sisterhood of the world bloggers award!

Hey everyone! I love doing blogging awards, and recently Samantha from Bookish Serendipity nominated me for the sisterhood of the world bloggers award. I’ve never been nominated for this particular award (I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award), so I was eager to participate in this one! =)

So first of all, a HUGE thank you to Samantha for nominating me for the award! I LOVE her blog, so be sure to go and check her out here!

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions they’ve sent you.
  • Make up ten new questions for ‘your’ nominees to answer.
  • Nominate ten people.

The rules are pretty simple, but I like doing these sorts of things because it’s kind of a “get to know you” post, and you can find other bloggers to follow, as well! Here are Samantha’s ten questions for me… they were great ones, too! =)

What is your favourite fandom? Favorite fandom… hmm. Well, I can’t say I really get into “fandoms,” and I’ve never really cared for fandoms when it comes to books. (If you don’t know what a fandom is, by the way, it’s what fans of TV shows, books, etc., refer to themselves – think “kingdom” only “fandom”) But if I had to choose any, I guess I’d say the Mother/Daughter Book Club series by Heather Vogel Frederick. I’ve never grown out of those. (At least, not in the past three years. =))

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would you choose? Paraphrasing from one of my favorite role models, Bethany Hamilton, “I wouldn’t change what happened to me in the past because I wouldn’t be where I am today.” There were several key parts in the past where I acted very selfishly, so I’d probably be like “Hey, girl, snap out of it!” =) But hey, I’m only 13! There’s definitely not much I’d change or that I really, truly regret because I’m still a kid and I’m still learning and growing.

Favourite book quote? OMG! You’re not making me choose one, are you? Surely not. If I had to choose, though…

When life robs you, sometimes you have to rob it back. – The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

What is the story behind your blog name? My dream is to open a small bookstore in a quaint downtown shopping area and publish historical/realistic fiction for all ages. (I know, very specific! I’ve even got my college majors picked out! More on that later :P) Anyway, think “You’ve Got Mail,” with the “Shop Around the Corner.” I was coming up with bookstore names. Some of them weren’t very good, and some of them I fell in love with. I just sat there, imagining how I’d decorate my bookstore and where it would be and what kind of authors would be privileged to do a book signing in my bookstore… my favorite name was “For the Bookish.” It was so perfect. Thus, my book blog name.

Top 3 favourite songs? Oh, gosh, there are so many. Lately, I’ve been loving “The Broken Beautiful” by Ellie Holcomb (beautiful song. beautiful music!!), “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift (who hasn’t heard it? I mean really. I hear it all the time in stores and radios and such. =)), and “The Middle of Starting Over” by Sabrina Carpenter. (I love the style of her music! I’m looking forward to seeing more from her!)

What has been your favourite blog post to write? Ooh, tough one! (These are fant-abulous questions, Samantha!) I really love my very first post, in April, and then a recent post I did just a few days ago, “Confession: I am a Notebook Hoarder.” That was a blast, and fun going through all of my journals and such. 😀

If you could live in any time period, what would you choose? WWII! The Revolutionary War! The Renaissance! The 50’s! Ohhh my gosh, there are so many. I’m such a historian, too. History is probably my favorite subject in school, maybe even before English. I’d probably choose to visit the 40’s, because I’m so fascinated with WWII. Or Bible times, when Jesus was here. Yeah, definitely the latter. =)

Favourite Halloween candy? REESE’S. It’s chocolate and peanut butter. Is this a trick question?

Who is your role model? (in life, blogging, etc) I’m switching this to “Who are your role models,” if that’s okay. =) There’s no question here; my mom and dad. They work so hard to take care of my sister and I, and make so many sacrifices for us. I don’t know where I would be without them. (Actually, I do – NOWHERE! Ha. Ha.) <3

If you could go anywhere on holiday, where would you go? Bath, England. It’s where Jane Austen grew up and ever since I read Pies & Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick, I’ve been obsessed. My second choice would be NYC – I’ve never been, and I’d love to visit around the holidays – especially to see the 9/11 memorial.

Whew! Those were AWESOME questions. They’re gonna be hard to beat! =) Here are the questions for my nominees…

  1. What inspired you to start a blog?
  2. What blogger(s) do you admire?
  3. Hobbies (besides blogging/reading/writing)? =)
  4. Any pets? (If none, favorite animal!)
  5. What sort of music do you listen to?
  6. Top three favorite authors.
  7. Describe your dream vacation!
  8. If you were stuck on a deserted island with one person, who would you want it to be?
  9. What is your favorite season and why?
  10. What is the most comforting thing to you? (Family, baby blanket, scent, photograph, pet, etc.)

Now, for my nominees! I couldn’t find ten, so I only picked three =)

I nominate Ana @ Butterflies of the Imagination, Rose @ Searching the Clouds, and Sunny @ A Splash of Ink.

I hope all three nominees can participate! Now, I nominate you: answer any ten of the questions in the comments below!


2 thoughts on “sisterhood of the world bloggers award!”

  1. Thanks for the nomination! I’m always so flattered when anyone thinks of me when they’re nominating people. Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to dedicate an entire post to this, since I just did an award post. However, I will definitely link to you in my next post!
    Thanks again:D

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