for the bookish’s one year blogoversary tag!

Hey, guys! As promised, today is For the Bookish’s one year blogoversary TAG! That means I’m tagging myself, and YOU! Answer the questions I answered below on YOUR blog and don’t forget to add your link way at the bottom of this post. πŸ™‚ And if you don’t have a blog, but follow and comment on For the Bookish, I’ve got some questions for you, too!


When did you start your blog?Β I started my blog on April 3, 2014. (THAT’S ALMOST A YEAR AGO. HOLY COW.)

What the purpose of your blog? Has it changed since then?Β I started my blog to talk about the books I was reading and rant about authors and characters and post book reviews! I’m still doing that and having a blast with it.

Did you blog on another blog before then?Β I’m adding this question ’cause believe it or not, I blogged for a good four years before I started For the Bookish. (‘Betcha didn’t know that,Β now did you?) When I was eight, my dad helped me get a domain name so I could blog about anything I wanted. I mostly talked about my cat and what I ate for lunch… (who am I kidding, I still talk about my cat and recipes/what I ate recently! Haha!), and then I kind of stopped. For the Bookish is more about books and reviews and authors (and anything bookish!) than it is my personal, what-I-ate-for-lunch boring kind of stuff, even though I do post on Saturdays sometimes about what’s been happening in my life.

Why did you start your blog?Β I sort of answered this in the last two questions, but I wanted a blog specifically for talking about bookish things! It’s been really fun getting to know everyone who follows my blog in the comments, and since starting For the Bookish I’ve discovered more books and book blogs than I ever would have.

What made you first think writing a blog could be fun? (Did you follow other blogs, did you know someone who wrote a blog, did you want to make money off of it?:)Β Well, like I said, I blogged on my other blog for four years before I started For the Bookish. (That was great, because I was already really familiar with WordPress and I knew what I was doing, for the most part. And besides, my dad is a web designer!) I only followed 3 or 4 other blogs, and only one of those, I think, was a book blog. I think a girl from a Taylor Swift fan club I joined a couple of years ago had a blog, and she nominated me for a Liebster award. That’s when I realized there was a whole little community of different blogs, and there such things as blog awards and guest posts and memes and tags and all!

How did you come up with your blog name? Is there a meaning (quote, life lesson, etc) behind it?Β Actually, I came up with ‘For the Bookish’ as a name for a bookstore, not a book blog. I would like to own a book store someday, and so naturally, in a story I was writing, I gave a character my dream book store, but I had no idea what I should call it. I don’t remember the other ideas, but For the Bookish was my favorite. If I own a book store one day, I think I’ll name it For the Bookish, too. Or The Shop Around the Corner. πŸ™‚

How/when do you get ideas for your posts?Β In the shower, in the car, while reading a book, when I’m supposed to be doing Latin. You get the picture. I don’t really know how to answer this. Ideas just pop into my head when I’m not even thinking about them. Sometimes I’m a little stuck, and I don’t knowΒ whatΒ I’m going to blog about. That’s where tags, guest posts, and even book reviews come in handy.

When do you type up your posts?Β Usually on Sunday. Since December or January, I’ve started blogging consistently every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and sometimes on Saturday, for random rambles/goings on in my life. But most Sundays, I’ll type up the next three posts and schedule them to automatically post, so they’re already up on the blog beforeΒ I even wake up. Sometimes I’m running a little behind, and I know what I’m going to blog about, I just haven’t actually written the post. (That’s why sometimes I post a little late in the day.) Right now, I’m typing this on Saturday, and you won’t read it till Wednesday!

So now it’s YOUR turn! Answer the questions on your blog and tag everyone else to join in. I can’t wait to see your answers!

If you don’t have a blog, I’ve got some questions for you, too (and even if you do, feel free to answer these questions in the comments!)

  1. How long have you been following For the Bookish?
  2. What are your favorite kinds of posts?
  3. What kind of books do you read?
  4. Are there any books I’ve reviewed on FTB you wouldn’t have read otherwise?
  5. Who are your favorite authors?
  6. What would you like to see more of on For the Bookish?

I hope you guys all like this tag! I hope you all join in! I can’t wait to see your answers. Add your link to your post below:

‘); // ]]>


23 thoughts on “for the bookish’s one year blogoversary tag!”

  1. This sounds like a fun tag. I’ve never seen one like it.
    I’m.still way excited. I can’t wait to get your letter. Did you like mine?
    its like.six am where I am now. I had woken up.and I can’t sleep so I thought id get up read a few blogs and do a few pranks. Have you done any pranks?

    1. Thanks. πŸ™‚
      I LOVED your letter!! I’ve read it like 3 times. I was pretty excited to get it. I wrote mine in print this time, but I’ll probably write in cursive next time, just because I think writing cursive in letters looks nicer. Lol. πŸ˜‰
      I haven’t done any pranks today… I know my sister has a couple up her sleeve. I don’t really have any ideas, plus I know I’m not doing one on my sister because her revenge is the worst! I might think of something for my mom or dad…. hehehehe. πŸ˜€

  2. Oh I’m so glad! I was afraid it would sound awkward or something. Okay sounds good. My cousin writes to me in print. I’m pretty good at reading both cursive and print.
    I know the feeling. Right now I’m covering my moms phone in rubber bands. The tape over the sink sprayer is a classic but make sure you don’t fall for it yourself. I’m going to put duck tape over the remote sensor so no one will be able to turn it on. Mwahahah.

    1. Sounds great!! I can’t wait for you to get it. It should probably get to you Friday or Saturday.
      Oh, that’s a good one!! I should totally do that!
      Lol. I probably won’t do that one. It does sound funny, though.

      1. Yeah. I should get it before I leave for my trip.
        Yah. I’ve done four pranks so far. I’ve done all the ones I listed above and I taped a peice of paper to the senso of a computer mouse so that is won’t work. I’m trying to think of what else I can do. No one has gotten up yet. My cat is helping mr by laying on my lap and giving me support. Soon I have to start getting ready for play practice.

        1. Great! How long will you be on your trip? πŸ™‚
          Wow! I wish I’d woken up before anyone else. I usually do on weekends, but my mom wakes up before any of us on weekdays at about 5:30-6:oo and wakes me and my sister up at 7 or 7:30.
          I think you’re two hours behind us. I googled what time it is where you live. πŸ˜€ Lol.
          My cat slept with me last night. He laid on my chest and I sat my hands on his paws and he laid his head on my hands. πŸ™‚ It was really cute. I sent you a picture of him I took with my polaroid.
          I really need more polaroid film, but it’s so expensive. I’ve made 20 films last since Christmas, so that’s pretty good. It’s like a $1 per picture. $20 for a box of 20 or $30 for a box of 50. :-/ Ugh. I wrote about it in my letter.

          1. We will be on the trip for about a week. Some of it will be spent in oklahoma the rest will be spent at six falgs( I don’t know how well I explained it in the letter).
            I usually wake up before my mom and sister but not my dad. He goes to PT most mornings.
            I have to close my door or else my cats would bug me ALL night. My one cat( Lily) always lays on my chest and either rests her head on my face or my chest/necj area. Lily rubs and rubs her face against my cheek or chin. Cool! Wow. That’s expensive.

  3. ^You said you were going to six flags and everything, you just didn’t say how long. πŸ™‚
    My dad works at home. (Web/graphic designer.) Usually we all sit in the living room or dining room for half an hour or so, eating breakfast, talking about the day, before we all split off. We kind of have our routine going.
    Lol. My cats bug me sometimes too. Sometimes they keep me up at night. Maisy likes to sleep on my desk. They don’t really bother me, but Mittens is an inside/outside cat, so he spends a good deal of time outside. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he’ll come to my window (it’s the lowest to the ground out of all our bedrooms), and he’ll bang on it with his paws and meow. It’s really annoying, but he’s really smart. Then I have to get up the let him in at the front door. πŸ˜€ One time I made the mistake of letting him THROUGH the window. Then he thought he could always come in through there. It took a long time to break him out of that. I have a screen on it now, though, lol.

    1. Okay. That’s what I thought. I’m getting excited! I could get your letter tomorrow.
      Oh that’s cool. My brother goes to school and my dad goes to work so usually its just mom, claire and me.
      I’ve never had an outside cat. If I left my door open Lily would ether lay on me or lay by my feet. They get fed at 7 so they start bugging us at 6. My other cat would walk around me and head butt me if I didn’t pet her.

      1. I know! Either tomorrow or Saturday. I can’t wait!!
        So you have… two older brothers and a little sister? And a baby niece? It sounds like you have a big family. πŸ™‚ My sister makes up for all the brothers in the world for me. Lol!
        Lol. You cats sound so cute. What are their names? Lily and?
        Maisy isn’t always friendly, but lately she’s been hiding in my parents’ room because of the dog we’re sitting for a few weeks. (Letter.) So whenever we go up there, she takes advantage of us being in my mom and dad’s room and cuddles with us and rubs her head on us. it’s a nice change.

        1. Eek! i can’t wait! I just hope I get it before I leave.
          I have two older brothers, an older sister, a little sister, a neice, and another baby on the way. I have a very large family. I have a bunch of aunts and uncles too.
          They are pretty cute. Lily and Rose( their actual names are Princess Lily and Princess Rose). lily is really shy. Yeah. I’m trign to decide if a Snicker of Magic should go on my birthday list. Hmm. I have four spots left.

          1. I hope you do, too! When are you leaving? πŸ™‚
            Wow. I bet it’s never boring! I’m glad I have a cousin my age, another cousin (Sydney’s sister) my sister’s age, and then their little brother who’s 5. It makes things more entertaining.
            Lily and Rose! Those are such cute names.
            I’ve wanted to read A Snicker of Magic for a long time!
            What do you have on your list so far?

  4. Oh, I am SO going to do this tag.
    Okay, so I got your email, but should I make it, or should you. And we should have a page on our blogs where they should join. Does that sound good?

    1. I can set up the chat and everything… but we should probably decide on a book first. Actually, maybe we should tell people about it first and then decide how we’ll choose the book.
      I’ll email you. πŸ˜‰

  5. Happy Blogoversary! I still can’t believe that it’s been a year since I started blogging. I remember a year ago my blogoversary seemed so far away, but it came so quick! Gosh, time flies so fast! I actually did know that you had a blog before this, because I think you briefly mentioned it in a post or two. And I think I’ve been following you almost since you’ve been blogging, so I would know. πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks, Ana! And happy belated blogoversary to you, too.
      You’re so right! It feels like yesterday I started For the Bookish, and yet like I’ve been blogging on FTB for years, instead of just one. πŸ™‚
      I think so, too. You’ve stuck around for a while!! My blog followers have kind of drifted in and out since I started blogging, but nowadays most of my readers have stayed the same.

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