heather vogel frederick // a timeless favorite of mine

Hello, all! Today I decided (completely on a whim), to talk about my favorite author: Heather Vogel Frederick.


She’s a timeless favorite, really. I read her Mother/Daughter book Club series when I was ten (Three years ago, when her characters, two years older than me, was such a leap, and they were so grown-up. 😉 ) , and her book Once Upon a Toad last year. I’ve loved her from the beginning – and one of the biggest things that made me adore her is that she treasures her readers.

Sometime last year, I sent her a letter, hoping for a response but not expecting one. Such an incredible author like herself could never have time to answer little nobody-big-dreamer me! But, lo and behold, months later, having forgotten the letter completely, I got a letter in the mail from Miss Frederick! (With two signed book marks that I have laminated so as not to get them bent!)

She shares her fan mail and art on her blog, and even has an amazing segment called Saturday Story Starter, in which she encourages her readers to write on. This month, she’s giving away two copies of her new bookAbsolutely Truly, which I am SO anxious-excited-happy-crazy-MUST-have to read.

Her books are the sort I’d like to write someday. They make me feel happy all over. They’re realistic, and relatable. (Which I know is such a cliche reason for liking a book, but it’s so true.) Her girls are just like any other middle-school-age, teenage girl. The reason why? They’re real. Heather based the girls on herself, and young girls going through some of the same things Emma, Jess, Cassidy, Megan, and Becca go through.

I love her because Heather is authentic, and genuine to her readers, her girls all over the world who read her books.

Happy belated book birthday to Heather, and many more! (Seriously, many, many more!) =)


6 thoughts on “heather vogel frederick // a timeless favorite of mine”

  1. Wait, your old design is back!

    Anyways, I don’t think I’ve ever read one of Heather Vogel Frederick’s books but she sounds like a great author who really cares for her readers. Maybe I’ll have to check out one of her books. Which book do you think is her best book? Maybe I’ll start with that one.

    1. Yep! I really liked the other theme, but this one’s here to stay, for a while at least. 😉

      I hope you do! All of her books are fantastic! The MDBC series is where I started, but Once Upon a Toad was good too, if you don’t want to start a series. I’d really like to get my hands on her new book, Absolutely Truly, which I’m sure is amazing!

  2. I LOVE Heather Vogel Fredrick. I love her new book. I am constantly rereading the Mother Daughter Book Club series. I liked Once Upon a Toad too. I cant wait for her next (and last:( ) Mother Daughter book club. After reading The MDBC I have wanted to start a book club with my mom. My favorite character Is Cassidy with Emma close behind. I am suck a book and sports geek. What is your favorite character? All the mothers are amazing too.

    1. Oh, me too! I could recite the first paragraph or so to the first book! I loved Once Upon a Toad. It was different from other things she’s written, which was really cool. I hope she writes more books similar to Once Upon a Toad! And same here! Having a MDBC of my own would be way cool. Hmmm… well, I’d say me and Emma are one and the same, Megan or Becca next. (I’m sort of a girly-girl, too!) 😉

  3. I actually recently wrote a letter to heather. I don’t expect a reply soon though because she said she is getting behind on fan mail. I love your blog. You are a little older than me and I am homeschooled too. I am not a girly girl but I do like megan. She can be so sweet. I want to start playing hockey. I think it would be fun. The story line for Once Upon a Time is actually a indian story. But I love how she made it modern. I love how heather writes on her blog frequently. Some authors hardly use there blogs. I am a christian girl so it is nice to see book recommendation that I know will be clean and good.

  4. I love Heather Vogel Frederick! I remember reading the first book a long time ago, right when it came out. Then, a few years later, I reread it and fell in love with her entire series and even got my sister hooked! I love classics so this was like gold.
    I’ve commented on your blog before and I just wanted to say that I’m homeschooled do, and only a year older 😛
    Homeschoolers rock, right?

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