ruby red by kerstin gier

Title: Ruby Red

Author: Kerstin Gier

Series: The Ruby Trilogy/The Precious Stone Trilogy #1

Publisher: (original German publisher) Arena Verlag

Publication date: January 6, 2009 (German edition)

Source: library

About: Gwyneth Shepherd’s sophisticated, beautiful cousin Charlotte has been prepared her entire life for traveling through time. But unexpectedly, it is Gwyneth, who in the middle of class takes a sudden spin to a different era!

Gwyneth must now unearth the mystery of why her mother would lie about her birth date to ward off suspicion about her ability, brush up on her history, and work with Gideon–the time traveler from a similarly gifted family that passes the gene through its male line, and whose presence becomes, in time, less insufferable and more essential. Together, Gwyneth and Gideon journey through time to discover who, in the 18th century and in contemporary London, they can trust.

I CAN’T HANDLE ANY OF THIS. I swear I had chills finishing this book last night (February 10) and now I’ve just watched the movie – OH MY GOSH. Go read it. Go read this book right now. Put down everything and GET IT.

Okay I’m calming myself down (momentarily) so I can explain a few things before I delve into the review: originally, this trilogy (known in some translations as the Precious Stone trilogy, and others the Ruby Red trilogy) was written in German. The books have been translated into seventeen languages, including English. Three movies have been made for the three books – Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue, and Emerald Green. Sadly for me, only the first movie has an English voice over. (I found it here to watch for free.) Because of translation issues, in some editions the main character’s name is Gwendolyn and in others it is Gwyneth. (In the movie it was Gwendolyn and the book I read was Gwyneth.) For the sake of the review I’ll call her Gwen. There are also many different covers. The edition my library had is actually my least favorite, so I’ll share a few others for you to decide which ones you like.

^ Here is the movie trailer!

I completely jumped into this series headfirst, not really knowing what to expect at all. I did know I was excited to read it, and for GOOD REASONS. (!!!) It was really neat reading this trilogy because I had never read a translated book before, and I was excited for my first. I’ve heard it can be tricky, because the plot or characters may not be written as well – somehow getting lost in the adapted editions – but Ruby Red was amazing for an English-translated novel! This was also my first time travel book, so I was easily impressed and definitely want to read more like this!

Here’s the American cover! 

Gwen was such a realistic character. She responded exactly the same way you’d expect a 21st century teenager to act if they began traveling into random periods of time unexpectedly. It was so REFRESHING. She was honest about her feelings and not as wishy-washy or indecisive as some YA protagonists can tend to be.

This is the British one; my favorite!

The overall story is very fast-paced. It spans over a period of week or so; or possibly less (?). So there wasn’t really much time for me to become bored. It pulls you straight in and you’re not putting that book down until you finish.

Annnd this is the original German cover!

The romance was so sweet! Right off the bat, I adored it because it’s a classic Darcy/Elizabeth relationship. I actually liked the little break scenes in the movie where Gideon and Gwen were just hanging out, because the book sort of missed that bit. I felt like they were just on a mission the whole time, so I do wish there had been calmer scenes with the two of them.

The pace of the romance was a little confusing, though. In page-terms, it’s great, because Gideon and Gwen *aren’t* lovey-dovey on page two; it takes a good portion of the book for them to realize their feelings for each other. But that said, in the actual time span of the book it felt like Gideon and Gwen only knew each other for a matter of days. I could be wrong in the time span of the book, but it still felt a little awkward.


The movie was actually really enjoyable! I’m not over-the-moon about it, but I’d watch it again. I did watch the dubbed-over version in English, so it was a little annoying since the voices didn’t line up the with their lips, and I reeeallly wish I could tell how well the actors were because they looked amazing! (Now I need to go learn German — which actually would be pretty cool.) I absolutely ADORED how spot-on the actors were as far as looks though. Spot-on. They couldn’t have fit the bill any less; the descriptions were just SO accurate!

The movie was pretty accurate itself, too. Some scenes were misplaced, but other than that it was great. I wouldn’t recommend watching it if you’re ultra picky about spoilers; there was a small one at the very end which leads into the second book. However, it’s a small one and I didn’t mind too much.

It is a bummer that the other two movies haven’t been made into English yet. The latest one, Emerald Green, comes out this June! Can’t wait to get the next two books from the library!

you absolutely HAVE to read this series! go get it soooon & tell your friends about it so they can tell their friends about it so they can tell their friends about it! it’s amaaaazing. (trust me.)

have you read this series before?! and do you think you’ll read it, or be interested in seeing the movie?





P.S. All the GIFs in this post are from the movie!

gone fishing!

Hi everyone! Emily here. (You already knew that, but it sounds nice to say “Emily here.”) I’m going to start by apologizing for missing my regular posts this past Wednesday and Friday. I’ve been behind and I’m sorry!

So I decided I’m going to take a much-needed hiatus for the time being. I haven’t decided how long exactly (the last time I tried taking a “two week” hiatus, I came back after a day because I missed it too much, so don’t count on anything I say OKAY?) but I’m behind on posts.


ENJOY this picture I took of a doughnut and book ’cause C.S. Lewis said it right: “Reading and eating are two pleasures that combine admirably.” 

I wanted to write some to get caught up, but I just caught a bit of a blogging block and haven’t felt inspired/encouraged to do anything but stare at my keys before distracting myself on Pinterest! It also doesn’t help that I’ve also landed myself in a nasty reading slump.

For the Bookish’s second blogaversary is less than a MONTH away (!!!) – April 3! – so I will definitely be back by then. (There is now way I’m going to miss that.) I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do to celebrate buuut… it’s gonna be fun. So stick around for that; I promise I’m going to try to get my lazy brain to think of something or another. (On that note, if you have any ideas email me from my contact page, EMILY NEEDS HELP.)

So this post had been a bit ramble-y (rambly? It’s not a word either way, I guess, ha) already but I just wanted to let you all know what’s going on and all. I’m still around, promise! Hoping to be back by the end of March in time for some new posts and FTB’s birthday. 🙂

I’ve missed talking to you, so please say hi in the comments and let me know what you’re reading! (I’ve just started Persuasion by Jane Austen but I have been in the middle of an awful lazy bookworm syndrome, so fingers crossed I stick this one out.) As always, I’m active on my Goodreads, Pinterest, and Wattpad. (OH and thank you for a hundred followers on Goodreads! You’re cool like that because I’m sure not.)

Talk to you soon, bookworms!





P.S. HA you didn’t think I was leaving so soon did you?!! I’m looking forward to revealing a new blog theme around FTB’s birthday! I’ve got something in my head about it, so I’ve just got to see if my Dad The Awesome Web Designer can help me get it on screen. 🙂 Who’s excited?

always emily by michaela maccoll

Title: Always Emily

Author: Michaela MacColl

Publisher: Chronicle Books

Publishing date: April 8, 2014

Length: 282 pages

Source: Kindle (e-book)

About: Emily and Charlotte Brontë are about as opposite as two sisters can be. Charlotte is practical and cautious; Emily is headstrong and imaginative. But they do have one thing in common: a love of writing. This shared passion will lead them to be two of the first published female novelists and authors of several enduring works of classic literature. But they’re not there yet. First, they have to figure out if there is a connection between a string of local burglaries, rumors that a neighbor’s death may not have been accidental, and the appearance on the moors of a mysterious and handsome stranger. The girls have a lot of knots to untangle—before someone else gets killed.

WOW. I’m so in love with this book! (And NOT just because the main character & title are clearly awesome.)

Michaela MacColl took such a creative and well-researched fictional spin on classic authors Emily and Charlotte Bronte! I felt like I got an accurate peak inside these authors’ minds. I especially felt this and loved it getting to see how Ms. MacColl developed her characters’ personalities through true facts about the sisters by reading the author’s note at the end. Michaela MacColl did a great job of meetings the facts with the fiction.


Emily Bronte is our main character, though the book is third-person so we also get inside Charlotte’s head as well. (Though I approve of the title as opposed to ‘Always Charlotte.’ I have to be honest in saying the title was what hooked me! Whaaaat?! I’m biased! I wanted an MC with my name!) I bought this book on my Kindle when it was on sale last year, got about 37% in… and… DNF’d.

I DNF’D. WHYYYYY. If I recall correctly, at the time I’d just finished a cliff-hanging epic saga series and was a tad depressed… so don’t take it out on the book! I picked it up again on a whim (I really had no intention of reading this any time soon) and this time, it hooked me from the very beginning.

IT’S A MYSTERY! I haven’t read a straight-forward mystery in ages. I don’t want to say too much less I give it away… BUT let me just say: suspeeeeeense. I was expecting *more* of a make-believe premise but much of the plot itself was based on the true lives of Charlotte and Em! (Or Emmy, Ems, Emily-Bedemily, Em-N-Em. Etcetera, etcetera.) 🙂 (I just loved that the main character’s name was Emily alright!)

There was a bittersweet romance. I was tempted for a while there to Google who the Bronte sister ended up with… but thankfully I didn’t! It was sweet, and had a satisfying ending.

And the relationship between the sisters was captured so perfectly! The MC’s name IS Emily, but I have to say that she is much more my little sister’s personality – she is the younger sister, after all. Again, MacColl captured such a realistic and true-to-the-facts relationship between Charlotte and Emily. And it certainly was relatable, as an older sibling myself. 😉

I did have a few complaints, which is why this book gets four stars instead of five:

1: I predicted the mystery about 2/3 of the way in. Mostly after that the intrigue was a matter of how the issue was going to be resolved, and the action, which is always fun.

2: I said before that there was a small romance that I enjoyed, but it just didn’t feel realistic. A) Insta-love. Meh. Apparently the characters had a *small* history as kids but I didn’t get any of that, and everything went so fast! It was “boom, boom, BOOM – oh hey I’m kissing you now, that’s cool.” B) The romance simply didn’t have a place in this story. The character who ended up in a romance was never actually involved in a real person with that name and everything (trying not to give anything away; apologies for being vague!) when they actually lived some two hundred years ago and… I just didn’t see any purpose for it at all. I might have liked it more if I knew a bit more about the love interest (he felt like such a flat character and that was sad because he had a ton of room for a more explained back story) but… my overall feelings of that was just: “Eh. They’re alright.”

So Always Emily gets four stars! (Also, I just have to add that I now desperately want to read one of the Bronte sisters’ books, even more now!!)





have you read this book? what did you think? sound like something you’d be interested in? 🙂


(mini) stacking the shelves #33

Hey everyone! This week’s stack is pretty small, but this time, when I say I’ve added books to the shelves, I literally mean I ADDED books to my shelves. Emily The Library Advocate *BOUGHT* two books this week! (My wallet’s feeling significantly less thick, but no regrets.) I did splurge and buy one full-price (gasp! Yes, I take after my mom in that department: never pay full-price for a thing) buuut I did save big on the other, so here are the books.


By now I’m preeetty sure you’ve heard of that top book: RUBY RED by Kerstin Gier.

Guys. Guys. Peoples, listen up. THIS SERIES IS AMAZING. It is a time travel novel with an EPIC plot, adorable romance… the plot only gets better and better as the series go on, AHHHH I was so in love with that ending. It’s huge in Germany, and it totally deserves more buzz in the US of A because hooooly canoly, it was awesome. Ruby Red is the first in a trilogy; there are two movies for the first two out so far, the third being filmed now. Unfortunately only the first movie can be found with English voice overs (the others are in German), but it was still pretty great nonetheless.

I borrowed Ruby Red and the other two books from the library, but I just had to own at least the first book. Soooo after procrastinating it for months, I finally ordered my first book from Thrift Books! This website is an online used bookstore, with only $1 shipping or free shipping with orders of $10 or more! (And for that, you could order 2-3 hardbacks with free shipping.) I love it and will definitely be ordering from them again!

The title in German is “Rubinrot.” 

SO: order from Thrift Books. Get Ruby Red. Somehow. Go to your local library, kids. Order it online. Steal it from a neighboring German. (Wait scratch that, we bookworms do have morals.) It’s amazing.


HELP HELP MY FEELINGS. Somebody read this series.

OKAY so the second book is one I’ve had my eye for a long time and finally splurged on: ENTWINED by Heather Dixon. I’ve decided to start it; I began All Fall Down by Ally Carter but just wasn’t in the mood for a dystopian. (Is it a dystopian? I was confused.) I’ll probably come back to AFD and love it, iiii just couldn’t get into it this week.


Entwined is really unique, so far. It’s a fairy tale retelling, but I love that it actually feels like a fairy tale style story. There are lots of fairy tale stories in YA… but they’re either fantasy or dystopia or sci-fi or contemporary. Which are great, but this one is told as an actual fairy tale and I like that. It’s new. It’s supposed to be a “Twelve Dancing Princesses” retelling, which rings a bell but I’m not really familiar with that one, so should be exciting.

So that’s this week’s books! But before I go, I did have a question for you all.

The amount of comments I get on each post has been really varying; sometimes I’ll get five or six and other times I’ll get none! The problem is, I can’t find a pattern for what the posts that do/don’t get many comments have in common. I know I did a survey back in December as a 2015 end-of-the-year thing, but I wanted to know if the comments has anything to do with the time of/which day it’s on… or the format of my posts. I can be either sarcastic and silly, or kind of serious and formal in my posts. (It really depends on my mood.) Which do you prefer? What kind of posts are you influenced to comment on? Thanks for your help!

what books did you get this week? have you read ruby red or entwined? do you want to? happy weekend!



the infinity dreams award!

YES that title totally merited an exclamation point. Because tags are exciting and sweet Izel tagged me (ages ago but that’s okay!) and I adore ALLLL of her questions. (Except the rules are I have to come up 11 facts about myself & I’m really terrible at making myself sound interesting sooooo. I may struggle with that? Let’s try it and see!)


1. I’m copying one of Izel’s facts so I don’t have to struggle with the first one: I HATE being late. I hate feeling rushed in general. I get antsy and annoyed — but I also hate being too early. (Because standing around awkwardly before no one else is there is embarrassing and bothersome and SOCIALIZING CAN STINK.)

2. I always have music playing when it’s quiet. Whether I’m home alone or in my room where it’s quiet, I have my favorites playlist on. (Which if you’re interested, can be found here.) I like country, pop, classical, jazz, old, new – I listen to it all. (But I love Taylor Swift – her older stuff – and Michael Buble!)

3. I feel guilty when I watch too much TV and neglect my books. GILMORE GIRLS RUINED ME for all of two months. (On that note, I just finished it & I’M MISSING MY GIRLS. But I started Once Upon a Time with my mom, so yay for a new distraction from reading!) 

4. I sniff books, but in a different way. I don’t just stick my nose in the middle of the open book! (I mean, you can’t even smell it that well. C’mon now.) I have a highly more accurate method: while holding the book open, I hold the thicker side up and riffle the pages near my nose. You get a breezy scent wafting to your nostrils and it is GLORIOUS. (one of my weird quirks. I’d do it in school sometimes in the hopes no one was looking….)

5. Best vacation ever: the Disney cruise my family and I went on last year. (And we’re going again this year, so the countdown is ON.)

6. Teenagers BOTHER me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m home-schooled so I don’t have to deal with them on a regular basis or because the ones I do interact with at co-op aren’t quite so… “boyfriend/girlfriend social media all things cool” obsessed or WHAT. but i don’t understand *most* of them. 

*most of them. some of them are cool, like you. and me.

7. I cry easily in books and movies. In fact, I cry probably once or twice a month simply because I’m an intuitive and sensitive person – whether for myself or someone else but A LOT OF TIMES FOR FICTIONAL PEOPLE. (The movie I cry over every time is The Lost Valentine, a Hallmark movie. Go watch it & have your heart ripped out, you’re missing out on a lot.)

8. I have two cats, a dog, three turtles, and four fish. We recently lost a frog – we used to have four, and before that two, and before that another two (frogs aren’t lucky in our house), and a snail. We’re hoping to get a Gary Jr. for our fish tank. (Get it? Gary? Spongebob’s snail has left a legacy so he gets a snail named after him.)

9. 99% of my closet is stripes or polka dots. If I’m not wearing one of those, I’m wearing a solid color. Seriously. It’s practically all I wear.

10. My first concert was a Taylor Swift concert. YOU CAN’T BEAT THAT.

11. The best Christmas gift I got was my own room. (My parents snuck that by me, seriously! They moved my dad’s office and everything, and I walked into an empty ex-office with a bed and all.) The video is cute but embarrassing. I still adore my room – between little knick-knacks, posters, and allll my books, it’s very me. 

Now for Izel’s questions!

Have you made any friends from blogging? HAVE I? So many. Brooke, Izel, Trisha, Amanda, Ana, Katie, Grace, Madi – I’m probably missing many more but you all mean a lot to me! The best friend I’ve made so far is Brooke, my pen pal, Facetime pal, text pal, email pal – she’s awesome, and I’m so grateful I met her through my blog. 🙂

Who are your favorite bloggers? Everyone linked and listed above! You can also check my friends page on the blog.

What type of book covers are you drawn to? Very simple ones: Red Queen is beautiful yet simplistic. Also ones with nice illustrations: Mandy and Waiting for Normal are two childhood favorites with adorable drawings of the main characters, which I’m usually not a fan of but it works for childhood books. And ones with girls in pretty dresses! The Heir and The Winner’s Curse are stunning!


What do you want to see more of in YA? I want more CROSSOVERS. I want a Cinderella in WWII, or a dystopian society in the past, or a fairy time traveler! I don’t want same-old, same-old plain genres. I want this and that, and everywhere in between!

Is there anything you want for your blog? (New design/plugin etc…) Oh, I definitely have my eye on a new theme I’ve got my eye on for FTB in April for its second birthday… everything is under wraps for now, but I’ve already shared some ideas with my dad and I’m so hyped to unveil what I’m got in my head because it’s been rattling around in there for months now.

Have you ever thought about having a co-blogger join you on your blog? I have. The thing is, I wouldn’t be against co-blogging with someone somewhere seperate. But For the Bookish is my outlet, and my home-away-from-home alone. I started it having no clue how much I would love blogging, and it’s become so much mine… I really can’t see sharing it with anybody! My dad helped my design it, I plan out every post, take the pictures, and put a lot of thought into everything I write. It’s a bit like my baby. 🙂


Favorite pass time besides reading/blogging? BESIDES reading and blogging?! However could there be such a thing?! To be perfectly honest, these are the only two things I NEVER have to force myself to do, sooo… they’re definitely the top two. I never want to stop. However, I do love to play piano, sew, and I’m constantly writing. Maybe you’ll hear me play/buy my skirts/read my books someday? 😉

How do you feel when you don’t blog? Crabby. Especially when I go too long. Really! It’s my passion and, like I said before, an outlet of sorts. Talking to you all and brainstorming ideas is ridiculously fun!

Where do you get your post inspiration from? I’ve got a busy busy brain. I couldn’t turn it off if I tried!! I do a lot of tags though. I also bounce ideas off of other bloggers’ posts sometimes too. I’ve also been a bookworm for as long as I can remember, and I rarely had someone in my life who could really relate to that (and read the same books I read) so I don’t often have a problem thinking of something to post about.

What’s your favorite social media and why? Pinterest! It’s a bit… scary how much I end up scrolling through that website! Also Goodreads, because it’s Bookworm Heaven. (You can follow me here on Pinterest and here on Goodreads.)

What are your top 5 favorite songs right now? In no particular order: Then She Appeared by XTC, Out of Place by Gavin Thorpe, The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert, This Kiss by Faith Hill, and Something Out of Me by Nichole Nordeman.

I NOMINATE: Amanda | | Grace | | Hannah | | Lady Literature

(I can’t think of 11 bloggers, so four will have to do.) 🙂


  1. Thank and follow the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Tell us eleven facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers & set 11 questions for them.


  1. What are your favorite movies when you’re not in the mood for a book?
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where and why?
  4. Best compliment you ever received?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  6. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  7. What is your Meyers Briggs personality type?
  8. Which book have you re-read the most?
  9. What’s your favorite word?
  10. Sour, sweet, or chocolate?

answer some of the questions for me! i hope everyone nominated can do the award; it’s a ton of fun! what are your top favorite songs right now? and who are your blogging besties??


reading priorities?

Believe it or not, Emily, The Queen of Procrastination, has priorities. I make lists — lots of them. On my mirror, on paper, on sticky notes, in my head (and they all come to me at night, EVERY ONE OF ‘EM, geez!) The point is: I am always thinking about the books I need to read, the ones I need to buy, hold, look for, send, pre-order, get signed, take with me, get rid of, borrow, lend – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


It’s crazy overwhelming, but a ton of fun. The day I die, my last thought shall be “But I didn’t finish my book…”

Because there are a LOT of books to read. I even wrote a post about it on TBR piles a few weeks ago. But this post is a bit different, because today I am tackling the tricky topic (say that ten times fast!) of: reading priorities.

More often lately, I’ve found myself reading three or four books at once. Currently, I am reading three and listening to one on audio. Just a few months ago, I would have said I strictly oppose that habit, because a few years ago I was always toting around two or three or four or five books at once and it drove me nutty!

But here’s the thing: one of my biggest pet peeves it wasting time. Wasting time on anything, really, not just on books, but because it’s just a general annoyance of mine I don’t like wasting any time on a book I will dislike. I do try to push through, however, because an even bigger pet peeve is not finishing books. Yet it’s frustrating because when I dislike a book, it can take me f o r e v e r  to get through – when I’m just DYING inside to read another! (I feel like I’m cheating on my book! “I need to like you so I’m trying, but I just… don’t…”) So recently when I started reading several books at one time again, I remembered why it can sometimes be useful.

I end up reading one book 99% of the time. Yes, I’ve got three on my nightstand, but I’m really involved in only one. It can help me find the book I want to read at that time while still pushing through the others I don’t want to DNF. Breeze through 100 pages of the book you’re really into and read a chapter in the other. Easy peasy.

That said, I’m a nice person. I try to be considerate. I know from experience how hard it can be to write a book, and how much time and effort it takes to bring that story alive. I won’t want my readers to give my book only a portion of their time when I have a book published. So I do feel a tad guilty at times.

I want to give a book my full attention. Reading more than one book at once divides my time. It’s easy to get the characters confused (me, I never forget anything – it’s a curse and a gift, think of me as Ella Enchanted – so this isn’t such a big problem of mine.) But I think this can result in thinking less of a book because your mind is on the other better book of the time. If I had read The Winner’s Trilogy next to another (older) favorite, The Selections series, would I have liked The Selection less? Which one would I have picked? I’m more into The Winner’s Trilogy at the moment because it’s newer to me, but what if I read both at once? I guess I’ll never know.

I’m about to say something that may sound a little silly but I think you’ll get where I’m coming from: sometimes you just have a duty to read a book, but it’s not because I want to. (I have a feeling if I said that to my family they might think I’m being funny, but this is a serious matter!) Listen: when my sister or cousin, who aren’t big readers at all, find a book they’re passionate about, I want to read it because they want me to. I want to be excited for and with them. If my friend lends me a book, I try to read it even if it’s not my style. My mom and I have made deals where I will read a book she likes if she’ll read a book I like, and it’s a fun trade. We both get to talk to each other about books we love, even if we wouldn’t have picked up those books otherwise.

Another scenario is if the book is a “big-hype” book. At the moment I’m listening to Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. To be frank, I’m not really enjoying it so much; but it’s a popular book and I simply wanted to see what made it such a big deal. Now whether or not that should be the reason I read a book? That’s a different topic entirely!

For another day, how ’bout it?

so i guess i don’t really have a right or wrong answer for any of these questions, but i want to hear what you think!

do you read multiple books at one time? what do you think of it? and do you prioritize your books, and the order you read them, or which ones need to be read first? how long does it take you to read a book you dislike?


resist by emily ann putzke

You know those books that just leave you in a daze, staring at a wall before finally closing the book, still feeling like you’re inside the characters’ world? This is one of those books. I’m in awe of Emily Ann Putzke’s beautiful writing, and her talent to capture what life would have been like in 1940s Germany so perfectly and detailed.


It took me a long time to get into this book – took me a little over than a week to finish, which is rare for a reader like me. That said, I’m almost glad I took my time with it because I’m not ready to say goodbye to Hans and Sophie!

I loved Hans. I don’t read many books from the perspective of males, but wow. Hans was just SO easy to adore: his passion for his cause, desire to protect his friends and family… specifically his younger sister, Sophie! AHH! Their relationship! I don’t have a brother, though I am an older sister, so I still felt like I could relate to Hans and the way he looked at Sophie. His determination, his devoted beliefs, throughout EVERYTHING he went through. He was just an all-around amazing main character who really touched me. I hope everyone who reads this book gets that too.

There were some flaws; I wasn’t a fan of all the background information given to me in the beginning. BUT I’m just so moved by this story, the poetic writing… I really couldn’t give this book any less than five stars.


The fact that this book is largely based on the true story of Hans and Sophie Scholl (brings tears to my eyes because wow wow wow) and Emily took that with such real-life detail – yet the right amount of creative license – is incredible. She did wonderful! (And now I really want to learn more about the real-life Hans and Sophie and their anti-Nazi leaflet, The White Rose.)

I became attached to ALL of the characters in this book

[learn_more caption=”SPOILERS”] (which sucks because NOOOOOOO. My heart. It hurts.)[/learn_more]

and… I… have no idea what else to say. I’M IN LOVE.


So this book obviously HAS to get five stars. (After raving and going on like how on earth could it not?!) My heart hurts. I’m tempted to start this story all over again because I reealllly hate leaving Hans and Sophie behind… I also feel like I can walk away knowing a lot more about WWII and living in Germany during this time, which is wonderful as I love learning more about that specific time period.


Be sure to grab this one as soon as it hits shelves on February 22nd!

does this sound like something you’ll read? have you read any of emily ann putzke’s other books? (this has been on my first!)


stacking the shelves #32

HI GUYS. Emily here. (In case you didn’t know.) (And if you didn’t, well, Em’s the name, books are the game. So hi.) This week I have such a PURRTTY STACK. Basically: my world’s on fire, how bout yours? that’s the way I’ll like it and I’ll never get bored… because really. How could you be bored when there’s a library FIVE minutes down the road?! Sometimes I feel so bad for non-bookworms. They’re simply using less brain capacity than we do, hello.


SEE. What did I tell you?? so pretty! And this picture it totally worth the fact that my neighbor getting his mail was giving me strange looks. He must be new, ’cause all the others are probably used to me by now. You know, in my fuzzy pajamas taking a hundred shots in the same angle of books in my front yard. The ush.

SAPPHIRE BLUE by Kerstin Gier: This. Series. This series is KILLIN’ ME. I’m not going to go into too much detail about this one, because it is a sequel. I do have a review up on Goodreads here for the first book, Ruby Red, even though the review won’t be up on the blog until March. In a nutshell, this book is the second in a time travel trilogy set in London. The book was originally written in German and has two movies for books one and two out; but only the first movie can be watched with English voice-overs. The final movie comes out this summer, and if you live in Germany and/or speak German, go you. I hate you.

So if you haven’t read this series yet (it’s known as The Ruby Red Trilogy in some translations, the Precious Stone Trilogy in others; the first book is Ruby Red) WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!! Go get it. Go. Now.


*I have finished Sapphire Blue and emotionally EXHAUSTED. I’m dying to get my hands on Emerald Green, so if your library happens to have these books GO PUT IT ON HOLD. (and then come back here & thank me. *hair flip*)

WOLF BY WOLF by Ryan Graudin: This is a new(ish) book, published late October of 2015. It sounds like a really interesting concept: 1956, Hitler won WWII (yikes), and our main character has some anger issues. (FOR GOOD REASON, OK? OK.) Apparently Yael (interesting name, let’s go with it) has survived cruel experimentation and a death camp and is out to get his wrath on Mr. Hitler himself. SOUNDS COOL, right?! Plus: the cover.

I mean, look at it.

THE GIVER QUARTET by Lois Lowry: pssssshhhh, you know this book. c’mon now. If ya don’t, I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under. (No offense to you though, really, because I am way behind on 98.7% of popular series. True calculations.) I actually already have all four books in one nice bind-up plus a paperback copy of the first one, but now I have each individual one in hardback, yay! (Thanks Grandma!) I’ve read the first Giver book, but not the others and now I have no excuse not to read them! (That one bind-up is ginormous and hurts my palms to hold, so there.) I think the next one is…. Gathering Blue? Yup, just double-checked. Gathering Blue, here I come!


GLASS SWORD by Victoria Aveyard: Oh, look, there goes Emily. You’re going to find her post hyperventilating in front of her computer. “She was a good girl, that Emily. Died doing what she loved…” *whispers* IT’S HERE. Glass Sword, sequel to Red Queen, hit shelves February 9! Noooow… I’m not the biggest fan of Red Queen; I gave it 3.5 stars…. buuut I like joining hype. And you know what? This series has so much possibility. The first book in a series is almost never my favorite, so I’m thrilled. And you mind getting all fangirly with me over the fact that I own a) a hardback SIGNED copy of Red Queen, heck yes!, b) a hardback copy of Glass Sword (matching hardbacks in a series FINALLY), and c) a beautiful poster for the Red Queen books?! LOOK AT IT.


Now, pay attention: if you haven’t snatched up your copy of Glass Sword yet, go to Barnes & Noble because their copy has some really neat stuff: a tear-out poster (which I think looks amazing!) featuring all of the different types of powers in the book and a guide to each superpower on the back, and a “deleted scene” – an alternate beginning to Glass Sword! I’m a lucky girl because my mom bought this copy as a Valentine’s gift, so thanks mom!


In other news, I’m back on Wattpad! *passes virtual cookies around* (someone please invent a way for me to just pass you a chocolate chip cookie through the screen okay? I mean obviously that could be a dangerous invention because of other stuff people might try to transport but I just wanna give my blog read readers a COOKIE.) I’ve been on Wattpad for about three years, that’s crazy. If you didn’t know it’s a website to publish stories you’ve written and share them with other writers like you. But as long as I have been on this website I never finish a stinkin’ story! So yeah. I put up something, you can read it if it floats your boat here. I’m not trying to write the best story in the world, I’m just trying to FINISH something fun in my free time, so there you are. 🙂 Follow me, shameless advertising!

what books did you get this week? have you read any listed above?



99 daily thoughts of a bookworm.

1. (Sometime in the wee hours of the morning.) too early. this light — what IS THIS LIGHT. Go away light.

2. *gasps* THAT CHAPTER. where-?

3. My bookmark is missing, where’s my bookmark, where was I, what

4. Oh, on the floor. Along with the book.

5. I must have fallen asleep reading it and


7. Oh, wrong book.

8. I meant: FOUR & TRIS NO.


10. Okay where was I.

11. Have to update on Goodreads: I SMELL TROUBLE

12. *opens app* No. No, no, it can’t be this late already. Nooo.

13. Ugggghhh not school.

14. I mean, I know how to sneak past an out-of-control government with an apple alone if I had to.

15. or stab a guy in the eye with a butter knife.

16. or program an Iko.

17. WHY SCHOOL why.

18. Okay, math.

19. Oh a text message from my bookworm buddy!

20. “Have… to… do… school. Ugh-” 

21. New message: “OMG I just finished that book you told me about and blahblahblah AHHH SO GOOD.”

22. “KFKYFYAE:OL&%HJH WHAT’D I SAY. What did you think of this part – and that – and then the – AHH SO GOOD.”

23. Oh, darn you Algebra.

24. I need a Jess to help me out here. Didn’t she take pre-calculus or some big class in middle school or something?

25. This sucks.

26. Ooh, lunch break.

27. Lemme just —

28. Let’s see if I can –

29. Ugh no reading and eating simultaneously never gets easier.


31. Life as we know it is over.

32. Okay English class! This is good.

33. I mean obvs my vocab is superb from those 100 books I read last year

34. Look Charles I don’t speak English

35. What is this Dickens dude talking about?!!

36. Alrighty so he’s no Sarah Dessen

37. sigh.

38. At least it counts to my Goodreads reading goal.

39. Okay new break: let’s bloooog.

40. Ooh new comment!

41. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh…

42. WHAT. She didn’t LIKE that book?!

43. ohhhhhh no she didn’t.

44. I can’t talk to her. no no no way.

45. Let’s watch a booktuber.

46. Oh, great, another ARC I DON’T HAVE.

47. Grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, cousin, aunt, uncle, FOURTH COUSIN OF MY MOM’S SISTER’S DOG’S NEIGHBOR?

48. Um, mind if I enter you in this giveaway? for a book?

49. Just, um, tell me if I – I mean you – I mean me – win. Just send it to my address, okay?

50. I didn’t win.


52. Oh. Of course it’s the sequel to the book I haven’t even read yet and now I have to buy it.


54. omg that book’s gonna be a movie

55. in German.

56. MOM why am I learning Latin and not GERMAN. What is wrong with you woman.

57. New email from bookworm buddy 1001: Have you read {insert popular book EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET has read}???

58. No no I have not.

59. Thanks for being the 1,000,000th person to ask. you’re cool like that.


61. Dad dad dad will you drive me to the library? YAY thanks daddy love you.

62. Why can’t I drive yet.

63. Omg I have 14 books on hold shoot

64. I’m gonna need a bag… or two…

65. Hi librarians! You’re so sweet.

66. I’m going to be such an awesome old lady librarian like them someday.

67. oh my gosh. oh my gosh. Does that girl have THAT book?

68. Should I tell her how good it is?

69. Should I tell her I met the author?

70. Should I tell her I cried in that end scene?

71. Oh no.

72. She’s –

73. Is that chocolate on the cover jacket there?

74. I mean I hope it’s not something else.

75. She’s still checking it out though. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

76. “I-”

77. She didn’t hear me.

78. She’s leaving.

79. Chicken.

80. “Hi, yes, all those books are for me, no I loved that one, oh yeah that one’s overdue, I’m also checking this one out and this one is to return and no I don’t owe any fines”

81. *phone ringing*


83. almost done dad. 



86. {Resigned, boring} “Sure”

87. “OKAY HERE GOES: blahblahblahblah DOESN’T IT SOUND COOL?”

88. “Mmm, yeah.”

89. Forget you.

90. BROOKE has read it, anyway.

91. She says it’s good.

92. If she says it it has to be true.

93.*begins reading*

94. Holy canoly what purpose in life have I had prior to reading this book?

95. *gets out of car*

96. (nine hours later)

97. It’s midnight.

98. Should probably stop now…

99. Forty-three pages left.

the books i want to see as movies

I have a love/hate relationship with book-to-movie adaptions. Sometimes they’re the best thing to have happened since man landed on moon (because they’re OUT OF THIS WORLD HAHAHA) and sometimes they’re the worst thing to happen since squirtable cheese. (But really: cheese in a can. Why?) (Assuming no one who follows my blog has a thing for cheese in a can. No offense, of course.)


But if the following books were turned into films as perfectly as I wanted them… YES. I would be the first in line to buy in tickets. I would be sitting outside the theater for months because these books are epic already. Putting them on a screen with physical people and thrilling theme songs?

the winner’s trilogy by marie rutkoski

This is the latest on the list (I’ve only read them two or three weeks ago) but I am absolutely infatuated with everything about these books! The books are action-packed and romantic, but they also explore somewhat taboo topics. The setting was inspired by the Greco-Roman period, so think slaves and villains and horses and ballgowns. Also: the main character can’t fight. She’s not a Katniss Everdeen or Tris Prior; she’s feminine but still a highly skilled strategist and very sneaky. I love that! I could relate for once. (So here’s to the girls whose primary exercise is carrying towering stacks of books.)

The book trailer alone is so fantastic, can you IMAGINE a movie trailer?!

It also feels historical, which I LOVE. I mean, I can enjoy a dystopian or sci-fi just as much as the next girl, but historical-like books or ones with a medieval feel give me life! All that to say: this book is different, but every bit as captivating as the newest trend in YA and Hollywood. (I also would not protest to seeing the gorgeous gowns featured in the movie.)


super proud of that picture! ^_^

finding audrey by sophie kinsella

I had to close my eyes and imagine this one, but now I can easily see it as a cute film I’d go see. The thing about this one that’s different is it’s not just a “cute book” or film. This story deals with anxiety and social issues and depression. But the talent of Sophie Kinsella is that she managed to combine all of that with humor! The book had me laughing so hard, at Audrey’s hilarious family and her adorable love interest. I think it could be the perfect movie for a girls’ night: a good laugh, a good cry, cute boy, and that girl-power inspiration that leaves you feeling great.

the selection series by kiera cass

The more books I read and the more time that passes since having read these books (almost two years) the more I realize that the books themselves do have some flaws. THAT SAID… I unashamedly adore them. They get a bad wrap in the book world for being cliche or cheesy and whatnot but sometimes you just need a book like that to lighten things up! The boys in this book are sooo fictional (translation: sheer perfection), the clothes would be fab (excuse the fashionista side of me showing, oopsie-daisy), the plot continues to thicken… there are tougher, more emotional parts of the story (The Elite had me sobbing: it’s my favorite) but I also loved all the relationships! Marlee and America and all the girls Mer connects with… GAHHH it would just make an epic movie!

There I am meeting one of my favorite authors, Kiera Cass, at my first ever book signing!
Meeting Kiera at my first author signing was a blast!

(pssssst. and guess what? it’s being considered to be a movie, YESSS. More info about it can be found here. Keeping my fingers crossed!)


Of course I’m also not gonna pass up the chance to take a picture of my white book when our entire yard is white. Snow, you make every picture look 100 times more beautiful. 

the lunar chronicles by marissa meyer

I see space ships and so many ships (hahaha get it??!) and epic sets and scenery and a killer actor as the evil Queen Lavana (I see Julia Roberts… she rocked it as the evil queen in Mirror, Mirror! Or Angelina Jolie as Maleficent, though I haven’t seen that one. They’re just great for evil queen roles! Anyone else??) and SO MUCH ACTION and bloodshed and plague and intrigue and a whole crew of famous actors. The friendships and relationships in this series are the best part, I think! What Marissa Meyer did well was incorporate SO many people and perspectives and still manage to make the books make sense. So if this were to be turned into a movie, I would want a cast of well-known actors to excite a TON of fans. (Plus how fun would behind-the-scenes videos be with that crew be?!) And I’d need a part two and three and four because these books cover SO much. THE FEELS AHHHHH.


interrupted by rachel coker

I see this being something like the hallmark movie, The Lost Valentine (which is MY GO-TO romantic, “I just wanna have a good cry” movie. EVERY DANG TIME PEOPLE.) Also: maybe produced by Pure Flix or Hallmark. I love the focus on not just the romance or WWII (though both are perfection) but the main character’s faith, and her struggle with Christianity. Annnnd… okay, the romance too. (Have you MET Sam Carroll?!) This book has everything: romance, faith, tears, plot… and it’s historical fiction! Set during WWII, nonetheless. I would cry if I found out it was being made into a movie. And WHY it doesn’t have a billion awards, I can’t seem to figure out. This book is a hidden masterpiece!


code name verity by elizabeth wein

Here’s another WWII historical fiction (because WWII ones are my favorites!) that has so much possibility. It reminded me a bit of the movie Unbroken (which is intense… but amazing, and based on a true story!) because our protagonist is a pilot who ends up in a Nazi imprisonment camp. Except what I adore about Code Name Verity is the main character – whose name isn’t revealed until the end, so we’ll call her Verity – is female, and there isn’t any romance in this book! (*gasp* A young adult book with no romance?! But what young adult would read that?!) This is a story about best friends and how they met, and Verity’s story as a British spy. It’s a Holocaust story but it’s not just this period in history that touches you at the end. The story itself is brilliantly plotted, and every word is well-researched and stunning. I would love to see that translated on the big screen.


have you read any of these books? would you like to see them as movies? and do you have any to add to the list?
