interview with anna banana // animal lover, novelist, & coolest little sister

Hey, guys! So here’s another post for For the Bookish’s one year of bookishness coming up (April 3rd is my ONE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!) I’ve had this idea for a while and thought it would be fun for For the Bookish’s birthday posts. You can read the interview below, or listen to it below! Sooo, finally, meet my little sister!


To start things off, Anna, why don’t you tell a little about yourself? Well, I like to play with our cats… and we’re taking care of our friends’ dog, Olive, for three weeks, and I like to take her outside. Hmm… what else do I like to do?

Don’t you take a martial arts class called Arnis? Yes, I do! Oh, and I like to play on Animal Jam (, and my username is acope321, if you want to buddy me. (Anna is obsessed with Animal Jam!) and I home-school…

You mentioned playing with our cats and Olive, the dog we’re taking care of for a few weeks? You like animals? Yes, I LOVE them.

What are your favorite animals? My favorite animal would probably be a snow leopard. I love arctic wolves… I have one on Animal Jam named Princess Icy Wolf. Anyway, I really love exploring outside, and stuff like that.

Do you like to read about animals? Yes, I love reading about animals.

What are your favorite books? My favorite book… well, I love all books, but my favorite book – there’s this magazine called Zoobooks, and I love Zoobooks. I also like books that have animals. And I love, love, love these books my dad has. They’re like puzzle books and crafts…

What are they about? They have different things, like about people.

They’re like brain teasers, right? Yeah, some are like brain teasers.

So what kind of chapter books or novels do you like reading? Well, I like The Boxcar Children, that is like my FAVORITE books!

You LOVE The Boxcar Children, don’t you? And I’ve read books 1, 2… and now I’m on book 3, and they’re epic! They’re epic books. You can order them on Amazon, they’re really good.

Do you have a favorite author? My favorite author would have to be Dr. Suess, though he’s dead. (That’s okay! Jane Austen is dead, too, right?) Lots of my – most of them – of my favorite authors are either dead or in jail!

We don’t know that one guy is in jail! (Some kid told me in the 4th/5th grade Shell Silverstein was in jail. He died in 1999!) Who was your other favorite author, who wrote those poetry books? Shell Silverstein.

What kind of books does he write? Well, he writes like poem books. There’s this one I can repeat:

I made myself a snow ball as perfect as could be.
I thought I’d keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas and a pillow for it’s head.
Then, last night it ran away.
But first — it wet the bed.” 

And that’s just one of his many poems! I love that.

So you really like poetry, like Shell Silverstein and Dr. Suess. Yeah!

So, Anna, do you consider yourself a bookish person? 🙂 Um… well, sort of. Not really, I more prefer playing outside, but I do love books. There aren’t a lot of books that I like, but if you find the PERFECT book, I… love it. If you find the perfect book, I LOVE IT.

So you like to read, and a couple years ago you started writing, is that right? I believe you spent nearly two years writing a book! Yes, actually! It’s, uh… three years.

Three years! Wow, that’s dedication. Yeah, I started it three years ago.

So three whole years ago! That’s what, you started it when you were 7… now you’re 10? I think it was like 5 or 6… I think I was 6. I started it in the first grade, it’s called Journey to an Unknown Land. 

“Journey to an Unknown Land….” It’s not published… I still have to make it better (add better adjectives… and stuff), because I started it in the first grade! And you can tell what grade I was in when I was writing it, on certain pages.

Yeah, because your writing got better! It’s 61 (Front and back on notebook paper!) pages, it’s the longest I’ve ever written – longest I’ve ever finished, actually.

So what was the writing process for you like? How did you start writing it? How’d you get the idea…? Well, I like journey adventures – oh, my favorite movie is Journey to the Center of the Earth.

So you kind of got inspiration from that? Like there’s a part where they’re in this ocean and I have this book, I can read you a page from it.

That’s okay. So your story, Journey to an Unknown Land was kind of inspired from Journey to the Center of the Earth? Yes, and like when I was writing the story, I read other kinds of books like it, so it could give me inspiration.

Yeah, that’s a pretty good piece of writing advice, to read the kind of genres that you’re writing. So what is Journey to an Unknown Land about? Well, there’s this little girl named Lizzie (I’m probably gonna change her name), annnd… she is kind of a… brat, but there are these bullies that bully her everyday and then she gets in a fight with her mom at dinnertime, ’cause she’s always just being rude and stuff… when she goes on a journey to an unknown land, she realizes there’s more to life. Annnnd there’s this little thing named Emily – like she’s a little furry square with a tail, that’s all it is. And there’s like this unicorn thing, it’s not full unicorn, it’s like just a beautifully colored horse, and I forgot its name, but she meets them, and on the way she meets others, and so it’s more than just them, but they go along with her on the way. Not the others, she just help the other things out, but the horse and Emily, they go along with her on an adventure.

So for three years you wrote this book – how long is it? It’s about 60 pages long.

Wow! That’s impressive. Do you plan on editing it any time soon? You mentioned having to add adjectives, and things… because you started it in the first grade! Yeah, I need to edit it a lot. 

Well, that sounds fantastic to me! I can’t wait to read your finished novel, I’ll definitely have to share that on the blog. 😉 So that’s it for today! I enjoyed interviewing you today, Anna Banana! Mm… please don’t call me that. I go to Arnis (my martial arts class), and there’s this girl, and eeeevery time she calls me ‘Anna Banana.’

It annoys you? YES.

Well, I’m going to call you that anyway. Bye, everyone!



24 thoughts on “interview with anna banana // animal lover, novelist, & coolest little sister”

  1. Lol. Your sister sounds cute.
    I got your email. Please get me the address as soon as possible. Id like to send it soon so I can get the letter to you faster( the longer I have it the more I add to it. Lol. Its about exactly two pages long. And I want you to have enough time to write back and send it so I can get it before I leave on my trip( it talks about it a little more in the letter). I can wait to send it and get a reply. Eek! My mon actually said I could write you a few days ago but I kept on forgetting to write it. Lol. Anyways I hope you can read cursive. Can you? I have some exciting news and stuff in the letter and want to get it to you as soon as possible.
    I’ve been waiting all day for a post. Do we get a post tomorrow?

    Anna(from butterflies of the imagingation), have you asked your parents about the critique group yet? I got my mom alone and then asked her about the pen pal. It was much easier to ask without snooping siblings around ;p. Just blurt it out. I was so relieved when I finally asked.

    1. I jsut realized how energetic that last coment sounds. Lol. I was just so excited. I’m working on something else to put in your letter Right now. I really hope you like The letter. If you get the address to me soon you should get it next week. I’m getting so excited.
      I’m going to talk more about your post now. Lol. Your sister sounds so cute. It was so cool to hear your voice. That’s how I imagined you’d sound. i can’t wait for more cool posts. Love your blog :).

      1. She is! Most of the time… 😉
        Okay, I sent you my address! I can read cursive. Most of the time I write in print, but when I want to write fast I use cursive.
        I might post today… I’m not sure. Depends. My mom is on a mom’s retreat so it’s my dad, sister, and me. I’m volunteering at the historical home today. (Well, actually it’s a training for how to give the tours.) My dad might take my sister and I somewhere.
        It is cool when I watch a video or hear a blogger’s voice. I guess I don’t realize none of you know what I sound like, haha.

        1. Lol. Exactly how I feel about my sis.
          I got it! I sent the letter early this moring so the mail man/lady should be picking it up soon. Okay. That’s good to know. There’s two things in there. Ones the letter which I wrote in cursive and the other thing I wrote in print not knowing if you could read cursive. Please excuse the messyness of the print. I never write in print. Its just so easier for me to write in cursive( my first grade self would argue with that statement. Lol).
          Cool. My mom has never gone on one and neither has anyone in my family. I think it would be fun. Training is fun. I had loads of fun doing my babysitting/red cross training. Cool. I might go to the store to get my mom a b day present with my friend today.

          1. Hahaha! I guess big sisters everywhere feel the same. 🙂
            I’m SOOO EXCITED to be getting it! Believe me, I’ll be checking the mail as soon as it comes everyday!
            I usually write in print. I learned cursive in 1st/2nd grade, but my sister hasn’t yet. (She was in public school in 1st/2nd grade, and in my old private school they still taught cursive.) I have really neat handwriting (I kind of obsess over it sometimes, lol), and I think it’s because I learned cursive, even though most of the time I don’t use cursive.
            My mom goes on a “girls trip” with her girlfriends every year or so. This one was with some other home-school moms, but most of my mom’s old childhood friends are scattered everywhere, so they get together at least once or twice a year.
            It was fun, but so far I’ve been on about 6 tours, and given 4 or 5 of them, so it was mostly just review. It was fun though, because all of the junior docents were there (all girls except for one boy, in 6th-high school), and there are several girls my age, so I got to get to know them better. They’re all Christian, most of them home-schooled, and they like history like me, so it’s really neat getting together with them.
            Fun! My mom’s birthday was a week ago today. 🙂

  2. Your sister sounds so cute! My sister is 9 almost 10 and she is obessed with animal jam i like to play it once in a while (one of my many quirks) but my sister is obsessed with it! im pretty sure she’ll add your sister. It’s pretty cool that your sister been working on a book, (i haven’t even started on mine!) so far she is 60 pages ahead os me 😛 I can’t wait for more guest posts! they are so much fun to write up and read!!

    1. Sounds like they’re about the same age! Anna just turned ten last month. 🙂 She ran in the room just now and said, “Emily, someone sent me a jamagram and said they read my interview and wants to be buddies!!” haha! Looks like I hooked her up!
      Lol, me too. When Anna decides to do something, she gets straight to it!

      1. Haha my sister ran to me and said ‘she accepted my buddy request!’ That’s what big sisters are for though. 😉 and it was so cool hearing your voice, its pretty much on point how I figured you would sound!

        1. Haha! My sister is on animal jam all day, everyday. She even uses her allowance money to pay for a membership. 😛 She was just as excited about the buddy request.
          Really? Like I told Brooke above, it is cool when I watch a video or hear a blogger’s voice. I guess I don’t realize none of you know what I sound like, haha.

    1. Thanks! I had fun doing it. (We both did!)
      Haha. Having a younger sister is fun, but not always. (I’m willing to bet the same goes for older sisters.) 😉
      I know! I can’t wait for her to type it up!

  3. All the big sisters must bond together!
    I am too! Do you have stamps ahead of time? That way you don’t have to look for a stamp when you have written a reply and want to.send it. Lol. Just remember there is no post on sundays( HP joke.).
    I learned cursive around then too. I always write in cursive. Its so much easier and faster for me. I usually have pretty neat handwritting. I hope my handwritting is not to small though. When I’m writing in a hurry I don’t always have the best handwritting.
    Cool. I’ve never done anything like that.
    That’s so cool. I wish I could do something like that.
    My moms birthday is comeing up. I got her a movie.

    1. Yesss! 😀
      Yes, I do! I like sending letters to my great-grandma (she’s almost 94!), even though she can’t send them back I do anyway, because I like writing letters. (I think I’ve told you that before.) Anyway, for the longest time we were out, but finally we got some. At Christmas we had Rudolph stamps! They were cute.
      I write fairly small, too. I can have pretty messy handwriting at times. It really depends what mood I’m in.
      What movie did you get her? Last week my family and I went to see “Do You Believe?” It was SO. GOOOOD. You have to see it. You would love it! It’s intense at times but I think if you’ve seen the Hunger games you could handle it. Here’s the trailer:

      I loved it!

      1. Cool. I have HP stamps. I got them for christams.
        I write and do things pretty small. Same for me. It can be messy but if I’m in a good mood it can be really neat. It really just depends. Yeah you’ve told me. Its so sweet of you.
        I got her Into the Woods. I know she wanted to see it but didn’t have time. I’ll watch the trailor in a minute. violence doesn’t bother me to much if that what you are talking about. I’m pretty mature.

  4. Wow Emily! You could be reporter! Reporters always record their interviews. Haha…. :). It’s weird cause I’ve always been the youngest in my family, so when I babysit I love being able to have a “younger sister”. Oh, and, I sent you an email, but I don’t know if you got it. Anyways, I loved the interview!

    1. Haha! Actually, I used to want to be. That, and a columnist. I could still see myself doing anything that involved writing.
      I bet so! When there’s someone older than me I’m usually a little shy, because I’m the oldest child in my family, plus the oldest grandchild for both of my grandparents. Different perspectives, I guess. 😉
      I don’t think I got it. :-/ Did you send it using the contact page? I checked my inbox and my trash.

    1. It is! We’re about as different as night and day (personality wise, that is!), but we’re still close and like the same things. (Like writing. And spending all of our time on the computer.) 😀

  5. Hi Emily! My sister wanted to read/listen to Anna’s interview and she and I listened to it together, she’s also going to leave a comment for miss Anna now and I’ll pass the keyboard to her! 😉

    hi Anna! My name is Star i also play animal jam and i buddied you on animal jam (my username is akitaluv481) so my favorite animals are dogs snow leopards and other animals im 9 years old i will be 10 in august and yea bye!!!

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