an ode to march: here’s to being sick & book slumps. {march 2016 recap}


I landed myself in a horrible reading slump, so I didn’t start reading regularly until halfway through the month. By that point, I was way behind on my reading goal, and freaking. out. (Just ask Brooke, who coaxed me through it with advice and pep talks.) But, by the end of the month, I had read eight books and lived to tell the tale.

(Click on the covers to see my Goodreads review.)



HOPE IS A FERRIS WHEEL by Robin Herrara ★★★✩✩
BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY by Ruta Sepetys ★★★★★
DEFEATING DARWINISM by Phillip E. Johnson ★★★★✩
WOLF BY WOLF by Ryan Graudin ★★★★★
OUT OF THE EASY by Ruta Sepetys ★★★★✩
THE SIREN by Kiera Cass ★★✩✩✩
ROSE UNDER FIRE by Elizabeth Wein ★★★★★

BEST BOOK? Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein. This is the companion novel to Code Name Verity, which I LOVEEEE to the moon and back 120000 times. I’ve been meaning to read Rose Under Fire and my. word. I am so glad I did! I beg you to read Elizabeth Wein’s books.

WORST BOOK? Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. No. Just… no. I spent the entire book wanting to throw it across the room, but that wouldn’t do because I listened to an audio book on my phone. Too bad.

So… all in all, March was a pretty good reading month. I also read eight books in January and February, but I’m still a book behind my reading schedule, sigh. Considering I didn’t finish a book until March 14, I’d say I did pretty good for playing catch-up the last half. April is a pretty booked month already (ha ha ha) – I’m in the home stretch for school, but there’s still a lot of work to do – but there is a cruise (!!!) to look forward to at the end of the month. So wish me luck!


Well, March also included: coffee (or frappuccinno) dates with my freckled-face sister, Easter (which meant snazzy church dresses, chocolate, chocolate and guess what – more chocolate!), going to the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, seeing the Allegiant movie with my friend (*cringe*), and starting Downton Abbey, yippee.

anna library

she didn’t know I was taking this, shh.    and this is me in a 2-story library with
                                                                                     10,000 books, WHHAAAT.

here we have a photo of Biltmore – isn’t it beautiful?!

The last end of March had my entire family down in the dumps – quite literally, as my parents and sister all caught a stomach bug, and I just got over an awful sinus infection. Here’s to an even better April – and plenty of April shower rainy afternoons perfect for reading!

How was your March, bookworms? Read any good books? 🙂


17 thoughts on “an ode to march: here’s to being sick & book slumps. {march 2016 recap}”

  1. ahahahahaha i see what you did there punny girl. (yes yes i stole your pun, but only because it was brilliant)

    *heavy breathing* two. story. library. *deep breath* ten. thousand. books. *flails intensely*

    ugh, sounds like we where sick at the same time. I was sick way too many times in March which isn’t fair because there were so many things I wanted to do. But on the bright side; i met cousins i never knew i had and talked with all my older cousins who are all 18-23. they’re all incredibly nice and i can’t wait to see them again!

    I also spent time with my BCF (best cousin forever 😉 ) we’re the same age and have been joined at the hip since birth and after not seeing her for nearly 6 years we have a lot to catch up on. I always end up getting a tummy ache from laughing so hard when im with her! x)

    Also, I started outlining my novel (which you already knew) but it’s going really well. i’m having fun and i just hope my writing come as easily as the outlining does! 😛

    1. Okay I make so many puns that I have no clue which one you’re talking about! (But I *do* remember the “punny girl” one AND YES I KNOW I’M FABULOUS.)

      CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT IZEL. CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT. two freaking stories. ten thousand {some-odd} books. If you want, I’ll put in a few more pictures in my stacking the shelves this week! I wish ALL of you could have been there. It was heaven.

      Ugh, I feel you. It sucked to be sick. We didn’t leave the house for a whole week. Aw, that’s so awesome! I love chatting with all my older cousins too.

      aww haha! Yessss BCF’s are the best.

      and GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NOVEL. GO IZEL. I can’t wait to read it someday. 😉

  2. The beginning of March was pretty good for me reading wise but the second half wasn’t so great. Lol. You did really good for being in a reading slump! Between Shades of Gray had to be the best book I read. And the worst had to be Heartless. It was okay but I was pretty bored. Plus I didn’t really like the main character Una. That’s what book besties are for! Guidence through book slumps and book talk.
    I’ve been pretty busy too and haven’t been reading much at all. I’m loosing my amazing five books ahead of shedule. I think I’m still two books ahead of shedule though…… I might try to read two books at once.
    April is always a good month. Probably cause it is the birthday month of a really cool gal. ;p

    1. The beginning of March was amazing for you reading-wise, geez, Brooke. I was (am) so jealous of your March reading month!

      I’ve got to admit that I *am* pretty proud of myself. I pulled through! Between Shades of Gray was so beautiful, and even though I read several bad books last month, I also read several 5-stars, too! I can’t wait to get my hands on Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys. She’s awesome!

      Yes they are! You know, you really come in handy sometimes. 😉 Two books ahead is better than two behind, crazy. I really want to start listening to more audio books. I’m also going to try to read some more of my nonfiction books I own to help me pull through. (Plus I need to read more of them anyway.)


  3. Sounds like an interesting month. 😛
    Did you by any chance mean North Carolina when you mentioned the Biltmore Estate? Do you live close to there? (I do!!)

    ~ Faith, a new follower and a Goodreads stalker. B-)

    1. Hey Faith! Oops – yes I did, Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. (I just fixed that.) I live in Georgia, so no, not really close. But my mom grew up near there, and I have relatives in North and South Carolina, so I’ve visited often! That’s so cool! 🙂 Haha, stalk away. (Because I’m fixing to stalk you too. I recognize your name from my Goodreads feed!)

  4. Hi Emily! I LOVE the new design! It is so beautiful!

    My March was really good. I read quite a few books, but my favorite book had to be “The Kill Order. by James Dashner. I didn’t like the end. it just shattered my heart into a million pieces.

    A two story library with 10’000 books?! That must have been a lot of fun. 😀 Thanks for being amazing Emily and happy two years of For The Bookish!


    1. Thank you so much, Maddie!

      I’ve been dying to get my hands on a James Dashner book. In fact, I just borrowed The Maze Runner from the library, so I’m very eager to start reading it!

      IT WAS BOOKWORM HEAVEN, Maddie. Truly amazing! 😀 Thanks again, girl!

  5. I have been in a reading spree this whole year so far! I hope it continues, because the end of last year I really fizzled out.

    The best book I read in March was It Chooses You by Miranda July. I adore all of her work, and the way she makes every mundane thing and person seem so full of worth and importance. It’s a pretty hipsterish book, but like I said, I adore her.

    1. That’s awesome! I know — I went through the exact same thing. We can keep this up! Bookworms unite!

      Miranda July sounds amazing. An author who can do that is a talented author, indeed. (Not to mention that I kind of adore her name. Is it a pseudonym, or her real name?) I need to add her to my mental “authors-to-check-out” list!

  6. Between Shades of Grey is soooo good! Read that back in January! Have you read Salt to the Sea yet? I re-read the first two books in Lisa Bergren’s Remnants trilogy so I could read the third book that came out! They were all amazing!

    1. Isn’t it amazing?!! I can’t rave about it enough! NO, I haven’t started Salt to the Sea, but my goodness, I am dying to get my hands on it. 😀 I’ve never heard of Lisa Bergren! I need to read her books. 🙂

  7. I can’t seem to get into books again. Last year, I read them one after the other, but this year, I’m stuggling to find book I want to read and actually read it. I kinda feel abandoned by the characters when I finish the book.

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Lu. January and February were terrific reading months, but I’m starting to slip behind and it really stinks. Which books have you read so far, or what types of books are you in the mood for? Maybe we can help each other out. 🙂

      1. I’ve read This Side of Home, The Theory of Everything, The One Thing , Untwine, and I’ll Give You the Sun. I have reread A World Away.

        But that’s all I’ve read in 4 months!!! And I’m having trouble picking anything up.

        I’m in the mood for something realistic and emotional 🙂

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