stacking the shelves #22

Hey, everyone! First off, sorry this is coming a day late. Yesterday was an exhausting day and the internet was crazy. (I couldn’t get the pictures to send.) Anyways, I wrote this up last night, so here goes!

It has been a LONG past day. So, here I am, in the huge room in the condo on the beach in Florida we’re staying in. (That was a long sentence, lol!) Sydney (my cousin) is looking over my shoulder as I type. πŸ˜‰ This afternoon on the drive down to Florida we stopped to have lunch with my Grandma, Grandpop, Great-Aunt and Uncle, Aunt, Uncle, cousins, and baby cousins! (Whew, that was a lot!) And, of course, I got books. (!!!!!!)

On the bottom and on the tippy-top I have books from the Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen!!!! My Grandma bought me the ENTIRE series in hardback (whoo for all the books matching in hard-back!) and get this. My Aunt Corrie ordered me a SIGNED copy of The False Prince! I know you’ll be jealous, Brooke and Madison… mwahahahaha.


Above the three Ascendance Trilogy books is Writer to Writer by Gail Carson Levine. I mentioned getting this in yesterday’s birthday post (eep!! Still can’t believe I’m fourteen finally!) and my dad getting this for me. I never even said anything personally to him, but he read on the blog that I wanted it and got it for me! So now I own the book, which is really great, because there are SOOO many tips on writing in it. πŸ™‚

Next up in the stack is Upside Down In the Middle of Nowhere by Julie T. Lamana. I had seen it at B&N yesterday (and before then, too) and added it to my TBR on Goodreads. My mom sent my great-aunt Connie a list to my (NEVER-ENDING) list of want-to-read books and she bought this one and the next one for me. Upside Down In the Middle of Nowhere is a (fictitious) story about a ten-year-old girl during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I’m really excited to read about it; the hurricane hit parts of Georgia and some of our friends ten years ago so it hits pretty close to home… (no pun intended, haha!)

Oh and also: The cover is just so darn cute!Β It’s simple but very eye-catching. LOVE.


Last but not least is Absolutely Almost by Lisa Graff. I’ve only read one Lisa Graff book; A Tangle of Knots a few years ago. I don’t completely remember it but I do remember that I loved it! (Another one to add my never-ending to-be-re-read list!!) This one looks like a cute read, too.

Oh, and I almost forgot! My Grandma also got me a Barnes & Noble gift card which I definitely will be using soon! I’ll tell you what I get next week (or sometime this week if I post in between Monday and Wednesday.) She also ordered me this shirt. Can you believe how cute it is?!

The words are from “Pride & Prejudice.” I cannot wait to wear it. It’s so me! My grandma knows me well. πŸ˜€

And here’s a sneak-peek picture I took today of our view.


*sigh* I’m getting used to this. Don’t worry, I’ll be posting more pictures at the end of the week when we get home! πŸ˜‰



4 thoughts on “stacking the shelves #22”

  1. I know… so jealous… :). You seriously have an awesome Grandma and great aunt. Anyways, great view! I bet your having loads of fun! (I know I would hardly ever leave the beach/water.). Remember to use sunscreen! ;p I’ve got to get ready for church!

    1. I know I do! I scored big time this year. πŸ˜€
      Lol. Same. I love floating out past the sand bar. The water is crystal-clear! I LOVE it. Lol… I WILL, now. I got burned badly the first day. D: My legs, arms, back, and forehead’s starting to peel today. OW!

  2. OH MY WORD. SO JEALOUS! Brooke and I should raid your book collection….JKJK….maybe….. ;D That is awesome! I still don’t have them yet, I just order them from the library if I want to read them…..definitely need to get myself the set.

    Awesome post as always, Imma have to look into those other books too! πŸ™‚

    1. HAHA. I knew you would be. I just noticed I forgot to add a picture of the signed book! WHAT. Adding that now. You should look at it – it says “To Emily – Fight the good fight! Happy birthday! Jennifer Nielsen.” (Am I spelling Nielsen right?! I think I spelled it wrong in the post, grr.)

      You should! I haven’t even started them yet though. I’m just so overwhelmed by all of them. πŸ˜€

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