Hey, bookworms! It feels like forever ago since I last talked to you. (I’ve been saying that a lot lately, haven’t I?) Of course, there was my workshop recap just a few days ago, but I haven’t been very active in the comment section. Since I’ve been seeing this list floating around both on the book blog community and booktube, I decided to give it a go. These types of “about me” posts are lots of fun. I love getting to know you and see what we’ve got in common in the comments.
1. I’ve been a bookworm since I was little – I couldn’t get enough of those picture books! I should thank my parents for that, because they’re both avid readers themselves and have always supplied me with lots of books.
2. I’ve only recently gotten into audio books, but now I’m addicted. I listen to them all. the. time. (Folding laundry, taking a shower, making my bed — basically anything that requires the usage of both of my hands.) 🙂
3. Historical fiction is my favorite genre. (Ever since I read Kit Kittredge in ’08.)
4. I prefer book covers with no photo; simply a gorgeous font and illustrations and/or curly-cues surrounding the title. Or something simple, like an outline of a photo or a pretty color background.
5. I’m a book sniffing addict. I don’t smell books in public anymore, however, because I got teased as a young child for it. But really. The scent of books? *melts*
6. I love the idea of used or old books books. How many owners had this book before me? Where was it originally sold? Why was it given away? Who scribbled in crayon on the front page? Is the spine worn because it was loved? Was it taken on vacation? Who dog-eared the pages? They’re just neat.
7. Ruta Sepetys, Rachel Coker, Elizabeth Wein, Morgan Matson, and Marie Rutkoski are my current favorite authors. (I’ve been lucky enough to meet two of them!)
8. I’ve attended two author signings: Kiera Cass in May 2015 and Morgan Matson in July 2016.
9. There’s an independent bookstore in my family’s favorite vacation spot in Florida called The Hidden Lantern Bookstore. It’s my favorite!
10. My favorite book-to-movie adaptation is The Book Thief. The producers did such a wonderful, beautiful job of bringing the story to life – in keeping with the same unique tone Markus Zusak wrote in the book.
11. I own around three hundred books.
12. It is my DREAM to own an independent bookshop someday. (I’ve got the location picked out and everything.) I’d love to major in some sort of writing degree and minor in a business degree to work towards that little fantasy of mine. 🙂
13. I love reading aloud.
14. My favorite place to read is on my front porch during a thunderstorm. Otherwise, I love curling up near a window. Natural lighting is key.
15. If I’m already well-into and absorbed in a story, I can zone out any sound around me. It’s a gift.
16. I send fan mail to authors all the time. The first author I admired enough to write to was David A. Adler, author of the Cam Jansen Mysteries, in the first grade. I got a personalized email back! (Unfortunately I never printed the email, and for the life of me I can’t track it down.) Seven-year-old Emily was over the moon. (And told all her friends about it at school.) (To be perfectly honest, seven-year-old and fourteen-year-old Emily haven’t changed much at all.) 😀
17. My favorite fictional character is Maxon Schreave. I don’t think people believe me when I say I’m emotionally attached to this boy.
18. I would certainly call myself an advocate for physical books… but I’m a big fan of my Kindle Paperwhite. (Speaking of, bookbub.com is basically my favorite thing ever. It sends you weekly emails with allllll the e-book steals for your favorite genres – from $3 to free books.)
19. I frequently spill things on my books. By this I mean: I love FOOOOD. I love snacking and reading. So food + books = often messy. I once dropped a cream cheese pie on my hardback copy of Winter by Marissa Meyer. It still smells vaguely of spoiled milk. (I’m clumsy in general, so I probably shouldn’t eat near books, but it’s a habit I refuse to give up.)
“Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” – C.S. Lewis
20. I came up with my blog name whilst brainstorming cute bookshop names. (For that dream of mine, remember? Since then it’s been decided it will either be called Wonderland Books or The Shop Around the Corner.) (Spot that reference, dahling.)

21. I so adore recommending books to people. I try to recommend ones based on what I think the individual would like, and I’m proud to report I’ve converted several friends and family members into book devourers. (Hush devourers is too a word.)
22. The most prized books on my shelf would be Interrupted: a Life Beyond Words by Rachel Coker (personally signed with one of my favorite inscriptions that I’ve gotten) and three of my great-grandmother’s old books I was given. (One dated as far as 1927 in the front, which is so cool. An eighty-nine year old book is pretty amazing.)
23. My favorite part about browsing a bookstore is stroking the spines of books I’ve already read. It’s like saying hello to all of my old friends. It’s also nice to think that they’re there for everyone else to pick up on a whim and love them as much as I do.
24. I take a book with me wherever I go. Even if I’ve loaded a kindle or audio book onto my phone – I never leave the house unprepared.
25. This is quirky, but I pay a lot of attention to the fonts in books. I love love love the font used in Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. (and the paper and cover and dedication page and story and EVERYTHING in that book. it’s the reason for the teardrops on my pillow. READ IT.)
YOUR turn! Do you dare eat while reading? How many books do you own? What’s your favorite genre, above all others? And if your house was on fire and you could take one book off your shelf, which prized copy would it be? I’m dying to know. (ha. dying. because if my house was on fire then i might actually be dying to know… heh. heh.)
P.S. Do take a moment to appreciate my featured image because I am SO PROUD OF IT. The furry thing in the front would be my dear desk buddy Mittens. (Also ignore my messy desk with tape and hair ties and pens and other such writerly things.)
My favorite thing on your list is reading out loud….. I miss hearing you read to me in the car as we travel from your house to mine. I miss seeing you smell the pages of your books too! I can’t wait for you to be famous and I can say I own one of your original stories!! The ones that have words written just as they sound….. and illustrations! I am thrilled that you have gotten into audio books… they are my favorite. I have enjoyed all the books that you have recommended me to read! I am still trying to find the series that you recommended on audio so I can read it!
I still will read a loud to anyone who will listen. 😉 Unfortunately my illustrating skills haven’t improved, but thankfully my spelling has. I hope you can find The Family Tree series by Ann M. Martin, because it’s one of my favorites!! (But be prepared with tissues.)
Wow! sounds like we are kindred spirits. Beautifully written post.
Aw, thanks Lissa! It’s always nice to meet people with similar bookish interests. 🙂
I don’t eat while I read even though I could if I tried because I would be super upset if anything got on my book. 😀 I own thirty books, it is a start of my own little library, and my favorite genre has to be dystopian/action. I just love everything about the futuristic worlds! If my house was on fire, I would have to take my 1D CD’s and “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. I think that the series really got me into reading and I LOVE the first book out of the whole entire series.
Haha! I am too… I just don’t have restraint. 😀 Ooh, really? Dystopian books are awesome, but they freak me out sometimes thinking about if I lived in that situation…. 😉
I think it’s more accurate to say I read as I eat! If I’m reading, I don’t just begin eating, but if I’m eating, I often begin reading! Does that make any sense at all? ?
Ooh..I would say around 200-300 books are on my shelf. I really should count!
If my house was on fire, I’d save my copy of Anne of Green Gables. Not only is it my favorite book, but it was my mom’s growing up, and it has her name written inside with careful ten year old cursive. 🙂
Second choice would be my Harry Potter series, though that would be pretty heavy.
I LOVED THE COVER PICTURE! ❤️ Professional photography, right there.
Great post, Emily! It was a lot of fun to read! 🙂
Really?? Haha! It does make sense, but that’s funny. 😀
I know! Sounds like we have about the same amount. I should recount one of these days to get an exact number.
Aw, old inscriptions inside of my books are so sweet. <3
THANK YOOOUUUU. Pssh, totally. Phones are amazing.
😀 I like eating popcorn while reading but I’m hesitant to, because I don’t want to get butter on the pages! I probably own around 180-200 books including my books from when I was little. I LOVE reading fantasy, and which book to take… Such a hard decision! Possibly my signed copies of The Wish and The Two Princesses of Bammare by Gail Carson Levine. It is so cool that you met Keira Cass! I would love to meet her, I’m obsessed with her Selection Seires <3
Great post!!
Popcorn is one of my *favorites* to read. I typically do the “wipe and flip” method. Wipe fingers on wet wipe and flip pages, balancing book out on lap. Works like a charm. (Assuming said book stays open.) 😀
*GASPS* You have signed books from Gail Carson Levine?? Jealous!! I’m actually reading her book Writer to Writer right now and loving it. Are you? It’s great. 🙂
That picture of your cat… <3 <3 <3
I TOTALLY PAY ATTENTION TO FONTS AS WELL! I love fonts. I'm obsessed with fonts, so it’s super cool to see different fonts in books and such. xD
*hair flip* so glad someone appreciates my work!
REALLY. GOOD I’M NOT TOO WEIRD. They’re just so beautifuulllll.
This post was so entertaining to read! It’s so cool how different people read books! I’ve tried to eat while I read (and if it’s snacks food I can do it- like chips), but I cannot eat something like a meal and read a book at the same time…not well at least… I get too distracted by the book to eat, then I’ll make a mess, and it’s just a disaster. O.O LOL!
If I could only save one book? That’s cruel, but probably Keeper of the Lost Cities….but which one in the series?? Maybe I’ll just make sure to keep a huge bag with me at all times just in case….so, you know, I don’t have to choose just one. ;D
This is such a fun post, and I relate to so many of your points! I’m also a huge Ruta Sepetys and Elizabeth Wein fan, and Rose Under Fire is (if I had to pick) probably my #1 favorite book. And historical fiction is my favorite genre, too! Which two of your favorite authors have you met?
YES to your point about book covers. I love typography and illustrations, especially hand-drawn style. I’m particularly opposed to faces on cover photos.
And most importantly, owning your own bookstore would be SO COOL. Where are you planing on locating? I’m definitely adding it to my itinerary for future vacations. 🙂
By the way, thank you for your beautiful comment on my most recent discussion post! <3 I'm so glad you related to it – my goal was to find people who felt the same way I did.
Thank you, Emily! (Wonderful name, by the way.)
Eep! Ruta Sepetys and Elizabeth Wein… *cries* They’re just such talented writers, aren’t they?
I have met Rachel Coker (who is another beautiful historical fiction writer – if you haven’t read any of her books, you must) and Morgan Matson. 🙂
Right! Simple, yet elegant is key for me. 🙂
A picturesque location in Marietta, Georgia. It would be so fun to have blog readers visit my bookshop… a girl can dream! (One day. One day.)
Absolutely. I loved it SO much, and can’t wait to read more of your writing. Thank you for stopping by!