “bonnets and nineteenth-century romance.”

SECOND CHANCE SUMMER by Morgan Matson: If I had to recommend *one* contemporary romance perfect for summertime… it would be this. I’m a huge Morgan Matson fan (I’m meeting her in just a few weeks!) but this is definitely my favorite book of hers. I love the focus on Taylor’s family and the lakefront setting puts me in such a happy summery mood. And the romance. It’s clean, innocent, and so sweet you’ll get a cavity. Fair warning: the ending is bittersweet. Prepare yourself with tissues.

BLACK DOVE WHITE RAVEN by Elizabeth Wein: Elizabeth Wein’s Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire are award-winning-classic-school-required-worthy-well-researched masterpieces. I can’t go on about them enough! Elizabeth Wein is an author worthy of having the phrase “It’s a Wein book and it’s flawless. But what did you expect?” become famous. But… I’m not feeling this one as much as I do CNV and RUF. Maybe it’s because her other two historical fictions are set in WWII, which I’m much more partial to. Maybe it’s because her characters in previous books were more relatable to me. I’m a hundred pages in and though the story line is good, I can’t help but feel a bit let down. After Code Name Verity, can she pull off another masterpiece?

PIPPI LONGSTOCKING by Astrid Lindgren: Well well well, what do we have here? Pippi Longstocking is a childhood favorite of mine; one I first read in the summertime, so it coincides a lot with my summer memories. I typically borrow this gem from the library every year around this time, and finally bought myself a copy. Isn’t this edition adorable?

I also got an e-book and audio book that I want to talk about before I forget!

THE CANDYMAKERS AND THE GREAT CHOCOLATE CASE by Wendy Mass: In elementary school, I was Wendy Mass’ biggest fan. I ate up The Candymakers (ha, ha) and now, six years later, she’s back with a sequel! It hits shelves August 2 and I was lucky enough to get an e-ARC. I’m thinking I’ll try to re-read the first since it’s been many years and then onto the sequel. Let’s hope it does ten-year-old Emily’s favorite stand alone book justice. 😉

OPEN ROAD SUMMER by Emery Lord: Yay for summery contemporaries! Confession: I only bought this audio book because Morgan Matson said she liked it. And Morgan Matson is queen of summery contemporaries so read it I shall. Two chapters in and the MC is a little annoying but we’ll see how it goes.

What books have you acquired recently? Read any of these? Any advice to push through my slump??


8 thoughts on “Stacking The Shelves #37”

  1. I’ve been going to the library like crazy. It’s becoming quite the problem. Haha. I’m not too worried about reading this month. I read quite a few last month and I’ve already read a ton this month.
    Ahh, Second Chance Summer. I’ve been wanting to read that one for ages. I just haven’t found it anywhere. Every bookstore I go to doesn’t have it. It’s quite frustrating. Haha. And I’ve been wanting to read Black Dove White Raven for ages as well. You’ll have to tell me if its good.
    I bet your excited! Meeting Morgan Matson this month and Rachel Coker next month. What are the dates for the Rachel Coker thing? And where does she live?
    I hope you get out of the reading slump soon!

    1. I bet! It’s a good way to occupy your time. Going to the library is *never* a problem. Well I’m sure you’re not “too” worried about reading this month, Miss Twenty Books Ahead. Tsk tsk.
      Yesss Second Chance Summer. I’m not sure how you – being the unfeeling sci-fi chick you are – would like it but I want you to read it regardless. I’m thinking of all the summer contemporaries you would dislike, there’s a good chance you’d like it.
      I am!! Two authors within a week of each other! Rachel Coker is in Virginia. A good bit away. It’s August 5-7. 😀

  2. HAHAHA have I been acquiring books? Well no but I do have seven ready at the library so that shall change soon. XP I’m stocking up because I have a vacation next week. 😀
    As far as being in a book slump goes, I’m not in one. XP Recently I’ve been really into MG for some reason. (*cough* probably %97.6 percent due to Clare Vanderpool and Navigating Early)

    1. Ah, staying well-stocked in preparation for vacay is a fabulous idea. I haven’t been reading much MG, but I have been craving a really good one! Since I’m looking for recommendations, I’ve got to get my hands on Clare Vanderpool and Navigating Early. Have a great vacation!

  3. I just finished Second Chance Summer and really enjoyed it, so I hope you do too! And I hate to admit that Black Bird, White Raven is my least favorite of Wein’s books, but I’m curious to see what you think of it. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous haul! <3

  4. Hey! I’m having the same problem of getting into books. I’m reading Mindy Kaling’s book currently. I love Second Chance Summer and will be rereading it at the end of the summer!

    You are heading into 9th grade? Cool- I thought you were going into 10th! I’m going into 10th and my high school offers so many cool classes!

    At the end of the school year, we read Speak, but I didn’t like it very much.

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