bookshelf tag: time for a shelfie

I could not begin to explain to you my love for my dear bookshelf. I counted recently, out of curiosity (and decided I’d keep track from now on), and I own two hundred and ninety-five books. 295. That’s a big number. I just CRINGE at the thought of my house burning down, or having to give away my books, or anything that would result in the loss of my collection. Don’t even get me started on the signed ones.


I don’t take full-length pictures of my shelf often because it’s such a bother. It’s in an inconvenient place when it comes to pictures: right in between two windows, so lighting is horrible and the glares on shiny copies are even worse. But I was able to get a good shot and edit it so it’s a tad brighter so you can see a shelfie. 🙂 I realize I haven’t given you a peek at my shelf since last March and it’s changed quite a bit!


(I tagged myself for this tag, so I won’t be tagging anyone else, but feel free to pick up the questions and go for it! I’d love to see your shelf!)

Describe your shelf and where you got it fromIt’s a Billy bookcase from Ikea. Or you could just say it’s a plain ole bookshelf, but I love saying Billy. Maybe that’s what I should call it from now on! Okay. So Billy has been with me for about a year. Before I had an expedite from Ikea, which was highly annoying because there wasn’t near as much room and it stuck out a bit farther than I would have liked. (In fact, you can see my old shelf at my first bookshelf tour here.)

How do you organize your books? By genre. I’ve wanted to switch it up – such as by color – but this works best for me and I feel like organizing by color would just really bother me. Switching and separating series and authors and all that. I absolutely dread separating my babies. I had to choose which bigger genre was better to organize by – for example, do I have a romance genre? – nope because I have historical, contemporary, dystopian, sci-fi, etc. ALL with romance in it. So it can get complicated. I just have to choose which is the widest genre.


What’s the thickest/biggest book on your shelf? Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson is thick, but only 512 pages. Winter looks smaller because of the Bible-thin pages, but it’s 827 (gloriously awesome) pages.


What’s the thinnest book on your shelf? Clifford’s Graduation Day, gifted to me by my kindergarten teacher. Still totally a fave.

Is there a book you received as a birthday gift? IS THERE. I could probably tell you all the ones I received for my birthday this past year, a few months ago, but other birthdays?! Probably half my collection, so I couldn’t recall all of them. Let’s see… The 39 Clues, The False Prince, Upside Down In The Middle of Nowhere… those are just a few!


Is there a book from a friend on your shelf? I have the nicest bookworm friend, Brooke, who’s really the only friend who gives me books – aside from family, but even my cousins my age don’t buy me books – and yes I have several. My FAVORITE is my signed copy of Cinder, which was my Christmas gift. 😉


Most expensive book? I rarely pay full-price for a book, unless it’s just come out so the library or used bookstore doesn’t have it, or it’s a signed copy. Most recently I paid $18 for a hardback signed copy of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, but who’s counting? Because: SIGNED. *internally fangirling forever*


The Last Book You Read On Your Shelf? The Hired Girl by Laura Amy Schlitz. (Read my review for it here!) I loved it so much! It was such a fantastic first 2016 read.

Do you have more than one copy of a book? I have duplicated copies of The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet and several copies of American Girl books… oh, and two of The False Prince – one hardback and one paperback but signed… and two copies of To Kill A Mockingbird (which I haven’t even read yet)… annnnd I think that’s it? Maybe? Mostly this happens if a family member buys me a book I already have, or I get a signed copy after I’ve bought one, or I just want a nicer edition!


Do you have a complete series? I own The Ascendance Trilogy, The Selection series (though you’re out of luck if you want to borrow it because two are signed – sorry Sydney), The Family Tree series, In Grandma’s Attic series… but the one I’m most proud of is The Main Street series by Ann M. Martin. I own all 10!


What’s the newest addition to your shelf? I have a ton of new books from Christmas, but I had a Barnes & Noble gift card and bought Allegiant for myself a few days after Christmas. But like I said. We Shall Not Talk About That Series On This Blog.


What’s the most recently published book on your shelf? OH GOSH. Let’s see here… The Hired Girl was September 8; Winter came out on November 10; The Golden Braid was November 17… I don’t see any others further than that, so I think The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson? I own a lot of new releases!


The oldest book on your shelf? The oldest book as in since it has been published, or the longest I’ve owned it? Or the oldest copy??? I’ll do both: oldest book… the Bible? Hehe. Or Sense & Sensibility – that would be 1811. Oldest book I’ve owned… oh wowzers, I couldn’t do that. I’ve owned books since before I owned books. (And I know that didn’t make sense but that just goes to show HOW long I’ve been collecting these things.) SO… I’m just going to say my dad’s copy of Charlotte’s Web? Somehow it ended up on my shelf and it’s falling apart. I assume he’s had it since he was a kid… so it’s probably the oldest owned on my shelf. OR, if you count my great-grandmother’s books – for the oldest copy – (some dated 1937!)… those? But I haven’t owned those for very long. I DON’T KNOW, gosh.


A book you won? I’ve won several, but I can remember winning The Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson on Goodreads and Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord on Jessica’s blog a year or two ago.


A book you’d hate to let out of your sight? (Meaning no one is ever borrowing it. Ever.) The Selection by Kiera Cass, The Heir by Kiera Cass, The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, The Merchant’s Daughter by Melanie Dickerson, Pies & Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick… the list goes on. YOU’RE NOT GETTING MY SIGNED BOOKS, NO SIRREE.


Most beat-up book? 4th & 5th grade saw absolutely horrific spine-bending days. I was a spine-murder. Consequently, 99% of the books I own from those horrible, awful, despicable years… are falling apart. But I’ve had Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards since… ohhh… I’d say 2nd grade? (I think. Maybe 1st.) And I’ve re-read it a thousand times. So it’s pretty much as good as dead. (Except I will not be giving it away because it is a childhood favorite & my first copy!)


Most pristine book? Haven’t even touched Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard because a) signed, b) I got it about a week ago, and c) I read it for the first time from the library and I just haven’t re-read it in the time since I’ve gotten it. So it’s in perfect condition.

A book from your childhood? I’ve already named several and I am still a child so I could name one from today buuuuut… I’ll name all my American Girl books or The Boxcar Children. Because those are what got me into historical fiction & some of my first “chapter” books and I am eternally grateful. (Dating back 7-8ish years ago? I’m pretty sure. I am horrible with dates.)


A book that doesn’t belong to you? While You Were Gone belongs to my friend Hayden! I haven’t read it yet… and I really really really need to… but I will return it to her eventually. Once I experience the adorableness of Danny and Eevee again.


A book with a special/different cover? (ex. leather bound, soft, fuzzy, etc.) My GORGEOUS Barnes & Noble classic edition of the good ‘ole P&P. (Otherwise known as my #1 bae – did I actually use that word?! – Cause Mr. Darcy is basically me.) Anyway, it looked like it’s hardbound but oh no… it’s this soft, bendy (but not paperback bendy if that makes sense) beautiful cover with a golden ribbon as a bookmark and AHHH I JUST LOVE IT.


A book that is your favorite color? Piiiiink: the first Main Street book, the first Baby-sitters Club book, the first Mother/Daughter Book Club book (I’m seeing a pattern here) and Scent of Lilacs! (But a very light, pastel pink. I’m picky about my pinks.)


A book that’s been on your shelf the longest and you still haven’t read it? Dancing Through the Snow’s been on my shelf for three years! (Notice I set it next to my picture from Georgia’s snowpocalypse of 2014. XD)


Any signed books? SO MANY & THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFUL.


The Selection and The Heir by Kiera Cass, The Merchant’s Daughter by Melanie Dickerson, Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, Pies & Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick, Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord, Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes & The Goodluck Circle by Frank McKinney, Countryside by J.T. Cope IV… I think that’s it? (I think??) I LOVE THEM ALL.

i want to hear about your bookshelf! answer some of the questions below or take these questions & answer them on your blog! (i’m obsessed with bookshelves so i must see yours.) tell meeeee!


3 thoughts on “bookshelf tag: time for a shelfie”

    I <3 <3 <3 all your answers! Also, all the props to you for taking great bookstagram worthy pictures. 😉 I probably get a good picture out of every 20 I take. 😛
    I saw your old book shelf and IT LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE MINE. Except mine doesn't stick out *quite so much and its laying on it's side. It takes up a little more space that way but I've decorated the top of it to my little hearts content 😉
    I want to so badly answer alllll the questions right here right now but I have to save some for my post lol. I'm just scared that a lot of my answers will be repetitive because I only have about 70-80 books right now! *hides in bookish shame*

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