Stacking the Shelves #36

Apologies for the lack of posts and commenting lately! Life has been so crazy – the summer is set to be as well – but I’m here with a fabulous stack for you guys today. I’m really actually proud of it, because all of these books are supposed to be positively adorable and I’ve got a bad case of summer fever. (And what better cure than a contemporary romance? ALL THE FLUFF!)


Starting from the bottom up…

AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir: If you haven’t heard of this book yet, I’m fairly certain you’re living under a very large rock. I’m honestly not sure if I’m going to get around to reading it since I’ve been having a hard time pushing through anything but a light contemporary (which this is most definitely not.) According to Goodreads, An Ember in the Ashes is a brutal dystopian/sci-fi adventure/heart-stopping/romance/war-torn world/all that happy jazz story inspired by ancient Rome and I’ve heard great things.

Okay now for the fluffy stuff. Seriously. so fluffy and light i’m gonna die.

SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE by Morgan Matson: Prepare yourself for alll the Morgan Matsons. She’s not the first author I’d pick up off a shelf but it’s summertime and Morgan is the queen of summery books. Since You’ve Been Gone includes scavenger hunts. and missing people. and cute boys. and a main character named Emily. (yes please.) Update: I has finished dis book. (Last night.) GUYS IT WAS ADORABLE. I could relate to the main character on so many levels (beyond our names, but that was a plus) and ahhhhh it couldn’t have ended better. Review coming soon!

THE UNEXPECTED EVERYTHING (also) by Morgan Matson: I finished this one in twenty-five hours and I am head-over-heels for, um… the love interest. HE’S NINETEEN. AND HE WRITES FANTASY NOVELS. AND IS A BOOKWORM. AND HE WAS HOME-SCHOOLED. And he’s awkward and nerdy and lovable and squishy and cute and I love him. This was fast-paced and just so naturally easy to fall right into. And come on, the cover features six PUPPIES. And ice cream. Does that not scream summer? Cons? Way too much PDA. Meh.

KISSING IN AMERICA by Margo Rabb: Doooon’t judge this by the title like I did. I’ve been told by many people that there actually *isn’t* that much kissing in this book. It’s a road trip featuring two best friends and the sisterly love that ensues. Don’t freak out on me. It’s a summer road trip. With a main character who is a hopeless romantic and, according to the blurb, cowboys, kudzu, and tiny towns. Yee-haw.

AMY & ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR byyyy Morgan Matson: I got maybe 2oo(ish) pages into this… give or take? … I’m pretty sure last summer. (I’m not good at remember the dates I DNF’d books.) I was in a slump at the time and it was taking too long to get going and I confess I was not a fan of the main character Amy’s actions. She just bothered me. But I’ve been coerced into giving this a second try. So I shall. Also this would make two road trip books, which is fun because I’m going to be in the car a lot this summer. So what better way to get me in the mood for that delightful smell of french fries and gas stations, hm? (I actually enjoy being in the car for long periods of times, and since I can read on road trips, it’s a win/win.)

Have you read any of these books? What have you been reading? I know I’m loading up on the contemporaries but if that’s what it’s going to take to catch up on my reading goal (I’m five books behind schedule – aye aye aye) then I’ll read all the fluff. Do you get in a certain reading mood during the summer (or any other seasons)? DISCUSS. go. shoo. talk. now.





P.S. Cait is hosting several bookish giveaways for FIVE years of blogging! (FIVE. She’s a super blogger, seriously. Go check her out!)

7 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #36”

  1. I’ve…never heard of “An Ember in the Ashes”. (My life here under this rock isn’t too bad, btw. XD Sorry, couldn’t resist. ;))

    I’ve also never read anything by Morgan Matson. (Actually I’d never heard of her until Goodreads barged into my life last year, so that’s *technically* an excuse.) But…THOSE COVERS. The first time I saw “The Unexpected Everything” (yup, on GR) I was literally reaching out to touch it. It’s JUST that gorgeous. Cute clothes + ice cream + dogs = cover of book I must read. 🙂

    What am I reading, you ask? Well, I just read two books in a fantasy series. Fantasy is *usually* not my thing, but THESE BOOKS. They’ve officially stolen my heart…and trampled it to SHARDS in the process. (Interpretation — these books are amazing and beautiful and ASFJKDLHC and I love them and everyone should read them.) But now I’m back to “The Hobbit”; I forcing myself to persevere and finish that one. ;P

    I’m in a super strange mood, but I shall make myself stop rambling and go leave all this nonsense in someone else’s comment box. Love the Stacking the Shelves posts, Emily! Tootles! 🙂 *waves*

  2. Oh my gosh Emily, I LOVED Since You’ve Been Gone! I’ve been meaning to do a review about it, but blogging has not been a priority for me lately (hence the posts NOT appearing on my blog). 🙁
    Good news is, summer is really close! So blogging can be important again!
    I really want to read the other books by Since You’ve Been Gone’s author. 🙂
    Great post!

  3. I hope you enjoy all these books! I read An Ember in the Ashes last summer, and I absolutely adored it. Although it’s marketed to be this super heavy sci-fi/dystopian/fight to the death, I didn’t really find it to be that. The writing was beautiful, and so addictive. I didn’t find it hard to get through at all, so I’d highly recommend it! I really want to read The Unexpected Everything, so I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. DOGS. What more do I really need? 😉

    Denise | The Bibliolater

  4. I’m just droooling over that picture of lovely yummy delicious library books! I get all my library books via overdrive, so I don’t touch physical books very often.

    I haven’t read any of those on your stack, but I’ve seen them around. Looks like a summer of good reading ahead of you!

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