books sometimes do not, in fact, consume my life. (unfortunately.)

I am a fast reader.

I am a fast typer. I am a fast writer. I am a fast chore-doer. I am a fast student in school. I am a fast runner. I tend to rush through a lot of things. Mostly so I can get back to reading. Because most of all, I am a fast reader.


Except that the truth is, I don’t read every single book I pick up in a day, like some people. (Looking at you Cait.) Sometimes it takes me WEEKS to finish a book. (And I curl up in a little ball and hide under my bed with chocolate and Goodreads and Netflix and ignore the baby on my nightstand that I feel sososo guilty about.)

It completely depends. Sometimes I’m such a hurried pineapple that I read a book in a sitting because I CAN’T EAT-SLEEP-SHOWER-BREATHE UNTIL I FINISH THIS DANG BOOK.


And sometimes it takes weeks because the sad truth is, some books are

B   O   R   I   N   G.

Sometimes – sometimes! – I am an imperfect human being (I KNOW. I KNOW. This cannot be! Not practically-perfect-in-every-way-Emily!) but it’s true! I am imperfect and lazy and I just. don’t. read.

For absolutely no reason at all, because what reason does one have to NOT READ?!

It’s a tragedy, bookworms! When I sit and endure the description of the positively dullness of some peoples’ lives – that would be the sad peoples who do not read – it makes me want to cry. Take my cousin Sydney, for instance. (*waves from cyberspace* HEY SYD!) Last week she was telling some friends of ours how much I read (and it made me extremely happy because yes I take the fact that I am never without a book as a high compliment) and she goes “I don’t like reading like Emily does.” In fact, this is not the first occurance of Dear Sydney’s oddness. She has declared before her dislike for reading. And she doesn’t even KNOW how sad and distressed and WORRIED for her it makes me!

Poor, poor Sydney.

SO. That is to say, I can’t imagine NOT reading books 23/7. (Minus the one hour for usual human habits. Eating, sleeping, doing school – because apparently I can’t drop out and spend my life as a hermit on the internet surrounded by my babies.) It makes me cranky to go too long without reading.


Though it does happen. I’m not sure why. I suppose I just get distracted by the atrocities humans have created that distract me from doing anything but reading. You know, family stuff (blech.) Vacations (better.) School (nononononononoNOOO). Netflix (okay I digress Netflix is a-maaaaaaazzziiing and yes I do love it second to reading.) And I do get LAZY. Occasionally I just haven’t found the one gem of a book that pulls me out of my book slump.

I’ve been in quite a stint for the past few weeks until I finally picked up The Lunar Chronicles (which I demand you get RIGHT THIS INSTANT) and that makes me very very happy. And hopefully after this, I shall be right back into the groove of Typical Emily Reading Behavior and read… something. Red Queen? Divergent? Rose Under Fire? Going Rogue? Through The Looking Glass? HELP MEEEEE.

tell me, dear reader, how often do you read? what sadness takes your mind off of reading? and what’s on your tbr list? and what is the last AMAZING 5-bazillion-star-book you read? (mine is the lunar chronicles!) can’t wait to talk to you, as usual.


4 thoughts on “books sometimes do not, in fact, consume my life. (unfortunately.)”

  1. hi!
    with this post you’re totally right!
    sometimes it’s just not possible to read as often as you’d like to, also not every book can be read as fast as another one. every book is unique at itself and as a reader you get to decide how much you love or even don’t love a book.
    It’s totally human and normal to feel this way 🙂


  2. Oh, Emily this post is so true. I agree with you 200% .

    So many good books to choose from!

    1. My fairly dangerous Godmother
    2. The immortal descendants series (Because they are all to. die. for)
    3. Creepy Hollow
    4. The ugly stepsister (Ahhhhh go read it)
    5. Avery Shaw experiment

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