interview with author, blogger, & photographer rachel coker!

Hi, everyone! Today, I have a very special guest visiting the blog: Miss Rachel Coker! Most of you know her, and her awesome books, blog, and BEAUTIFUL photographs on Instagram. (Seriously, she’s such a great photographer!) I’ve stalked her for about two years now (I think it’s unhealthy to obsess so much…) 😉 and she’s such an inspiration. I’m so glad to be able to ask her a few questions today. So without further ado… the interview!


Me: Hi, Rachel! I’m so excited to be interviewing you. I’m a huge fan of your books, Interrupted: Life Beyond Words, and Chasing Jupiter. When I first read your books, it was really encouraging for me to read that you had your first book published when you were just sixteen! Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Rachel: The best advice is to keep writing! I know that sounds boring, but I have to keep reminding even myself of that on a daily basis! It can get so easy to put writing off because you feel like you’re not good enough or your life is too busy. But unless you practice, you’ll never learn! So try to write as often as you can, and don’t think too hard about what other people think. If it’s important to you, chances are, it will be important to someone else.

One of Rachel’s pictures.

Me: You must be asked this a lot, but you know I have to ask! 😉 What inspires your stories, and writings? What keeps you writing?

Rachel: I’m inspired by the joy of everyday life. I know that I’m a writer because writing is my basic instinct whenever something is happening my my life, whether good or bad. I physically feel it when I’m fighting the urge to write about something. Everything I see or feel or think has to culminate somewhere, and for me it’s in my words!

Me: Are there any writers or specific books that have made an impact on you? (Or that you just really love?) =)

Rachel: My favorite books are definitely The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, East of Eden by John Steinbeck, and Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. They’re all completely different, but they each touched me in a unique way and showed me something important and powerful about the art of storytelling. I think it’s important for writers to draw inspiration from many different genres and authors. Don’t get stuck reading the same thing all the time.

Another one of Rachel’s pictures. 🙂

Me: Aside from reading and writing, what other things do you enjoy?

Rachel: Well I love food. 😉 I’m an avid photographer. I’m addicted to Instagram. And I always want to go thrifting. So… basically I eat a lot, shop a lot, and take a lot of pictures. Haha.

Me: Okay, I’m dying to know. Are you writing anything now, or planning to? If so, how is it coming? Can you tell us anything about it? (wink wink) 😉

Rachel: Yes, I am! I can’t reveal too many details now, but I did start a Pinterest board with a little bit of inspiration for readers who are dying of curiosity and need something to whet their palettes. 😉 You can find it here!

You have no idea how exciting that news is for me! 😀

Thanks again, Rachel, for taking the time to do this interview!

Until next time everyone!


8 thoughts on “interview with author, blogger, & photographer rachel coker!”

  1. OH! She’s the author who wrote Chasing Jupiter?! I’ve been meaning to read that book for the LONGEST time and it’s so cool that you interviewed her on your blog. ^.^ Now I have to go stalk her on Instagram and look at all the pretty photos. xD

  2. What a wonderful interview, Emily! Chasing Jupiter is one of my favorite books, and I could definitely sense Rachel’s joy for life coming through the book. I love her writing advice as well. Writing can be so hard and so many doubts can fill your head as a writer, but the only way to combat this is to write.

    1. Thanks, Ana! It was so cool interviewing Rachel. I love Chasing Jupiter, too!! Although Interrupted is my favorite between the two. Have you read it, as well?
      I heartily agree. 🙂

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