book shelf tour! // part one

Hello all! So today, I’ve decided to share my bookshelves with you! I thought this would be a good way for you to have a peek into my life, plus see all the books I’ve collected over the years! (By the way, these aren’t even all of my books. My sister has some of mine on her bookshelves so I can save some room!)

Okay, so first thing’s first – here’s an overview of my big bookshelf. image

Technically, the proper term for this is an expedite, but whatever. I like it ’cause you an turn it on its side if you want, or hold important items in baskets on the shelves. (Like underwear, if need be, because your closet is tiny. Seriously.)

On the top shelf to the right of the basket is pretty much my favorites shelf, although some of these (Love on a Dime and Once Upon a Prince, specifically), I haven’t read in ages, so they really ought to be moved. Or, even if it’s not a favorite, but it’s a book I’ve read very recently, it goes on the shelf. (Aka Sarah’s Key and Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares), and then it sits there forever until it’s been months since I’ve read it and the book goes to a thrift store to make room for more (what else?!)… BOOKS. Besides the four mentioned, the rest are my FAVES! Go read them. NOOOWWWW.

Now, right below my favorites shelf is all of my classics! I like to keep all of them from the same publishing company (Barnes & Noble Classics) because… well, they just look so pretty like that. I also keep some folders with certificates and awards from school and my best writings, either all typed up and printed or in my best 1st-grade handwriting and tied with string. Aside from my B&N classics I have a copy of Swiss Family Robinson my Pop-Pop (grandfather) gave me and a very loved copy of The Hiding Place my dad lent to me. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to read it, but at some point or another it was my great-aunt Diane’s.

To the left of that shelf is my American Girl collection! Clearly, I love American Girl. Besides, they were what first got me into historical fiction and I love them. I have the entire Felicity series (one of them is a has-been library book my Grandma bought), the entire Addy series (except for #1, which I never had. They were also has-been library books from Grandma, so apparently they didn’t have the first book.) Then the Caroline series (all except for two, which a friend is currently borrowing), the Marie Grace and Cecile books, the two Chrissa books, another girl of the year book (Nikki), and my mystery ones. I also have four Molly books – two of which are both the same book. SO, obviously, I have a ton. And a very… varied collection. Phew. That was long.

Directly beneath my American Girl books is… well, this is just your average shelf. I have three more American Girl books (oh, and did I mention my sister has some more AG books in her room?!) and some old friends… see Ella Enchanted there? That spine has seen much better days. So has Penny from Heaven… and there’s my precious Lions of Little Rock down there… I made a vow to keep that one in good shape – but that’s definitely not to say I didn’t love it. I also have some Wendy Mass books, Liz Kessler books (which I really dislike these days), Countdown (which was awesome!), This Means War (never… read…) and a Babysitters Club chain letter book, which is really kinda cool.

Right of that shelf is… this shelf. (I don’t have a name for this one, either.) Starting from the left are my “In Grandma’s Attic” books (which I love! Thanks, Grandma!) and my Ramona Quimby books. These have seen better days, too. After that are my Baby Sitters Club books and The Main Street series (The Main Street series – OMG! I can not even begin to tell you how many times I’ve read them! They’re… they’re… OMG!!!!), both by Ann M. Martin. I have loads more Baby Sitters Club books on my Kindle, plus a couple Main Street books. Who knows how many Ann M. Martin books I’ve gotten from the library?! Thank you, Ann M. Martin, for my childhood.

I reaallly wanted to use that gif.

Now, directly below that last shelf issss….

This shelf. Mostly I keep some composition notebooks and spiral bounds, along with a binder and some English textbooks from last year. Oh, and to the side of the binder is a Writer’s Digest magazine and my flute book. I also have a Mother/Daughter Book Club book (another spine that has been loved!), Kira-Kira (whatever you do, DO NOT read that book. It is the worst tear jerker in the history of tear-jerkers.) Next to two Confectionately Yours books (which are taking up space on my bookshelf.)

And finally, the last bottom shelf to the left is this one.

From the left I have a bible, Holly’s Heart books by Beverly Lewis, Mandie books, Trailblazers by Dave and Neta Jackson, The Story (which is the bible written in novel-like form… it’s kind of hard to explain, haha), and a signed copy of Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, & the Good Luck Circle by Frank McKinney.

Weelll that’s it for this bookshelf tour! Part two will be short, since I’ll just be showing you by small bookshelf, but I hope you enjoyed touring the big bookshelf! πŸ˜€

What do your bookshelves look like? Lotsa books? A couple books? Messy? Neat? Do tell!


3 thoughts on “book shelf tour! // part one”

  1. Um…let’s just my say my bookshelf is a lot like yours (in a good way). πŸ™‚ Definitely lotsa books!!! By the way, Main Street is one of my favorite series- I can’t count how many times I’ve read it either!

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