reading priorities?

Believe it or not, Emily, The Queen of Procrastination, has priorities. I make lists — lots of them. On my mirror, on paper, on sticky notes, in my head (and they all come to me at night, EVERY ONE OF ‘EM, geez!) The point is: I am always thinking about the books I need to read, the ones I need to buy, hold, look for, send, pre-order, get signed, take with me, get rid of, borrow, lend – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


It’s crazy overwhelming, but a ton of fun. The day I die, my last thought shall be “But I didn’t finish my book…”

Because there are a LOT of books to read. I even wrote a post about it on TBR piles a few weeks ago. But this post is a bit different, because today I am tackling the tricky topic (say that ten times fast!) of: reading priorities.

More often lately, I’ve found myself reading three or four books at once. Currently, I am reading three and listening to one on audio. Just a few months ago, I would have said I strictly oppose that habit, because a few years ago I was always toting around two or three or four or five books at once and it drove me nutty!

But here’s the thing: one of my biggest pet peeves it wasting time. Wasting time on anything, really, not just on books, but because it’s just a general annoyance of mine I don’t like wasting any time on a book I will dislike. I do try to push through, however, because an even bigger pet peeve is not finishing books. Yet it’s frustrating because when I dislike a book, it can take me f o r e v e r  to get through – when I’m just DYING inside to read another! (I feel like I’m cheating on my book! “I need to like you so I’m trying, but I just… don’t…”) So recently when I started reading several books at one time again, I remembered why it can sometimes be useful.

I end up reading one book 99% of the time. Yes, I’ve got three on my nightstand, but I’m really involved in only one. It can help me find the book I want to read at that time while still pushing through the others I don’t want to DNF. Breeze through 100 pages of the book you’re really into and read a chapter in the other. Easy peasy.

That said, I’m a nice person. I try to be considerate. I know from experience how hard it can be to write a book, and how much time and effort it takes to bring that story alive. I won’t want my readers to give my book only a portion of their time when I have a book published. So I do feel a tad guilty at times.

I want to give a book my full attention. Reading more than one book at once divides my time. It’s easy to get the characters confused (me, I never forget anything – it’s a curse and a gift, think of me as Ella Enchanted – so this isn’t such a big problem of mine.) But I think this can result in thinking less of a book because your mind is on the other better book of the time. If I had read The Winner’s Trilogy next to another (older) favorite, The Selections series, would I have liked The Selection less? Which one would I have picked? I’m more into The Winner’s Trilogy at the moment because it’s newer to me, but what if I read both at once? I guess I’ll never know.

I’m about to say something that may sound a little silly but I think you’ll get where I’m coming from: sometimes you just have a duty to read a book, but it’s not because I want to. (I have a feeling if I said that to my family they might think I’m being funny, but this is a serious matter!) Listen: when my sister or cousin, who aren’t big readers at all, find a book they’re passionate about, I want to read it because they want me to. I want to be excited for and with them. If my friend lends me a book, I try to read it even if it’s not my style. My mom and I have made deals where I will read a book she likes if she’ll read a book I like, and it’s a fun trade. We both get to talk to each other about books we love, even if we wouldn’t have picked up those books otherwise.

Another scenario is if the book is a “big-hype” book. At the moment I’m listening to Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. To be frank, I’m not really enjoying it so much; but it’s a popular book and I simply wanted to see what made it such a big deal. Now whether or not that should be the reason I read a book? That’s a different topic entirely!

For another day, how ’bout it?

so i guess i don’t really have a right or wrong answer for any of these questions, but i want to hear what you think!

do you read multiple books at one time? what do you think of it? and do you prioritize your books, and the order you read them, or which ones need to be read first? how long does it take you to read a book you dislike?


9 thoughts on “reading priorities?”

  1. Love your blog! 🙂

    I was wondering if you hav read We Are All Made of Molecules by Susn Nielson and One by Sarah Crossan? What did you think of them?

    Will there be reviews?

    1. Hi, Hannah, thank you so much!

      I do own We Are All Made of Molecules, so I’m hoping to read it *sometime* in the near future. (I own a ton of books I need to read, so no telling when that will be! Hopefully soon, though.)

      I have read One, but since there was some content I wouldn’t recommend to everyone, I won’t be reviewing it on the blog. It was a heartfelt, sweet read, but I will warn you there is some adult content I didn’t much like. I gave it four stars, the minus one star simply for the iffy content. 🙂

  2. Have you read the Lord of the Rings?
    I know that you read A TON but have you ever thought of writing a book or have you written a book? And if did/will write one, what/which genre would/was it?

    1. Hey Eliza! No, I haven’t read the Lord of the Rings although I really need to. I’ve had a lot of people tell me to, haha!

      Yes, I have! Thank you so much for asking. I’ve wanted to be an author for a long time, but I haven’t completed anything as a full-length novel yet. I’d probably want my first published book to be a historical fiction. However, I love so many genres that I’d love to someday explore many more options. It would be a dream to be published as a teenager, but we’ll see! 🙂

      1. I love to write and read. And I am also hoping to get published while I’m still a teen. 🙂

        Thank you for the blog! It’s so great that someone is finally doing this! There are a ton of books out there but many have mature content. I’m so grateful!

        1. We can be teen author buddies together!

          Aww, thanks for that compliment, Eliza! It means so much to hear that from you. If you want to check out more blogs like mine, my “friends” page has a lot of other great girls who recommend clean reads as well. 🙂

  3. Great post. I totally agree with it. While sometimes I read multiple books I try to keep down to one or two. I don’t want to force myself to finish a book so I can read the next one that I really want to read. I don’t want to take away from the apeal of the first book by making myself stick to it (does that make any sense? lol). So if I feel the need I can have two or three books going at a time. Lol. Rambled a bit.
    I’m so tired. Lol. But I wanted to make sure I commented cause the post was really great.
    I hope you enjoy All Fall Down!

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