currently… // lists

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done a currently list, so here’s what I’ve been up to. 🙂


Watching: Growing Pains! I love this show. I’m a big fan of 80’s and 90’s family sitcoms – I love Boy Meets World and Full House! – and Growing Pains has been a favorite, too, but especially recently. Also, my mom just got the first season of The Facts of Life on DVD from Netflix, so I’ll be watching that one too!

Reading: Well, I’ve been re-reading Pride & Prejudice for the past week (it’s Sunday today), but I’m hoping to finish that one up soon. After that, I’ll be started Melanie Dickerson’s newest book, The Golden Braid, which hits shelves in November!! I love Melanie’s books, especially the fairy tale series (which The Golden Braid is in – it’s a Rapunzel retelling) so I’m so happy to have gotten an ARC of it!

Listening to: Taylor Swift. Of course, what else is new?? I’ve been listening to her probably everyday for three solid years. I just can’t get enough of her old songs. Currently especially obsessed with Superman. Other than the usual, I’ve also discovered a song called “Let Her Go” by Passenger. My mom and I heard it on a show we LOVE (Heartland – season 9 comes on Hallmark soooon!!!) and it’s just sooo pretty. Both Superman and Let Her Go are below:

Writing: I’ve started writing lessons again with the wonderful Rachel Coker! Right now I’m writing a novella (currently at about 22,000 words out of the goal of 25 or 30k) which she is critiquing. It’s not my favorite thing that I’ve ever written, but I’m finishing it so that’s something to be proud of.

Loving: Curly hair, new lipstick, sweaters, and CHOCOLATE OATMEAL COOKIES! First off, the curly hair: I have naturally frizzy, unbearably… what’s the word… POOFY hair. However, with a spray bottle and a little gel, it is adorably curly and wavy. On the plus side of the frizziness, my hair has no problemo with volume, so it holds curl really well. I’ve been straightening it for a while, but I just re-discovered the curls an love them!

New lipstick: I got some Revlon lipstick from Target the other day and love it. 🙂 It’s a light shade (I can’t go too dark) but I’m just obsessed. Sweaters: It’s finally sweater weather in Georgia!!! YAY! Sweaters (and cats and chocolate and books) are my obsession. Excited is an understatement. And as for the cookies?? My mom got me a box of mix and I made some today and I’m fixing to go get some more because my mouth is watering! YUMMY.

Wanting: This phone case. But I probably won’t be buying that for a while since my sister and I got in a fight… and… let’s just say my mom’s laptop was the victim… SO while I’m paying mom back for that, my wallet is currently empty. In another month or two? Hopefully!!! …… just typed that up and went to look for the link, and the website has stopped selling it!!! NOOOOO. Sigh.

Wearing: Sweaters, like I said, and skirts and REALLY cute shoes! I’ve been fall-shoe-shopping with my mom recently and I am absolutely in LOVE with my new boots and ballet flats. Forget boys, I’m marrying my shoes. No kidding.

so what are you up to currently?? can’t wait to hear!


4 thoughts on “currently… // lists”

  1. That last gif though!! 😛 I watched that today and that part is just my favorite! 😀
    Ohh Passenger is great!! I’ve heard of that song, it’s so sweet. :0) My favorite is Holes by Passenger, have you heard that one? recently I’ve really been loving Here by Alessia Cara, it’s really poetic and I love the message that it gives.
    I get you Emily!! Curly hair is so so hard to manage, but what works for me is to french braid it right when I get out of the shower and keep it in a braid till the next day. When I undo the braid it forms these amazing curlz. 😉 With some coconut oil and gel they’re silky and bouncy!

    That phone case is absolute adorable!!
    I know how much you like Rachel Croker, so I’m happy for you that you get to work with her!! How exactly does that work?

    1. Haha I love it!! Lol.
      It is so great. Every time I hear it on the radio I turn it up! 😉 Ooh I’ll have to look that up.
      THANKS DAISY! (I mean Izel!) 🙂 I wish I could french braid it but my hair is too short. If it were long it wouldn’t hold the curl. 🙁 I wish! Coconut oil is da BOMB. It has soooooo many purposes.
      Thanks! Well, in a nut shell, I write something, send it to her, and she critiques it – helping me with edits and pointers. It’s so much fun. She also has me write certain things for practice – like a prompt, or filling out character questionnaires, etc. It’s great, and she’s such an amazing writing mentor.

  2. Let Her Go is one of my absolute favorites… in fact I’m listening to it right now. 🙂
    I know you probably get this a lot, but you are so. darn. lucky to have curly hair! My hair will never hold anything more than a slight wave 😛
    *Obsesses over that phone case even though she doesn’t have a phone because OWLS.*

    1. Ooh yesss! It’s just so beautiful!
      Aww thanks. Yes I do but I’m completely opposite… I wish I had straight hair!! We all want what we don’t have, right? 😉
      Lol I know! I wish they still had in stock. *insert crying emoji* 😉

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