catching up

Hey guys! So first: my apologies for having not posted in so long. (Hey, I’m a busy person, alright?!) Here’s my excuse: I’m learning Latin this year and have to be able to draw the whole world and all of the countries by the end of the year (plus label the US and Canada.) What now?! Yep, yep. (“Suurrree, sweetie, home-schooling will be a breeze!” says mom.) Mmm-hmm… lol, but I kid, I kid, okay?! Seriously, it’s a blast. But I just haven’t been in the blogging “groove” lately. So I’m sorry about that.

Today I decided to talk a little about all the bookish happenings in my life lately, because, as a wise lady named Helen Exley once said, “Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled ‘This could change your life.'” Are you ready? The books I’ve gathered thus far this month…


So up on the top left is Princess Ever After by Rachel Hauck – I bought this one from B&N with a gift card I got from my birthday. (Seriously, my friends know me so well. What more could I want? I even used some of the gift card to buy a cup of coffee in the B&N!) I’ve got a few more chapters left, and I’m really excited to see how it ends. It went really slowly in the beginning, but we’ll just have to see!

Up on the top right is Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord, which I won in a giveaway over at Bookish Serendipity! (Thanks SO much, Samantha and Miss Lord!) I got it signed from Miss Cynthia Lord herself (which is AWESOME), and it was my first giveaway I won, which I was uber-excited about. Be sure to go and check out Samantha’s blog, and some of Cynthia Lord over at her website. I’ve never read any of her books, although I’ve wanted to read Rules, so I’m happy to have gotten that!


Down on the bottom left is The Secret Garden – it’s a required reading for my home-school curriculum. I read the Classical Starts version when I was younger so I’m familiar with it, but I’m glad I’m finally getting around to reading the full version.

Annnnd last on the bottom right is Powerful Writing by Richard Andersen. It was on sale at B&N, so my mom bought it for me. It’s got a lot of great tips! It’s more geared towards writing essays and letters and such, but I can still use those skills in writing fiction, too.

And just LOOK at all the notebooks and journals I’ve accumulated (whoa, big word, haha!) this past week:



And now you know my weakness. Well, that and chocolate.

That’s it for now! Hopefully, I’ll be able to begin posting more often, and I’ve been invited to participate in a couple of tags, so I’ll definitely be posting those soon! So long for now! 😉




12 thoughts on “catching up”

    1. I actually use Google images – I just type in something like “eating chocolate gif” or “Disney gif” or “surprised gif.” That sort of thing 🙂 I hope that helps! It’s amazing how they give your blogs so much color and makes it pop a bit more, isn’t it?

  1. I totally understand you not being able to blog for a while. I’m really busy, too, and I’m also being flooded with tags and awards. A lot of the tags look really fun, though, so I can’t resist even though my life and blog schedule are both packed. The Secret Garden is an awesome book! I hope you enjoy it. Ahhhh! Your notebooks are so pretty! Notebooks and chocolate are both weaknesses of mine as well.

  2. Latin? And that Geography! You wouldn’t happen to be taking CC, would you? I’m in Challenge A, and after three months, I see where it gets its name!

    1. NO WAY!!!!! Yes, I’m in CC – Challenge A!!! That is so cool. It’s my first year home-schooling period, so it’s a lot different! I’m loving it so far – especially the rhetoric. How bout you? 😀

      1. That is crazy! This is my fourth year homeschooling, first with CC! I love Rhetoric and Literature! We are on the Magician’s Nephew right now!

        1. Same here! 🙂 Of course I love LTW – it’s slowly but surely getting more CHALLENGE-ing, haha. I’m about to write my essay for The Magician’s Nephew this week. My issue is “Should Digory have released Jadis?” I’m also excited because my CC is dissecting a shark this year!!!

          May I ask how you found my blog? 🙂

  3. Okay, three things:

    1) LATIN IS SO AWESOME. Seriously, it’s one of my favourite languages EVER. It’s so great that you’re learning it – I’m not fluent, but one of my best friends is taking a side course on Latin in college and I help her study for tests and things, so I’ve picked a few things up. 😉

    2) Ahhhhh you will LOVE The Secret Garden. Frances Hodgeson Burnett is one of my favourite classic authors in the world (except for, of course, Harper Lee!).

    3) YOU WATCH I LOVE LUCY?! My respect for you just increased by like 348579324509873857039485.

    It’s so great to have you back, Emily. 😀

    1. Really?! That’s so awesome – I’m LOVING it so far, too. The third declension is a bit tricky, though, with all the exceptions and rules and such! 🙂

      I know I will! Last year my mom and I began reading To Kill a Mockingbird together, but then we stopped and haven’t picked it up yet – hopefully ONE DAY soon I’ll get to that!

      YES OF COURSE! Lucy is hilarious. Ethel’s my favorite! I also love Andy Griffith 😉

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