to all the boys i’ve loved before by jenny han

Title: To all the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Author: Jenny Han

Genre: YA Contemporary Romance

Length: 368 pages

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Source: bought it (via e-reader)

Blurb: What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them…all at once? Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she’s written. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.

I actually liked this book more than I thought I would! I absolutely adored the main character, Lara Jean, and loved all of the other minor characters as well. I think part of what made the story so believable is it’s relatable. I mean, first of all, Lara Jean has two sisters – and her relationships with both of them is very realistic. (Being an older sister myself, I laughed at all the parts I could see my little sister doing, and clenched my fists at things my lil’ sis better not be doing!)

Also: Lara Jean’s personality. We’re a lot more alike than different. She’s what some people might call a goody-two-shoes, but what I’d call a really smart teenager. (Excluding the fact that she can’t really make up her mind!) At least, I hope I’m like her when I’m her age.

Okay, but the plot. Everything would be going smoothly, and then someone would wreck it all and I’d be like “noooo” and then it would fix and then get messed up again. And then I’d be like “nooo” again. Also, I totally saw the ending. Like, seriously? Ummm duh. I think the mystery of who sent out the letters wasn’t built up quite enough… I’d have liked to see that have an actual twist to it; it was rather obvious. And who she ended up with? I’m not sure if this was supposed to be a quote “mystery” or not; if Jenny Han wanted us to know or if she wanted us to be stuck between the guy next door and Mr. Hey-We-Used-to-be-Buddies-Now-We’re-Gonna-Fake-Date-to-set-our-love-lives-straight or not. But yeah. Pretty obvious… I was kind of disappointed.

Overall, I really loved this book. I’d definitely recommend it!

That’s a total of… 4 stars!

emily emily emily emily


8 thoughts on “to all the boys i’ve loved before by jenny han”

  1. I feel so bad for Lara Jean based on the blurb. That would be horrible. It’s basically the equivalent to having your diary revealed to the world. I probably wouldn’t read this book just because I don’t really like romance type books. However, your review made this book sound like Cinder. It was predictable, but enjoyable. By the way, you chose the perfect GIFs for this review!

    1. I know. I felt awful for her – I can’t even imagine what that would feel like! I still like books that are predictable, yet still enjoyable. 🙂 Thanks! I try to, haha!

  2. Hey, coincidence: this is actually next on my TBR! One of the lovely free books I found in NYC, lol 😉 Can’t wait to see how it is… the blurb sounded awesome. 😀

  3. Wow, this sounds pretty interesting. I’m normally not into HUGE romances. I used to be, but now, they seem sort of… unrealistic, I guess. But this sounds really good 🙂

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