my autographed books

I have a lot of signed books, and they’re my favorites. My precious babies! I wanted do a showcase of them today because, well, I haven’t before, and… I thought you might like to see them. Plus, I’ve kind of forgotten myself which ones I have signed. So here they are!


It’s a good collection, really. Of course, you all know about meeting Kiera CassΒ and getting The Selection and The Heir signed, and those books are the only ones I’ve met the author and gotten them signed in person. But about the other ones…

She signed it: “Emily, you are an amazing girl, and never put a limit to what you can do. Anything is possible through God. Dakota Lee.”

I was seven or eight years old when my parents went on some business trip (Orlando? Chicago? I don’t know know-o.) Anyway, they brought me back this book at a book signing for a book called Flash of Freedom by Dakota Lee. Dakota was twelve when she wrote this book! I remember liking it, but I haven’t read it since. I love that the signing is personal!

Two summers ago, my mom ordered the first three books in the Fairy Tales series by Melanie Dickerson. (One of my favorite series of all time!) and one of them came signed! We ordered it from Amazon, and it said nothing about being signed. Lucky me!


The next book in the stack is Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord, which I won in a giveaway on Bookish Serendipity.Β And… I haven’t actually read it. Agh! I know, I know. Horrible.


The next one is the first book in the Countryside series by J.T. Cope IV. (Who happens to have the same last name as me! What are the odds?!) The book was sent to me by the author, but… I haven’t finished the book. I’ve tried, I have, and I need to – and will! – finish it one of these days.


Then the last book I’ve got signed is Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, & The Good Luck Circle. (Phew! What a title!) This is another book my parents got me when they went on a trip somewhere. I’ve read about half of it with my mom, but it’s not really my cup of tea. I think my little sister would love it, though.


Do you guys have any signed books? Which ones? πŸ™‚


Edit: I actually have another book signed, and I forgot about it! It’s by Heather Vogel Frederick – my favorite book in the Mother/Daughter Book Club series, Pies & Prejudice. My friend gave it to me about two years ago. (She bought it at a used book store!) I also have two book marks from Heather in a letter she wrote back to me. (I actually have two letters from Heather, since I’ve written her twice.) πŸ˜‰



15 thoughts on “my autographed books”

  1. Sweet! Looks like you have a nice amount of autographed books. I only have one, The teashop girls by laura Schaefer. I bought it from thrift books and I wasnt expecting it to be autographed though. The only things is, The teashop girls series wasn’t my favorite, mostly because to many things were unsettled and it all felt half done. Anyway, that’s the only autographed book I have.

    1. I’ve wanted to read that book forever! I think I’ll still like it, but if I’d read it when I was younger, I might have liked it more.

      1. It’s a good concept and the characters are good, but the teashop girls wasn’t my cup of tea…pun intended πŸ˜‰ I think you might like it, and same. If I read this series when I was younger I pretty sure I would have liked it better…

  2. So cool, Emily! Fun fact: I know Frank McKinney! I love that book and the walk described in the book is one he would take groups of kids on to the school. I went on a few of those walks (and danced in the Good Luck Circle!!) His daughter is so sweet and she showed him some of my writing and he really liked it and encouraged me to keep working. I think it’s so cool to connect with those kinds of writers! His hair is so cool am I right? πŸ˜‰

    1. I forgot to respond: I have two signed books, one of which I met the author, and the other that was signed and sent in the mail. My sister has two books signed by Heather Vogel Frederick (my aunt met her in Concord!) and my sister was really excited. She received a letter from HVF a few years ago, too. The books were Absolutely Truly and A Little Women Christmas (such gorgeous pictures!)
      I have a Magic Tree House book (the one with Leonardo da Vinci on the cover) signed by Mary Pope Osborne. I won it as a summer reading contest prize when I was 9 or something. I also have Frank McKinney’s signed book Dead Fred πŸ˜‰ He draws the fish every time!

      1. You know Frank McKinney?! That’s so cool! My parents got to meet him, but I didn’t. πŸ™ That’s really neat! Small world!
        Ohmigosh, you reminded me that I have a signed book by HVF and forgot to add it! Ugh. I’ll have to add that.
        I’ve gotten two letters from her, each one different. I love Heather. She always makes time for her readers!
        Wow, Magic Tree House, too! Your aunt was so lucky to meet Heather! πŸ™‚

  3. I have quite a few signed books. I got the entire Selection series signed and I got The Heir signed. I have book plates on all my MDBC books. I also won two books called Island Sting and Stakeout ( I haven’t read them yet).
    My brotyher, his wife, and my neice are visiting! He brought me a ton of books he bought at a library for my birthday. I’ll have to tell you all the titles Soon! So excited to read them!

    1. Wow. I wish I could have gotten more books signed by Kiera. I only got two signed – the first one and The Heir. Also, I forgot to add a book I have signed by Heather, it’s Pies & Prejudice. (My favorite one in the series!) I need to edit it and add it into this post later.
      Fun! I’m so excited to hear about it! Tell me all the books soon. I’m hoping to get your letter today. πŸ˜‰

      1. Yea . I packed them all πŸ™‚ . That’s to bad. Why? Okay. Wow you are lucky! I wish I had a signed copy of Pies & Prejudice. Its my favorite.
        You should get my letter today. I just counted them and he got me 9(!!!) Books! If I had a blog( sigh) id definately be doing a book haul. Okay so the following are the titles: 2 wheel of time books, The Wicked and the Just, Escape From Castle Cant, Rapture of the Deep, Rivers of Fire, Puddlejumpers, A Pickpocketers Tale, and The Secret of Laurel Oaks. I’ll tell you about each of them when I read them. They all look soooo good.

        1. I had The Selection, and my mom and dad bought The Heir for me. I forgot about my novellas! Argh.
          It’s my favorite, too. My friend found TWO. Since she knew I liked them, she gave me one and kept one. Can you believe that?! πŸ˜€
          NINE? Wow. You’re lucky. I have a lot of books to read, though. Sometimes, I can’t decide if I like having no books to read or the stress of having too many better. I haven’t heard of any of those books, but I’ll look them up.
          No letter. πŸ™ Probably tomorrow!

  4. Hi guys this is urgent. I really need to get some books to read since we are going away this weekend. ANy ideas???

    1. The Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone, Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers, and I’ve really been wanting to read Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullay Hunt and When Audrey Met Alice. πŸ˜‰ (The first two are recent five stars I’ve read recently.)

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