Back with another Stacking the Shelves, folks! It’s all about sharing the books you’ve gotten this week – physical, e-book, from the library, or book store, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. This week, I have three books that look so good! I’ve already started The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and OH SWEET apple pie, it’s fantastic. I’m only seven chapters in (it’s Friday right now, so tomorrow – when you’re reading this – I’ll probably be further in), but I’m sooo captivated. Thanks, Madison, for recommending it to me! (And one other person? Sorry, I can’t remember who!)
the stack
The stack this week is pretty small. (Compared to others, that is!) I talked about these three books in my post last Friday, The Books I Need To Read, but I still wanted to do a stacking the shelves today. These three are the ones I was needing to pick up from the library in that post. I’m so excited about reading them, I have butterflies in my stomach when I think about it! Wow. That says a lot about me, doesn’t it?! 😀
And you know how much I love taking pictures of Mittens, so…
He’s rubbing against them, but it totally looks like he’s smiling! (I swear the cat really does smile.) He’s like “Ah, yes, I see you’re taking pictures of your books again. Might as well look cute. Ooh… ooh, yes, BEGONE, flea!” I guess they make for a nice neck-scratcher. 😉
books i read this week
I read two books this week; I really would have wanted to read more, but I ended up putting one book down. It was Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children. I had really high expectations for the book, and I wanted to read it, but there was too much bad language. My mom and dad thought it was best I put it down, too. So then I decided to (finally) pick up The Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson.
As soon as I review it (probably no earlier than August 17), I’ll also be hosting a giveaway! I was given an extra in a giveaway where I won the book, so I’m going to give one of those away. I just finished it today (that is, Friday), and it was great! The middle was kind of slow, but the ending was great. I guessed the ending at about thirty or forty pages left, but it was one of those books where I wasn’t sure everything that needed to happen could happen within forty pages. It did, though, and I loved it.
Apple and Rain was also super good. There was some heavy content (which I’ll explain more of in my review on the 10th), but it wasn’t anything too bad. It kind of dragged on for a little, though.
I recapped the past month and all the cool things that happened on the blog – and yours, too!
coming up this week
On Monday, I’ll be reviewing Eight Keys and Rain Reign… but be warned, I was really confused on how I felt about these books.
Wednesday, I’m going to be apart of the Dear Opl spotlight tour! There will be a giveaway, but the only way you can enter is with a twitter account… (I’m not hosting it.) So hopefully a few of you have accounts, or there will be added different ways to enter. I did email the publisher about it, but we’ll see!
Annnd on Friday, I’ll be writing some LISTS! Oh, beautiful lists. (I love writing them.) 😉
what books have you read/gotten this week? anything cool coming up for you this week?
Hi, everyone! Emily here. (Of course, you knew that, right? And if you didn’t, welcome!) Today, I bring you yet another monthly recap… which is crazy, because every single month, I say “Wow, this month has just flown by!” So I won’t say that this time… even though it did! This past month was great, and with August comes a whole slew of awesome new posts (I hope you think they’re awesome, because I’m so excited for all of them!), and for me, school.
My thoughts exactly. (Sorry, mom!) Don’t worry, I won’t go on talking about how much little time I’ll have for blogging. I’ll still be coming to you all the way from my bedroom on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and most weekends. Perks of being home-schooled. (It’s the best.) And for those of you lucky duckies who don’t start school until September… enjoy your reading. And keep commenting! You have no excuse. 😉
books read this month
Ten books! Much better than last month’s measly three, right? Most of these books have been on my TBR list for quite some time now (though I digress; I say this about literally every book I read – but it’s true!), and I’m so glad to have finally read them. I’m going to try to reach for eleven or twelve in August, but we’ll see. Some months are better than others. Though if I kept up ten books a month, I’d exceed my 50-book-year-goal by forty! Do you think I can do it?!
June 2015’s monthly recap (every month, the recaps are some of the most viewed posts! You must love recaps!) 😉
what happened on YOUR blogs
I’ve wanted to give a shout-out to some of my favorite blogs in my monthly recaps, so I decided to add it this time! Here were some of my favorite posts on your blogs this month. Go check your wonderful posts out!
Went on a spontaneous Florida trip with my family (check out the pictures here)
Tried “Tiny Bubbles Tea Bar” with our friends, which was… okay… but hey, I tried something new!
Got my first issue of Gold Magazine and LOVE it. You should totally go get yourself a subscription.
I also ordered a Hannah Everly skirt! I got this one (click the link), and I can’t waaaaiiittt. I’ll be wearing it the first day back to my home-school group. 😀
Went SCHOOL SUPPLIES SHOPPING (!!!) Needless to say, it’s the best part of going back to school; even though “going back to school” for me means waking up a tad earlier and actually leaving my room (gasp!) to get my school books. Livin’ the life, folks.
on the blog in august
Just a few ideas I have. No biggie. (Actually, they are kind of a biggie, because I’m super excited about them.) 😀
Do you prefer male or female POV’s?
Spotlight post on my favorite bloggers
Two, maybe THREE giveaways (!!!)
You know you’re a bookworm when…
One or two author interviews
Lists, lists, & more lists!
Be prepared. Between those author interviews and giveaways, it’s going to be a fuuun month.
what happened to YOU this month? on your blog? off your blog? what books have you read? doing anything fun in august? oh and tell me, when do you go back to school??
I love book tags. I do awards and tags a lot on FTB, but I just LOVE THEM so much. They’re a ton of fun. (Not mention easy to do when I run out of post ideas.) Miss Daisy over at A Bookish Flower has tagged me to do The Ultimate Book Tag, and that’s just what I plan to do! Ready?
You know the drill! Here are the questions:
do you get sick while reading in the car?
It depends. If I’m in the car for a long period of time (2+ hours), then yes. I can handle reading in the car for twenty… or thirty minutes? (For example, when I’m tagging along with my mom, running errands, I can handle reading in the car for a bit.) But on long trips, (UNFORTUNATELY), no. That’s where audio books come in handy.
which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?
Elizabeth Wein and Markus Zusak are both incredibly unique, fantastic authors. (Shout out to their books, Code Name Verity and The Book Thief. You must. Read. Them. Now.) Their perspectives on WWII are both very different, and unlike any other historical fiction I’ve read before. Also – Ann M. Martin. Every one of her books is so different from the other. (Check out my reviews for two of her books, A Corner of the Universe, and Home is the Place.) LOVE LOVE LOVE her.
harry potter or the twilight saga?
I have no intention of reading either of those books, sooo… >_<
do you carry a book bag? if so, what is in it?
Yes! I have one bag my mom got me from North Carolina I use to carry books in. (Actually, I have a lot of bags I use for books!) I use the bag most often in the summer time, when I go to the pool or the beach. (Two of my favorite places to read books.) I also use it when I go to the library (carrying books to and fro.) Isn’t it adorable?!
It says, “I often daydream that my life is just as it is now… Only I have well-behaved hair and I live in Paris.” That is SO me. 😉
As for what’s in it… it changes all the time! Most recently, I’m reading Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer (and love it!) But most likely, by the time you’re reading this, that’s changed!
do you smell your books?
How could I not smell my books?
books with or without little illustrations?
I love books with details like illustrations – particularly in YA. For example, even though I DNF’d Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson… the pictures were awesome touches! (Like receipts or post cards from their road trip.) And the book I’m reading now – Between the Lines, has really cute touches, too. I also love maps of the character’s worlds or towns, and small pictures at the beginning of each chapter. I’m all for it!
This is one of the pictures in “Between the Lines.”
which book did you dislike that everyone else loved?
I’m gonna have to go with Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It’s a shocker I even finished it. Just… nope.
do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? please share!
I consider myself to have always been a bookworm. I used to sit in my “book basket,” make up stories to go with the illustrations in picture books and “read” them to my stuffed animals… and by the time I was three or four, I had If You Give a Pig a Pancake and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie memorized. Oh – and I can’t forget about Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Those books were (and are) on my favorites list!
Here I am reading when I was two or three. 🙂
what is the tiniest book on your shelf?
Flash of Freedom by Dakota Lee – that’s a pretty short book.
what is the thickest book your shelf?
The Bible! … And in second place, Pride & Prejudice. 😉
do you write as well as read? do you see yourself in the future as being a writer?
Yes, and YES. I started writing “novels” (although I would call them reallyreallyreally long stories… not quite novel-length), when I was seven or eight, after reading Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books. (Anyone else a huge fan of Ramona and Beezus? More like “Anna and Emily…” those books are so me and my little sister.) I’ve had this quote from Beverly Cleary memorized for years, because it sums up why I want one of my books published:
“If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.” – Beverly Cleary
when did you get into reading?
Well, like I said, I’ve been a bookworm for almost fourteen years now… 😉 But the books that got me into the genres I still read today (Sadly, I haven’t re-read If You Give a Pig a Pancake in a while!) I read when I was seven or eight – that would be the American Girl books (historical fiction gives me life, okay??!) and Beverly Cleary’s books… also The Boxcar Children. And thanks to my mom, aunt, and grandmother (scratch that, my entire family) I’m a huge fan of classics.
what is your favorite classic book?
I’m a big Pride & Prejudice fan, but Little Women and Anne of Green Gables are also my favorites. <3
since some of the questions are kind of unanswerable for me… I’m going to write them all below, with my (brief) answers. 🙂
What is a series you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or The Hunger Games? Like I said, I have no intention of reading Harry Potter, so I can’t answer for that. I might give The Hunger Games a try someday, though.
Vampires or fairies? Why? Fairies. Because they don’t suck my blood…?
Shapeshifters or angels? Uh.. no clue what “shapeshifters” are… guess I’m out of the loop on that one, but either way, I’m pretty sure I’d choose angels.
Spirits or werewolves? Neither.
Zombies or vampires? Okay… just scratch all of my answers for the last three and put in “Jesus.” Just sayin’… 😉
if you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated, what would you do?
I’ve been given plenty of books I’ve already read, and plenty I have no interest in reading… but none that I’ve read before and disliked. I guess I would do the same as when I’ve received books I’m not interested in: smile, thank the person, think “it’s the thought that counts” and donate the book, or see if my little sister wants to read it.
in school, what is your best subject?
English. History. Geography. Math. Science. (In order of best to worst.) And to quote Daisy, who tagged me in this tag, “I’m Valedictorian, voted best dressed, perfect attendance, A+’s in all my classes, best friends with the teacher, principal, P.E teacher and cafeteria lady, but that’s mostly the perks of being home schooled.”
what is a bad habit you always do while blogging?
Getting distracted, or rambling and getting totally off-subject. (Oops, you already knew that last one.) 😉 Actually, I end up deleting half the post before publishing it JUST because I get all rambl-y. Ha!
what is your favorite word?
are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? or all of the above?
Um… nerd. I guess? Not so sure about ‘dork’ or ‘dweeb,’ but my mom and I agree that there is a clear difference between a ‘geek’ and a ‘nerd.’ I am a nerd.
love triangle or forbidden love?
Ooh. Love triangle… I think? I like choosing between which guy I root for, but then again, I hate it when the main character ends up with the person I DON’T like. So then I’d choose forbidden love. But then again, I’m not a rebellious person and if the love were forbidden because he/she’s parents don’t approve, I honestly wouldn’t like the book. So there’s that.
and finally: full-on romance books, or action-packed with a few romance scenes mixed in?
I tend to read the latter, just because full-on romance books tend to get a little too mushy for me. BUT if I can find a full-on romance book that’s still clean and everything, then go book!
Whew! That was a TON of questions! Did you like? As for who I tag: YOU! If you liked this tag, feel free to do it on your own blog and let me know, so I can check it out.
Thanks again, Daisy, for tagging me! Oh, and please answer some of these questions in the comments below. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, as always.
I love reading posts like these, wherein I get to learn more about the blogger, and though I’ve done a few Liebster Award posts (as you can tell from the title) before… I still enjoy writing them! (Check out my other awards here and here.) It’s been about a year since my last Liebster awards, so it might be interesting to have a peek at those.
Miss Katie Grace at A Writer’s Faith was sweet enough to nominate me, so thank you, Katie!
Alrighty, now, first up are the rules.
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. (Check)
Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
Come up with 11 questions for your nominees!
Let’s get into Katie’s questions!
1.) Why do you write?
Why do I write? That’s a question? Well, okay, then. I write so… I won’t go insane. I write because I get bored. Because it’s the only thing I’m 59.89% sure I’m good at. Because it’s fun making up characters. Because- I shouldn’t have to go on. I love it. There. That’s why.
2.) If any fictional character could be your best friend, who would it be? Ella of Frell (from Gail Carson Levine’s Ella Enchanted), or America Singer (oops wrong last name), (from Kiera Cass’ The Selection series.) They’re both headstrong and determined, and that’s something I could use more of sometimes. Plus their books are awesome, and both fairy-tale/love story/kingdom/type books (which I love live for.)
3.) What’s one really weird dream you’ve had?
Hahaha. ONE?! Really?? Well, I remember two years ago dreaming my great-grandma was wearing star-shaped sunglasses, and so I took the sunglasses off of her and all of a sudden she turned into some sort of a monster with sharp teeth. No, SERIOUSLY! I thought I was going to die. I just about had an accident in my sleep! Anyway, that’s not really a weird dream. That’s just freaky. But it’s the only one I can think of, so.
4.) If you found a portal that could transport you to any fictional world of your choice, where would you go?
Concord, Massachusetts (which ISN’T fictional), where the Mother/Daughter Book Club is (which IS fictional, much to my dismay.) I love Heather Vogel Frederick’s books and can’t wait to read the upcoming seventh book. (Or eighth? I can’t remember.) I’ve grown up on the books the past three or four years, and it’s just… aggh. They’re like my second home. I definitely wouldn’t mind living in that fictional world!
5.) Paperback or Kindle? Why?
Paperback: so I can smell the pages and flip them and feel the book in my hands and really see better how far in I am. And I don’t have to worry about the battery dying. Kindle: because I can read anywhere, even in the dark, it turns off for me, I can highlight and look up words by tapping on them, and if my hands are damp, I don’t have to worry about that weird texture feeling when I flip a page with shriveled-up fingers. (I’m a very tactile person. One reason I don’t eat grapes, or peaches.) I’ve got a post about this coming up. Keep your eyes peeled for that!
6.) What’s one post you’ve written that you’re most proud of? One post. That’s tough. Probably my bookish pet peeves, part one and two. (And several upcoming posts I’m excited for.)
7.) What’s an interesting quirk that you have?
Well, you already know about my tactile thing, so there’s that. Um… my hair can often times look like I put my finger in an electric socket. Now that I’ve cut it short, it’s a lot curlier than it was long, but you do not need, or want, to see my hair on the weekends when I’m at home with my family. I don’t bother it, and it doesn’t bother me. (Again, scratch that, because it bothers the heck out of me.) It’s a sight for sore eyes.
8.) Can you share a picture of your bookshelf? (More commonly known as: a #shelfie.)
Yes! Here it is! All my BFF’s. I just love doin’ life with my besties. (hahahaha.) I wanted to get the whole thing in there, so you also get a peek into my bedroom. (Oh – and when you spot the American Girl dolls…) (and the Animator’s Collection Anna doll…) 😉
9.) What are three things on your bucketlist? Or do you even have a bucketlist?
Of COURSE I have a bucket list. And the same thing’s on them as it was a year ago: visit Bath, England. (And also Germany, because my ancestors’ castles are still there from the 1500’s), graduate high school a year early (maybe? possibly? we’ll see. I do have high school math credits right now, soooo. Let’s see if I can get through geometry.) But more or less, that one isn’t my biggest priority. (My biggest priority right now is to make it out of algebra alive. Good thing I’m home-schooled, so I can go at my own pace!) I want to open a bookstore one day. Yeah. As much as I want to be an author, if that were to never happen (and I reallyreallyreally hope it does), I’d want to have my own bookstore, and do something concerning books. They’re my life, and I’d like to make them my career, too. 😉
10.) How old were you when you started writing?
Six or seven. It all started with a story about talking cars. I never wrote another story about talking objects (or machines, or vehicles), but it made me realize I was good at writing, and I loved it. After that came fairy-tale stories (including a Sleeping Beauty re-telling about a girl who gets stuck on a piece of gum when she turns ten) and now… mostly contemporary and fairy-tales.
11.) Share the last sentence of your WIP with us!
(By the way, WIP stands for Work-In-Progress.) Here I go…
“I want that.”
Yep. My character’s a go-getter. Okay, I’ll pick another one.
I nodded, trying to lose my own sarcastic tone of voice. “I’ll see you around.”
There’s that. I’m a little private about my writing, but maybe I’ll share some more stories with you sometime!
Thanks so much, Katie, for those awesome questions! Nominees: are you ready for your questions? (Oh, wait, you don’t who the nominees are yet! Oh well. I like keeping you in the dark.)
When did you start your blog?
Do you have a favorite quote?
Think fast: your house is burning down and you can only save one book from you shelf. Which one?
Chocolate or sweet/fruity candy?
Do you have any pets, or do you want any? (Pictures, please!)
What does your handwriting look like? (Pictures again.)
What do you like to do in your free time, aside from reading and blogging?
Do you tell people in real life about your blog? Their reactions? 😉
What is your main source for books? (Library, book store, Kindle?)
Guesstimate – how many books do you own? (Unless answering this question would take hours!)
This was so much fun to write! I hope that all of you nominees can participate, but of course it’s up to you. 🙂
Just to give you all a heads-up, I’ll be going to summer camp Monday, and then straight after, headed to Rachel Coker’s Dream Factory Workshop. (!!!!!) So, that means I won’t be back until the 21st, so no posts until the 22nd. Don’t worry, though – I’ll be back and better than ever, with lots of pictures for you on the 24th!
I’ve got so many books on my hands! Today, I’m linking up with Stacking the Shelves, where I show you all the books I’ve acquired this week – be it virtual or physical!
Sometimes, I don’t know which is better – having no books at all, or the stress of having too many books. But hey, lots of books count for a good stacking the shelves. (And I love doing these posts!) I’ve also got some polls at the end of this post, so keep reading!
the books i got this week
Here’s the stack for this week. Three of them are school required reading, but I’m excited to be reading all of them!
Defeating Darwinism by Phillip E. Johnson: School-required, but still ecstatic to read it!
The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson: I won this in a giveaway on Goodreads, and I’m super excited to be reading Melanie Dickerson’s new book. (I’ve reviewed The Captive Maiden and The Princess Spy; go check them out!) It sounds a lot like Dauntless by Dina L. Sleiman, but I can’t wait to see how it goes.
The Phantom Tollbooth: School-required – I’ve been meaning to read it for sooo long! Glad I’m going to finally get to it!
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom: Another school book that I’ve wanted to read for a while, especially because a lot of my blogger-friends love the book so much. I know for sure this one’s going to be a favorite.
Which book should I read next?? (I’ve got a handy-dandy poll for you here.)
the books i read this week
Chasing the Milky Way by Erin E. Moulton – there is some language in this book, which I did not like. However, I gave it four stars, and I’ll be having Miss Moulton over for an interview soon!
Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers – OMG, I LOVED THIS BOOK. Ahem. Excuse me. SERIOUSLY THOUGH FIVE STARS. Ahhhh it was just so cute!
The Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone – the cover is SO misleading. It was not what I was expecting, but nevertheless, I loved it, and give it five stars.
i want to hear from you!
I’ve got some questions for you all regarding For the Bookish! I need your advice, so go here to help me out with that.
Sorry this is a bit of a short post – hopefully I can make that up next week. 😉 I can’t wait to hear from you all in the polls and in the comments! Happy weekend!
Hi, everybody! Today I’m doing yet another Stacking the Shelves, in which I talk about the books I’ve acquired or read this week, whether hardbound, e-book, etc. But first, I’d love it if you’d check out my guest post on Inside Out Magazine here. I had such a fun time writing it and hope to do another one soon. I highly recommend checking out Inside Out Magazine’s website, too. There are tons of great posts and inspiring thoughts.
My mom took me to the library on Thursday, and you know what happens when I get free books…
I’m so excited to have so many great books! All of which I’ve either wanted for a while, heard great things about, or love the author. Plus I’ve got a nice and even amount of books (6) and three weeks to read them. (Haha! I just realized how dorky that sounds, but it’s true! It makes me happy. It really kind of bugs me when I have 7 or 9 books to read…)
Dancing Shoes by Noel Streatfield: This is #9 in TheShoes series, and I’m debating whether or not I should read it since I’ve only read #1, Ballet Shoes. I’m trying to figure out if it’s one of those series where you can skip around, or if it will only make sense if you read it in a row? Have any of you read this series?
The Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone: I’ve wanted to read this for so long! It looks so intense and sweet, and it’s the first in a series. (I love series!)
Jake and Lily by Jerry Spinelli: Yes, a Jerry Spinelli book! I tried Eggs, and it wasn’t my taste… (ahahahaha), but Stargirl was amazing. I hoping that Jake and Lily is more my style.
The Secret Language of Girls by Frances O’Roark Dowell: This looks so good. Another one I’ve seen around online or wanted to get but didn’t… plus, I think I’ll really be able to relate.
Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers: Long-lost twins that discover each other at long last! What’s not to love? (And find each other online, too.)
Chasing the Milky Way by Erin E. Moulton: Ooh. Deep subjects, with a light, child’s point of view. My favorite. Plus the title reminds me of Chasing Jupiter by Rachel Coker. And the cover is so pretty!
Most of them are contemporary, because I’ve been in the mood for some light, summery contemporary books! It’s that time of year again! Although Chasing the Milky Way isn’t so light thus far…
So as you could probably tell from the title, I’m also doing The Teenage Girl Tag! I’ve been tagged by Daisy @ A Bookish Flower and Trisha @ Forever Trisha. It’s taken me so long to finally get to do this, and I’m pretty excited! Thanks, Daisy and Trisha, for tagging me! 😉
So first up the rules…
Thank the blogger who tagged you (and if you’d like, like their post, comment or for full support follow them!) (check)
Post the featured picture on the tag post (check)
Copy and paste the rules (check)
Answer the following 10 questions
Use up to 2 gifs 😉 (or more)
Tag up to 6 other bloggers
Let the blogger know you tagged them
1.) Are you a girly-girl or a tom boy? What makes you a girly girl or tom boy?
Definitely girly. Nail polish, shopping, dresses, pink – the whole nine yards. I get disappointed when I break a nail (what?! I’m not gonna lie!) and I don’t like sports. I do like to run, and can shoot a basket if I need to (one place where my height comes in handy), but anything else? Naughta.
2.) Texting or talking?
It depends on the person. (And my mood.) Let me explain something about my personality: sometimes, I can be so done talking to someone, I want to scream. There are people I could talk with for hours about anything and everything, but sometimes I just want to be left alone. That’s what I like about texting – if I leave the conversation, it doesn’t have to be explained. And it’s easy to do so! ;P
3.) Favorite Starbucks drink?
Ooooh. In the fall, the pumpkin spice latte. Winter, the white peppermint mocha, with one less shot of everything. (It’s much too sweet for me!) In the spring/summer, I usually try out different frappuccinos. I like the strawberries and cream, and the caramel ribbon crunch. So good!
4.) Do you like your hair long or short, straight or curly? You can provide a picture of your hair too! (Front or back)
Most of you know that back in April, I cut off about eight inches of my hair. I LOVE IT. Ask my mom; I say “I love my hair!” at least once a day. My hair is so thick and curly, when it’s long it’s just frizzy. But it’s so easy to fix short! And I can wear it naturally curly more often.
5.) Pink or purple?
Pink. I like pastel and light pinks instead of hot pinks, but definitely pink.
6.) Who is your favorite female singer/s and what are your favorite songs by these singer/s?
I like (some) songs by Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, and Sara Bareilles. I also love Francesca Battistelli!
Plus she’s got my dancing skills.
7.) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Usually thirty minutes to an hour. It depends if I’m going somewhere special and decide to wear a little makeup, whether I curl or flat iron my hair, etc.
8.) How often do you do your nails?
I’ll go a few weeks where I repaint them all the time. And then it’ll come off and I’ll just leave it for a while.
9.) Do you wear make up every day?
No. It depends on where I’m going, for one thing, but I won’t wear makeup everyday because a) I don’t need to put on makeup to go to the grocery store or sit around the house, and b) I want to keep my skin clear.
10.) Are you a burgers and fires kind of girl or salad and fruit?
Burgers and fries. I do love me a salad, though.
Hey, everyone! Recently, I’ve seen this tag floating around on several blogs I read, and it looks so fun! I was so excited when Trisha tagged me. But I’m going to add my own spin to the tag: I’m going to try to find books in each category on my own bookshelf!
1) We are going to list ten categories, and you will have to find one book for each category!
2) You can either list the title of the book, or the picture, really whatever you want to do.
3) You can also tag as many people as you want, but those who are tagged are not obligated to do it.
4) Make sure to link back to Novel Ink!
a book with the word “gone” in the title
Well, this is embarrassing. The first category and I seriously do not have a book on my shelf with the word “gone” in the title. (Or subtitle!) I even cheated a little and looked at my sister’s bookshelf! Help me out here – what books have you read with “gone” in the title?
a book with a weapon on the cover
Hm… this might be another tough one. But I shall look! … oh, ha-ha! A bow and arrow counts, right?
Of all the books I own with stars on the cover, none have a moon! But I’m a rebel, so here’s some books with stars instead. Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass and Interrupted by Rachel Coker!
Honorable mention goes to Mr. Jellybean, who lives next door – a wonderful model for my pictures when Mittens isn’t cooperative… 😉
a couple on the cover
(originally a couple kissing, but I typically avoid those books.)
Pride & Prejudice counts! At least, my copy (Barnes & Noble Classics – the covers are so pretty!) has a couple on the front. The infamous Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth… *swoons*
Urm. Another one I can’t think of… help me out, everyone!
a book with water
I have a lot of these! Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord, Out of my Mind by Sharon M. Draper, The Other Half of my Heart by Sundee T. Frazier, and When the Butterflies Came by Kimberley Griffiths Little.
a book with a flower
I had a lot to choose from with this one! A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner is sooo pretty; and a stunning story! Also Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr. (Which I’ll be posting a review for soon!)
Hey, lovelies! Apologies for not posting yesterday. I haven’t had time to write a whole bunch of May posts in one day like I did last month, but I GOT THROUGH EXAMS. Also this next week is VACATION TIME (!!!!) for my family and I, so that’s exciting! Good thing though – I’ve got all the book reviews for May written. So you won’t run out of book recommendations! And one post has got three in one. Like those shampoo, conditioner, and body wash soaps at the store.
the books!
I read seven books this month, and I should like to include Code Name Verity in this stack, which makes eight, because I finished it on May 1st. If I started it on May 1st, then it wouldn’t be counted. Make sense? No. Well too bad. Oh, oh – and I re-read FOUR. FOUR glorious re-reads. Re-reads are very important to me. If a book isn’t worth a re-read, then it isn’t worth the read. Of course, the re-reads this month were all Kiera Cass books in preparation for the HEIR, which debuts May 5th, which will be signed by the Kiera Cass and given to a #1 fan named Emily on May 6th (eeek!! Still can’t believe that!), but it still counts for something.
Lovely stack, really. If you notice one missing, it’s because I read Crunch on my Kindle. I do use my Kindle, I do. It’s not my best friend, as you can see, but I do use it. I’m adding a drop-down bar for where I talk about the books since it takes up too much space of the post. 😀
[learn_more caption=”Click to hear about the books!”]#1: Crunch by Leslie Connor: First book read in April! I reviewed it last week and gave it 3.5 stars! I don’t like using half stars, but I felt like it wasn’t a three star, and it wasn’t a four star, so what else I could do? It was teetering between “I loved this book!” and “Kind of mediocre.” (As seen on my review policies page here.)
#2: Dauntless by Dina L. Sleiman: You’ll be getting this review this Monday, folks, and I do believe I added some really pretty pictures of Dauntless hanging out in my dad’s garden. Tell me, WHAT is more beautiful than flowers and books?? No, don’t answer. (EDIT: That would be cats and books.) Pretty good, pretty good. Dauntless got 4 stars!
#3: This Means War by Ellen Wittlinger: I don’t want to give away too much, since I did a mini review for this miniature book (it was really really short!), but short doesn’t mean bad. It most certainly does not. 5 stars! Plus this was a historical fiction (cold war vibes, people!) so that was fantastic.
#4: Keep Smiling Through by Ann Rinaldi: Moving onto WWII historical fiction. I love a good WWII historical fic. I do mean LOVE. I DEVOUR THEM. Buuuutttt but…. not this one. I gave it 3 stars. But does that mean I don’t want you to read it?? NOOOO. You must, you must read it. It got 3 stars for the… well, I’ll explain in the review. Still. Read it for yourself, alright?
#5: Serendipity and Me by Judith L. Roth: Awwww. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Just so sweet! And can we admire the cover? ADORABLE. Get a lollipop and maybe some tissues and get reading! 5 stars!
You knew I had to include my cat in the fun.
#6: Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr: Oh. Um… this was really sad. The whole book was written in a sad mood. But it was so BEAUTIFUL. Why do I choose books that make me cry?! I gave it 5 stars, but… buuut… it was so saaaad. I also took some beautiful pictures for this review, though, so that’ll balance it out, yes?
#7: Princess Academy by Shannon Hale: Sweet flying pancakes. This was awesome!! I haven’t reviewed it, but I’ll probably give it 4 or 4.5 stars, because it was so creative! So… so wonderful! Agh! So glad I read it.
#8: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein: Holy cow holy cow holy cow holy cow holy cow holy cow holy cow. My brain hurts from thinking. My eyes hurt from crying. My heart hurts from breaking. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. This is THE best historical fiction I’ve read since The Book Thief. Yes. That good. Very heavy material. Little bit of language. But AMAZING. 6 stars. What? That’s not a rating? OH WELL. (And in case you were wondering why I haven’t been answering any comments… I WAS BUSY READING & THEN RECOVERING FROM FINISHING THIS BOOK!!)[/learn_more]
the blog posts
What were you guys excited about this month?? Well, let’s see. Well, you LOVED For the Bookish’s blogoversary, but I think you reeaallly liked my first-ever-giveaway (of course you did! Who doesn’t love free BARNES & NOBLE GIFT CARDS??) annnnd in second place for the most views, What The Mother/Daughter Book Club Taught Me. That’s exciting! I loved that post! My personal favorite post was Authors Appreciating Readers. What about you? Which was your favorite post from April?
Also, because I’m nice and I LOVE reading other people’s blogs (turns out I’m not just a blogger, I’m also a blogling! (aka: person who reads blogs)), here are some of a few of my favorite posts on blogs I follow from April!
Ana @ Butterflies of the Imagination took a hiatus this month, but SHE WROTE 50K IN 18 DAYS & I’M SO PROUD. (And a teensy bit jealous!)
Trisha @ Forever Trisha reviewed One for the Murphys which I was so excited about because I loved it and she loved it and YAY!
upcoming in may…
(april showers bring may flowers!)
As I mentioned before, I AM MEETING KIERA CASS IN FOUR DAYS. FOUR. DAYS. Which means The Heir comes out in about THREE. And can you just all stop and watch the beautiful trailer for The Heir that came out on Thursday?? (You can also watch it here.) I think know my mom is sick of hearing it, but it’s SO EXCITING.
Do you think I’m excited? I’m pretty excited.
Also all of the books mentioned that I read in April will be posted with their reviews here in a few weeks… and I’m doing a guest post on Inside Out Magazine in their culture & creativity section soon! Not sure when, but I’ll keep you posted. That was pretty exciting, as it’s one of my favorite blogs and I was so excited when the executive editor emailed me! I also hope to have a few guest posts of my own (well, from other people, of course), visiting with us in May, so stay tuned!
I hope everyone had a lovely April and an even better May!
I want to hear from you – what books have you read in April?? Favorites? Favorite blog posts? (On FTB and other blogs!)
Hey, guys! So many books to be read. So many flashcards to study. Seriously, where is there someone I can pay to finish this last week of school for me so I can be DONE. All I want to do is sit on my bed and read and eat chocolate and blog and flip out over Kiera Cass and The Selection and there is LATIN to be done.
Anywho. One more week, just one more week! Of course, recently I’ve been reminded that I could be enduring another month of school if it weren’t for the marvelous fact that I’m home-schooled this year. Really, no complaints!
I got several books this week! Here’s the stack:
Short disclaimers: I’ve read The Book Thief, and The Bronze Bow is school-required. But they’re BOOKS, and they’ll be added to my shelves, soooo…. stacking the shelves.
Alright #1: The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. I cannot tell you how long this one’s been on my book wishlist. I told my dad that reading a book you’ve wanted to read for a long time is like finally meeting a friend of a friend you’ve heard so much about. So finally, we meet, Princess Academy! I do think we’ll be good friends! Plus I’ve been told this one’s like an MG Selection series, and that makes my heart sing.
#2: Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters. Yes, that’s a title. Oh – by Lesley M.M. Blume. I found this one whilst browsing (which I haven’t but need to order some books from!), and then saw it at a used bookstore nearby and had to have it. Plus you totally can’t beat two bucks, right?! I’m really looking forward to this one. It sounds like a really cute, funny one!
#3: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Again, used book store. Four bucks. For about a year I couldn’t bring myself to buy it for 13 or $14, when I had it on my Kindle, but FINALLY I have it in print, on my bookshelf. I can smell the pages. So, so very glorious. I may have to re-read it now that I’ve got it to hold in my hands… to feel the pages. Ahhh. Anyway, this one’s a classic already, so it’s good to have it in my little library. Kudos to my mom because she agreed it’s a classic and she bought it for me. (Also kudos to Emily for giving her the puppy-dog eyes.)
#4: The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare. School-required.
I kid, I kid! It looks really good. I’m sure I’ll love it. And besides, if anything, the wonderful-smelling pages will keep me hooked. (Happy sigh.)
Okay, so now it’s time for “Make everyone jealous because I have really cute bookish things and aggghhh they’re so cute!” Ready? Okay.
“Pretty Girls Read Books.” Aggghhh!! *Squeals!!* I’m obsessed. Isn’t it so cute? Perfect for carrying all the books I’m bound to read on my vacations/trips this summer. And to the pool. Oh, gosh, I’m thinking about summer again. And mostly about all the books I’m going to read this summer. Somebody help me! =)
And to pin onto the cute bookish bag…
These pins are just the cutest. Which one is your favorite?? I got each one at seperate times I went to the used bookstore. (It’s called 2nd & Charles, by the way – it’s a chain used book store so check if it’s in your area and then GO THERE. Seriously, it’s the best used book store in the history of used book stores.) I have to say I like the Future Author one. Apparently I missed it the first two times when I got the other pins. Anyway, they’re MATCHING and they’re CUTE and I just love it.
How was your week? What books did you get? Aren’t the pins and the bag so cute??!
I discovered The Taylor Swift book tag. It was bound to happen someday. Actually, I discovered the tag a few months ago, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. (Can you BELIEVE THAT?!) Anyone who knows me well knows almost anything by T-Swizzle will be blared loudly in my room. And now I can combine TWO of my favorite things! HUZZAH.
So basically, I talk about a book that reminds me of the Taylor Swift song. (If you haven’t listened to them, GO! NOW! SCOOT!) And then read this post, of course! =)
We are Never Ever Getting Back Together (pick a book or series that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with):TOUGH ONE. I rarely read a book I don’t like. (Case in point: I have yet to post a review beneath 3 stars.) Buuut if I had to choose, I guess I’d say The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen. We didn’t click. I won’t be reading it again. I didn’t even read all of it in the first place.
Red (book with a red cover): The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez. It’s sort of red. Props for having the word ‘red’ in the title?? I rated it 4.5 stars! It was pretty darn good.
The Best Day (nostalgic book): THIS IS THE BEST STINKING SONG BY TS EVER. So (obviously), I’ve gotta pick a book that is the best stinking book Emily has ever read. Nostalgic, right? Mandy by Julie Edwards Andrews orrrr The Main Street series by Ann M. Martin. Forever childhood friends.
Love Story (book with a forbidden love): Forbidden love, forbidden love… urm. Looking at my bookshelf now. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli? Does that count as forbidden love? The Selection by Kiera Cass? (Aspen is a cast below America, so it’s not like it’s illegal for them to marry, but not really acceptable…) mm. I need to find more books with forbidden love.
I Knew You Were Trouble (a bad character you couldn’t help but love): Ooh!!! Umm… Ida B? By Katherine Hannigan. She was annoying, but lovable. I dunno… If they’re bad, I stay away!
Innocent (someone ruined the ending for you): LUCKY FOR MEEE. Nobody’s spoiled the ending for a book I’ve read yet. Mostly ’cause a) I steer clear from spoilers on book reviews and b) none of my friends keep up with which book I’m reading/don’t always read the same books as me. =) Also anyone who ruins a book for me will die. Just sayin’.
Everything Has Changed (a character who has gone through extensive development): Allie from Interrupted by Rachel Coker (atheist who doesn’t trust anyone to a Christian who falls in love? Hello?) and Dit from The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had by Kristin Levine (that book review is coming soon!) Both of them changed incredibly from beginning to end of their books, in an incredibly awesome way.
You Belong With Me (pick your most anticipated book release): ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh. Okay. The Heir by Kiera Cass. I’m getting butterflies thinking about it. EEEEEE!!!! Plus I’m going to be in Washington D.C. on May 6th, the day after it comes out and Kiera Cass is going to be there and I’M GOING TO MEET HER. TO GET A BOOK SIGNED. PERSONALLY. BY THE KIERA CASS. No big deal.
Forever and Always (my favorite book couple): Confused ’cause this song is about a break up… particularly about a break-up in which Joe Jonas broke up with Taylor in 27 seconds on the phone. GET YOUR TAYLOR SWIFT FACTS STRAIGHT, PEOPLE. So in this case, I’m going to pick my favorite book couple who broke up/ended horribly. {spoiler if you haven’t read the Family Tree series by Ann M. Martin} Dana and Matthew, from The Family Tree series book #2, OR Zander and Abby from The Family Tree series #1. AGGHH. WHY ANN M. MARTIN?!
Come Back, Be Here (pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much): Interrupted or Chasing Jupiter by Rachel Coker. I lent Interrupted out once. (My dear friend didn’t finish it. ‘Said it was too emotional. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU.) Never again.
So what books would you put with which songs? Do you agree with me on any of them? Read any of these books? ARE YOU A TAYLOR SWIFT FAN? Tell me below! I neeeeeed to know!