my blogging adventures

Hey, everyone! Recently I’ve gotten a couple of questions about how I write the posts on For the Bookish. (Which is seriously the best, because I talk about the posts I write to my family all the time!) Over the past year, I’ve definitely become more consistent with my blogging as the year went on, and I fell in love with in blogging more and more.

When I first started out blogging (well, really the first 7-8 months of blogging), I’d get an idea for a post and then either sit down and debate how I was going to elaborate on that idea, or it’d take me an hour to get the post just right, and then post it. OR I would get an idea in my head and think “Oh, I’ll do that later…” and then I would forget about it. Or I would realize it had been weeks since I lasted posted, and I needed to post, but I just wasn’t in the mood to write one. Which was sometimes good, because I knew that when I pushed myself to write when I didn’t want to, it definitely wasn’t my best post.

Then I realized that I really wanted to blog more, I just didn’t enjoy it enough to make time for it everyday. So I didn’t write posts everyday, but when I had some spare time, I started giving it to blogging instead of, as my mom says, “licking paint off a wall.” (In other words, doing absolutely nothing.) So, yeah, I made myself sit down and write at least one post, and maybe those weren’t my best, but the more I made myself blog, the more I came to enjoy it. So I wanted to write more posts.

After that, I still didn’t always feel like blogging, so when I was in a blogging mood (like “OMG, that bookish thing is totally ramble-worthy!), Β I sat down and pounded out two or three posts and saved them for days I didn’t want to post.

When I started blogging more consistently, I started getting more comments on my blog. The first few months of blogging got maybe one comment per post, and no one came back to reply to my reply (like you all do now!) But soon I realized that a loyal blogger gets loyal commenters. After all, it’s always awkward talking to a person who hasn’t said a word in forever. Once I started getting more commenters on my blog, it pushed me to do more posts! I knew I had at least two or three people who really, genuinely liked my posts and were nice to enough to stop and talk to me. I wanted to keep them looking at my blog!

Nowadays, I sit down and write probably four or five posts in a day – because it’s FUN! I schedule to them post automatically, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. In January/February, I knew I not only wanted to post consistently, I wanted to post on a schedule. The posts I write today, you won’t see for a few weeks! I’ve had this very post written and ready to publish since the 8th!

I still get in a blogging fog and don’t want to write. But that’s okay, because I already have the entire next month written! This way, I know there will always be a new post for my few loyal readers to comment on, so I can talk to you all! I’ve been writing more posts because blogging has become a hobby, not just for followers or free books (which is a motive, but not as big as it used to be.) Today, after a year of blogging, I may only have 20-some readers, which can seem small to some major bloggers who have blogged as long as me. I don’t blog for followers. I blog for me and the readers come with that.


11 thoughts on “my blogging adventures”

  1. Great post as always! Wow! You’ve had this ready since the 8th?! Now that’s prepared!! I’m not able to write more than 1 post at a time because it feels like I pour my heart into a post and then the rest feel like I’m just putting the words down on screen because I have to. -And I didn’t like that because I wanted my posts to be fun to write, not a chore. So whenever I post I’m able to put more creativity into it which equals more GIFS!! <3 I like my posts to be thought provoking but funny at the same time! πŸ˜€
    Lol, I noticed you scheduled posts because they always pop in my inbox at around 10:00pm-ish (Pacific time) I'm still up around that time so I'm able to read your wonderful posts and comment right away! β™₯
    Writing posts are always fun though. Whenever I get my time on the computer I usually end up writing. Writing for my blog or writing for Fanfiction. Wither way, I'll end up writing. πŸ˜›

    1. Thank you so much, Daisy!
      Haha. Yep. I wrote basically all of the posts for April that day. Now I need a free day to work on posts for May… lol!
      I completely understand what you mean. Yep – thought provoking and funny! I love Paper Fury for that –, that is. I don’t follow Cait’s blog for her reviews, honestly, but for her discussion posts because they’re really thought-provoking, but she always makes me laugh out loud! I hope my voice shines through my posts like that. At least I want them to!
      Yep! I schedule all my posts for the same time. 1AM my time, so I guess some of you actually get the posts on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. πŸ˜‰
      Always! That, and reading blog posts/fan fiction. πŸ˜€

  2. Very interesting post. When I was reading some of your first posts I saw how different your style is now.
    Its my birthday!! I’m officially a teenager. I’m all happy.
    What have you been up to? Read any good books lately? I’ll be sure to tell you what books I get for my birthday.

    1. Happy birthday Brooke! I turned 13 on the 2oth so we’re both teenagers now! I hope you have an awesome birthday!

      1. Wow! So many upcoming birthdays! πŸ˜€ It’s so cool to see how close we are in age. If only all of you lived near me. How much fun would those birthday parties (aka the birthday gifts, aka the BOOKS), be?!

    2. Thanks Stefanie and Trisha!
      Okay so this is how my birththday has gone so far. When I woke up and rolled over I saw thirteen balloons. That was a surprise! Then when I went to the tinning room there where streamers hanging :). Then when my mom saw me she told me I could open a gift per hour and that there would be 13 gifts( counting the balloons, cupcakes, and goin out to lunch). So that was pretty fun. I just opened my last gift. From my older brother I got Neverwhere and an itunes gift card, from my little sister I got quill and ink stationary( its like little cards), earings, and nail polish, from my mom I got the three things listed above, The Lions of Little Rock, Soul Surfer, Soccerland, Flunked, Writer to Writer, a new ipod case, a polo shirt, pajama pants, and The Heir( she pre ordered it for me). I have had so much fun today. After lunch we went to pick up the cupcakes and we went to hastings. I bought Swipe there and almost bought Just Ella( I didn’t want to buy anything you might have bought me. Better safe than sorry πŸ˜‰ ).

    3. Thanks!
      I know! When I was looking through my past posts for my blogoversary, I was shocked at how far I’ve come. That’s what inspired this post!
      OMG! I’m so happy for you. Does it feel any different? Going from 12 to thir-TEEN is pretty big!
      Hmm. Mostly I’ve been re-reading books. I try to make time for that, even though I need to review new books for my blog. Re-reading books is important to me. If a book isn’t worth re-reading, it’s not a favorite in my book. (haha… pun intended!) Mostly The Selection. I can’t wait to get The Heir!
      Wow! Your birthday sounds so much fun! =)
      That’s such a cool idea. 13 gifts in 13 hours! Wow, all those books sound awesome!! I’m seriously drooling over them. I sent your gifts from me on Wednesday, but they had to be shipped so they’ll be there on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. =( A bit late, but you’ll still get them!
      OMG, I almost bought you Just Ella! (I didn’t end up getting it for you.) πŸ™‚ I did get you Soul Surfer, though. I hope that’s okay. There are others, though. I seriously had a blast shopping for you. I need to stop or I’m going to give everything away! πŸ˜€

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